高考英语一轮复习 unit5 Music 课件 新人教版必修2(浙江专用)

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1、2013届高考英语一轮复习课件届高考英语一轮复习课件新人教版浙江专用(2)dream of(1) I dreamt about flying last night. (2) Everyone dreams of a better future. dream of /about (doing) sth.意思是_;dream of/about sb. /sth.意思是_。答案答案 梦想着做;梦见某人/某物短语短语dream ones life away 虚度光阴dream sth. up 设想出来;想象;凭空想出like a bad dream 噩梦般令人难以置信ones dream comes

2、true 梦想变成现实dream of根据语境猜词义(1) The crowd started to break up when the night fell. (2) Their marriage broke up. (3) The police tried to break up the crowd. (4) Sentences can be broken up into clauses. (5) The ship broke up on the rock. break up根据语义找匹配A. 破裂B. 破碎C. 拆开D. 散开E. 驱散 答案答案 (1) D (2) A (3) E (4

3、) C (5) Bbreak up短语短语break away from 逃脱;摆脱breakup 拆开;结束(关系);关闭(公司);(用 武力)迫使放弃break down (机器等)出故障;失败;(身体)垮; (化学)分解;划分break off 断开;折断;停顿break upbreak in 闯入;强行进入;打断;插嘴break into 强行进入,打断break out (疾病、灾害、战争、火灾等不好的东 西)突然爆发break through 冲过,取得突破/有重大发现;从云 层后露出;克服;战胜break ones promise/word 食言break up短语短语活用活用

4、用break 构成的词组填空(1) After the storm the sun _ the clouds. (2) The fire _ at midnight. Luckily, no one was in the house. (3) When he found that he couldnt do it as he planned, he _ and cried. break up答案答案 (1) broke through (2) broke out (3) broke down活用活用 单项填空(4) The couple had quarreled all the time b

5、efore they _their engagement. A. broke down B. broke through C. broke off D. broke out解解析析考查break动词短语辨析。quarrel暗示中断婚约。break off the conversation/relations中断交谈/关系。break upC活用活用 单项填空(5) News reports say peace talks between the two countries _ with no agreement reached. A. have broken down B. have brok

6、en outC. have broken in D. have broken up解解析析题意是:据新闻报道,两国和谈由于没有达成一致意见而破裂。所以答案是A。break upA(1) To be honest, it was one of the worst books Ive ever read. (2) To be honest, shes only interested in Mike because of his money. 根 据 语 境 语 义 : to be honest意 思 是 :_。to be honest答案答案 (1)老实说(2)说实在的链接链接honesty n.

7、 诚实;忠实;真实honestly adv. 真实地;诚实地dishonest adj. 不诚实的短语短语honestly speaking 说实话地;说真地be honest in doing sth. 在做某事方面坦诚;坦率句型句型It is honest of sb. to do sth. 某人在做某事方面诚实to be honest活用活用 单项填空(1) To be _ you, I wouldnt attend the concert at all. A. honest at B. the honest of C. honest with D. the honest on解解析析

8、考查短语搭配。根据honest所形成的短语搭配是to be honest with you“诚实地说”。 to be honestC活用活用 单项填空(2) Its so uncomfortable to stay here. _, I want to leave. A. Honest B. Honesty C. To be honest D. Truth解解析析 考查短语搭配。根据honest所形成的短语搭配是to be honest“说实在的”。 to be honestC attachto 认为有(重要性);附上;连接 We should attach great importance

9、to matters concerning benefits of the common people. 关系老百姓切身利益的事情一定要重视。短语短语attach sth. to 系;绑;连接be attached to 附属于,爱慕;与联系起来attach importance / significance to sth.重视某事 Their personal life was regularly discussed by people who did not know them but talked as if they were close friends. (P38) 素 不 相识的人

10、们经常议论他们的私生 活,就像是谈论他们亲密的朋友一样。1观察下列例句 (1) How wild his white hair looked as if it had been electrified! 他 的白发看上去十分凌乱,好像触了电似的。(虚拟语气) (2) She seems as if she is going to cry. 她似乎要哭了。(陈述事实) (3) He acts as if a fool. 他做事像个傻子。 (4) As if we were all stupid and he alone clever! 仿佛我们都是傻瓜,只有他一个人聪明似的!陈述语气分词、形容词

