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1、2021-2022年山东省东营市大学英语6级大学英语六级重点汇总(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、2.Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(20题)1. The withdrawing of Vioxx only led to some accusations about some other pain relievers.2.Mr. Bellavance cashed out his pension, sold his house and unloaded things he didnt need at garage a

2、fter losing his job in order to change his finances into _ mode.3. The passage is mainly about the differences between conventional and organic fanning.4.Some types of depression are inherited form. generation to generation in _.5. The problems either with the dispenser mechanism or with the bills c

3、an lead to _.6._ is the maintenance of the relatively constant internal environment of the body.7.If youre considering a large university, be sure to find out_ and how many are taught by professors.8.Two opposing camps have different ideas about how to respond to Irans decision to restart_.9.Michael

4、 Ross resigned and spent his unemployment time playing guitar and exploring his lifelong interest in scriptwriting and the movie business for he looked at this as an _, rather than a penalty.10.How does IP rights foster a competitive marketplace?A.They only offer protection for a certain period of t

5、ime.B.They award people who improve their innovation.C.They provide a list of innovations for the society.D.They make the invention of the wheel free to the public.11.Professional treatment from your dentist works better than over-the-counter products in _.12.According to different cultures, negotia

6、tions can be conducted through direct, face-to-face communication or indirect _.13.If a speaker of one speech variety wants to understand a speaker of another speech variety, understanding is more likely than_.14.Stranglers are so called because they_ by blocking the sunlight and competing for the n

7、utrients.15.Study done in Swiss and Cornell University indicated that Bt crops could have unreasonable adverse effects on insects in the field.A.Y B.N C.NG16.The inventor of the rocker chair may not be able to launch the chair into the market because _.A.he hasnt applied for the patentB.he himself c

8、ant make many chairsC.the rocker in the chair is protected by the patentD.the rocker chair has not been proved to be safe17.The increasing length of night is the most stable factor among all the environmental influences on leaves change.A.Y B.N C.NG18.The place where people can get up and say anythi

9、ng they want is _.19.Ice Hotel SwedenSwedens Ice Hotel, first constructed in the late 1980s, is built from scratch every year. A new design, new suites, a brand new receptionin fact everything in it is crisp and new. Every year our building techniques improve and our snow-how increases.The Ice Hotel

10、 is situated on the shores of the Tome River, in the old village of Jukkasjarvi in Swedish Lapland. The incredible structure is one of the best places for an intriguing hotel stay in Sweden, and perhaps the world. 10,000 tons of crystal clear ice from the ice manufacturing plant, the Tome River, and

11、 30,000 tons of pure snow generously supplied by Mother Nature are needed to build the Ice Hotel every year.The Sweden Ice Hotel opens for business beginning in December (depending on the weather) and ends in March.Covering more than 30,000 square feet, the Ice Hotel features an Ice Chapel, the hote

12、l itself, an ice art exhibition hall, a cinema and last but not least, the world famous Absolute Ice Bar.AccommodationThe hotel sleeps over 100 guests, and every bedroom is unique. The sight, as you open the main, reindeer-skin doors, is simply breathtakinga grand, ice pillared hallway illuminated b

13、y a spectacular ice chandelier(枝形吊灯).Since the temperatures are well below freezing (The indoor temperature varies in the vicinity of -4 and -9 degrees centigrade, depending on the temperature outside and the amount of overnight guests.), our guests will inevitably have a few doubts before tucking t

14、hemselves in their sleeping bags in one of the stylish ice suites. Our hotel guide will be happy to explain everything you need to know about sleeping in the Ice Hotel.You will be supplied with a specially made sleeping bag (made by Fjallraven who know a thing or two about sleeping in the Arctic) co

15、mplete with a sleeping bag liner. In the morning a hot drink will be brought to you, after which you can enjoy a cozy early morning sauna(桑拿) followed by breakfast.Double RoomYou sleep in a thermal sleeping bag(insulated body bags first developed for astronauts walking on the moon) on a special bed built of snow and ice, covered with mattresses and reindeer pelts. You are awakened in the morning with a cup of hot beverage at your bedside. Breakfast buffet and morning sauna inc


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