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1、2022-2023年河北省唐山市公共英语五级(笔试)知识点汇总(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、1.Listening Comprehension(15题)1. Wang has some experience about CAD.A.Right B.Wrong2. With only a good book we are very likely to feel lonely.A.True B.Fasle3. People like the changes in the organization of the companyA.Right B.Wrong4. Accordin

2、g to another explanation,where did this expression probably come from?A.Australia B.Japan C.Netherland D.England5. What is the characteristic of specialty goods?A.They are goods that can be bought at a special priceB.They are special kinds of productsC.They are characterized in their brandsD.They ne

3、ed special efforts to get6. Your wish to visit some far-off places can be realized by just reading books.A.True B.Fasle7. When will the speaker talk about the economic and political changes?8. According to the speaker, what gives modern log homes their warm atmosphere?A.Their small size.B.Their rust

4、ic dirt floors.C.Their walls made up of rounded logs.D.Their sliding board windows.9. The speaker will introduce six departmental managers one by one.A.True B.Fasle10. How can the most effective complaint be made?A.Showing the fault item to the manager.B.Explaining exactly what is wrong with the ite

5、m.C.Saying firmly that the item is of poor quality.D.Asking politely to change the item.11. What are the shopping goods that are basically considered the same?A.Those that satisfy similar needs of the consumerB.Those that consumers dont care where to buyC.Those that consumers spend much time looking

6、 forD.Those that Can be found everywhere12. They started working in 1968 based on the observation made by Jung,the founder of_13. How long did it take for chili pepper to become popular around the world?14. According to the speaker, how do developers contribute to the reduction of amphibian populati

7、on?A.By taking over ponds.B.By constructing sewers.C.By building dams on rivers.D.By flooding marshes.15.听力原文:M:Have you settled in?W:Yes,I feel myself quite at home nowI havent got used to the food yet but Im enjoying the life on campusM:GoodNow wed better make sure you enjoy your studiesWe offer a

8、 very wide range of options on the foundation course,as you know,but you can only take six coursesDo you know what you want to do yet?W:Yes,more or less:but Im not sure whether to do biological sciences or GermanM:Well,thats quite a differenceLets seeyouve selected to do:physical sciences,basic elec

9、tronics,art and design,CADthats computer aided design and EnglishW:Yes,five coursesM:Thats quite a rangeDont you want to do maths or computer programming,for example?W:Well, Im interested in electronics in computers especially in writing computer gamesId like to produce educational software,educatio

10、nal games,eventuallyIve taught myself a lot of programming and I was good at mathsI dont think I need either of themM:Thenwhy did you choose to do an and design?W:Wellthat will be good for my graphicsI need that to produce gamesCADtooIve never done computer aided design beforeM:Norighttheyve got som

11、e powerful packages in the computer graphics and CAD officesyoull enjoy thatSothat leaves EnglishIts mostly English literatureI know your English is all rightBut as a first year studentyoull have to take the Cambridge Proficiency TestW:All fightWho is the man?A.Student advisor.B.Course teacher.C.Adm

12、issions officer.D.Department secretary.二、2.Use of English(10题)16.(47)17.【C20】18.【C4】19.(36)20.【C12】21.【C19】22.(49)23.(44)24.【C15】25.(41)三、3.Reading Comprehension(15题)26.(72)27.(67)28.(78)29.(70)30.(77)31.The Village Green in New Milford, Connecticut, is a snapshot of New England charm: a carefully m

13、anicured lawn flanded by scrupulously maintained colonial homes. Babysitters dandle kids in the wooden gazebo, waiting for commuter parents to return from New York. On a lazy afternoon last week Caroline Nicholas, 16, had nothing more pressing to do than drink in the early-summer sunshine and discus

14、s the recent events in town. I dont think a lot of older people knew there were unhappy kids in New Milford, she said, I could see it corning. In a five-day period in early June eight girls were brought to New Milford Hospital after what hospital officials call suicidal gestures. The girls, all betw

15、een 12 and 17, tried a variety of measures, including heavy doses of alcohol, o-ver-the-counter medicines and cuts or scratches to their wrists. None was successful, and most didnt require hospitalization; but at least two attempts, according to the hospital, could have been vital. Their reasons seemed as mundane as the other happen-stances of suburban life. I was jus



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