11、、副词、不定式、 介词短语等,是省略句 had done sth. (过去) did sth./ were (现在) would do sth. (将来)感叹句(对某项建议、假设和推测表示不赞成、惊讶、不满和厌 恶等)(1) as if/though虚拟语气2归纳 (2) 连词as ifas though,意为“仿佛,好像,似乎”。通常用在be,look,seem,sound,taste,smell及feel等连系动词的后面。其后的从句可以用陈 述 语气,表示与客观事实相吻合;但多用于虚拟语气,与客观事实不相吻合。2归纳2归纳巧记:巧记: as if表示虚拟的时候,有三种表达形式,分别表示对过

12、去、现在和将来所发生的事或存在的状态进行虚拟,而时间的判断是学习者最难以把握的。现在我们就介绍一种简单易行的办法:以主句谓语动词为基点,从句的动作发生在它之前,就用had done;同步发生,就用did/were;发生在其后,就用would do。had donedid/werewould do 主句谓语动词 之前同步 之后 He spoke in that way as if he were a foreigner. 他 讲 话 的方式就好像是老外。(“讲话”与“是个老外”同步发生)巧记:巧记:活用活用 单项填空He held his pen as if he _what to write.

13、 A. has known B. had known C. knew D. known解解析析考查as if/though从句的用法。知道写什么发生在held his pen 之前。B Freddy and his band realized that they must leave the country before it became too painful for them. (P38) 弗兰迪和他的乐队意识到在这一切变得太痛苦之前他们必须离开这个国家。通过语境猜词义(1) We lived in a house before we moved to the flat. (2) It

14、was long before we fell to sleep. (3) It wasnt long before we finished our homework. (4) Lock your bike before it gets stolen. (5) Make the water clean before it flows into the river. (6) She ran out before we stopped her. (7) Id shoot myself before I apologized to her. 根据语义找匹配A. 还没来得及就 B. 没过多久就C. 在

15、还没时候就 D. 在之前E. 以免 F. 过多长时间才G. 宁愿也不愿答案答案 (1)D (2) F (3) B (4) E (5) C (6) A (7) G 句型句型It was 时间段before 过多久才It will be 时间段 before 多久之后才活用活用 单项填空(1) Its three years _my brother joined the army and it will be ten days _he comes back to see our parents. A. when; after B. since; when C. before; until D. s

16、ince; beforeD解析解析 考查连接词的用法。从语义上看:他参军已经 3 年。我们使用的是“Its 时间段 since 主语 一般 过去时”句型。而后半句则是:过10天他就能回来看望父母了,体现的是“过多久就” 的意思,使用“It will be 时间段 before”活用活用 单项填空解析解析 考查连接词的用法。根据语境:过好长时间卫兵才发现所发生之事,符合“It was时间段before”句型。(2) A man escaped from the prison last night. It was a long time_ the guards discovered what ha

17、d happened. A. before B. until C. since D. when活用活用 单项填空A辨清不同功能的并列连词 在写作中,我们必须认真分析被连接起来的简单句之间内在的逻辑关系,然后选择恰当的并列连词,才能真正写出质量好的并列句。 请认真研读以下并列句,分析其逻辑关系。试试看,如果用别的功能的并列句连词替换,逻辑关系是否会仍然成立?例例题题1 The plane made a sudden turn and all the passengers fell sideward.点点拨拨 后一个分句的意思在前一个分句的意思的基础上有递进。例题例题2 He failed man

18、y times, but he didnt despair. 点点拨拨 后一个分句的意思不是前一个分句意思的顺接,而是出现转折的结果。例题例题3 We stayed at home, for it was raining.点拨点拨 后一个分句是前一个分句的原因的补充。例题例题4 He didnt work hard, so he failed in the examination.点拨点拨 后一个分句是前一个分句的结果。例题例题4 Hurry up, or youll be late for class.点点拨拨 后一个分句的结果与前一个分句的结果是相反的。 由以上的例句可见,并列连词的选择也

19、是要遵循句子间的逻辑关系,如果不小心,同样会犯逻辑错误。活活用用 请根据所给句子的信息及所提供的并列连词完成句子1.This girl did her work carefully, so2. I have to study harder, or答案答案1. This girl did her work carefully, so she never made any mistakes.2. I have to study harder, or I will fall behind others.3. I want to buy the jacket, but4. She didnt come to school today, for5. You have to learn English, and答案答案3. I want to buy the jacket, but I do not have enough money.4. She didnt come to school today, for she was ill.5. You have to learn English, and you must learn it well.



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