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1、广东省汕头市公共英语五级(笔试)测试卷(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、1.Listening Comprehension(15题)1. Why are students enthusiastic for positions in student organizations?A.Because they hate the constant pressure and strain of their study.B.Because they will then be able to stay longer in the university.C.Because such posi

2、tions help them hunt better jobs.D.Because such positions are usually well paid.2. People in Russia are also famous for their longevity.A.Right B.Wrong3. Where was the mail at a plantation passed on to me?4. The talk is mainly about the importance of felt images.A.Right B.Wrong5.听力原文:M:Do you think

3、women are generally better at certain things than men?W:Well,it seems to me women are much better at dealing with more than one thing at a timeI dont know whether this has to do with the difference in their brain or whether its just how they have to cope more often with more than one thingFor exampl

4、e,it is usually women who work,have babieslook after the babies and take the main, responsibility for looking after the homeAnd maybe its practicing all that makes women be better able to do more than one thing at a timeMen,it seems to me,can only concentrate on one thing at a time,including boring

5、domestic things like washing the dishesIf a friend of mine who is a man washes the dishes hell find it quite difficult to conduct a conversation at the same timewhereas if Im doing the dishes Im always talking to someoneprobably cooking something as well,and finding that not too stressfulM:Do you th

6、ink women are more interested in personal relationships than men?W:Generally,yes,though again I dont know if this is because that from an early age they are taught to please other people,whereas men are always taught to please themselvesI think relationships are more central to most womens livesFor

7、exampleI think men dont have very good conversations with each otherwhereas women doIf you listen to women talking,often they will be having,after a relatively short time of knowing each other,fairly personal and truthful conversations,whereas men have conversations not about what Id call real thing

8、sThey will talk about their work in a very superficial way,or their interests in a very superficial way,for example,and football is meumjust a sort of way for men to relate to each other without actually saying anything important,it appears to meAccording to the woman,why women are much better at de

9、aling with more than one thing at a time?A.She doesnt know the reason exactly.B.Because women are smarter than men.C.Because women have more things to deal with than men.D.Because men always refuse to deal with more than one thing at the same time.6. The felt image is much more important because it

10、helps you to be more confident.A.True B.Fasle7. What was potato used for in Europe at first?8. When did the Womens Movement begin in the U. S. A. ?9. Mr Miller enjoys doing things with his own hands.A.Right B.Wrong10. A simple diet high in vitamins and sugar but low in fat and chemicals benefits tho

11、se people in Hunza.A.Right B.Wrong11.Part ADirections: You will hear a talk. As you listen, answer Questions 1-10 by circling TRUE or FALSE. You will hear the talk ONLY ONCE. You now have 1 minute to read Questions 1-10.听力原文: Do It Yourself Magazine organizes a competition every summer to elect the“

12、Handyman of the year”. The winner of this year iS MrRoy Miller. a Sheffield postman. A journalist and a photographer have come to his house. The journalist is interviewing Mr. Miller for an article in the magazine.W:Well, Im very impressed by all the work youve done on your house, Mr. Miller. How lo

13、ng have you been working on it?M:I first became interested in Do-it-Yourself several years ago. You see, my son Paul is disabled. Hes in a wheel-chair and I just had to make alterations to the house. I couldnt afford to pay workmen to do it. I had to learn to do it myself.W:Had you had any experienc

14、e in this kind of work?Did you have any practical skills?M:No. 1 got a few books from the library but they didnt help very much. So I decided to go to evening classes so that I could learn basic carpentry and electrical wiring.W:What sort of changes did you make to the house?M:First of all, practica

15、l things to help Paul. You never really realize the problems handicapped people have until it attacks your own family. Most government buildings, for example, have steps up to the door. They dont plan buildings so that disabled people can get in and out. We used to live in a flat, and of course, it

16、was totally unsuitable. Just imagine the problems a disabled person would have in your house. We needed a larger house with wide corridors so that Paul could get from one room to another. We didnt have much money and we had to buy this one. Its over ninety years old and it was in a very bad state of



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