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1、2022-2023年江苏省镇江市大学英语6级大学英语六级学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、2.Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(20题)1.For crammers, they can always improve their grades by _.2.The average gestation period of Giant Pandas is3. More people would use notes and coin to protect_when electronic cash payments are under s

2、trict monitoring.4.Ultraviolet radiation is known to cause skin cancer and has damaging effects on_.5.Depression: The Hidden EpidemicFelt down? Got the blues? Youre not alone. Everyone gets sad (yes, everyone youve ever met). Some people have sad feelings just pretty often. More than half of teenage

3、rs go through a sad period at least once a month and plenty of younger kids do, too.When youre in a sad mood, it may feel like it will last forever, but usually feelings of sadness dont last very long a few hours, or maybe a day or two. A deeper, more intense kind of sadness that lasts a lot longer

4、is called depression. Each year millions of people are estimated to .suffer from depression, a condition so widespread that it has been dubbed the common cold of mental illness.Types of DepressionFor some people, depression can be intense and occur in bouts that last for weeks at a time. For others,

5、 depression can be less severe but can linger at a low level for years.Doctors who treat depression distinguish between these two forms, diagnosing the more severe, short-lasting form. as major depression, and the longer-lasting but less severe form. as dysthymia.A third form. of depression that may

6、 be diagnosed is called adjustment disorder with depressed mood. It refers to a depressive reaction to a specific life event (such as a death, divorce, or other loss) when the adjustment to the loss takes longer than the normally expected time frame. or is more severe than expected and interferes wi

7、th the persons daily activities.Bipolar disorder (also sometimes called manic depressive illness) is another depressive condition that involves periods of major depression mixed with periods of mania. Mania is the term for abnormally high mood and extreme bursts of unusual activity or energy. Mental

8、 health experts divide Bipolar disorder into four types because the symptoms of bipolar disorder show up differently in different people.What Are the Symptoms of Depression?Depression is associated with many symptoms and not everyone has the same ones. Some people have many symptoms, while others ma

9、y only have a few. The symptoms below may signal that you or someone you love may be depressed:1. Appearance sad face, slow movements, unkempt look2. Unhappy feelings feeling sad, hopeless, discouraged, or listless3. Negative thoughts Im a failure, Im not good, No one cares about me.4. Reduced activ

10、ity I just sit around and mope, Doing anything is just too much of an effort.5. Reduced concentration6. People problems I dont want anybody to see me, I feel so lonely.7. Guilt and low self-esteem Its all my fault, I should be punished.8. Physical problems Sleeping problems, weight loss or gain, dec

11、reased sexual interest, or head-aches9. Suicidal thoughts or wishes Id be better off dead, I wonder if it hurts to die.Why Do People Get Depressed?The exact cause of depression remains unclear. The most probable explanation is that it is an imbalance in neurotransmitters in the brain. But what trigg

12、ers it in the first place?First, genetic factors. There is growing interest in genetic approaches to understanding a variety of diseases and depression is no exception. Some people certainly seem to be more vulnerable to depression than could make individuals susceptible to the disease. Some studies

13、 have shown that people who have relatives with depression have a one in four chance of developing it themselves, compared with only one in 14 for the general population.Secondly, external triggers. In most cases just having these genes is probably not enough-to cause depression on its own. Depressi

14、A.Y B.N C.NG6.Some nervous tension is good for you to _.A.have a deeper sleep before the speechB.think quickly and keep activeC.make muscles completely relaxedD.make a dull or listless speech7. The example of crossing the street shows that the middle school boy is _.8.Mark Twain seemed unhappy in hi

15、s later years because his wife and _ had died.9.According to the passage, Mr. Kaye asked for sick leave falsely for a wrestling match in December and February.A.Y B.N C.NG10. Corr thinks that if there is any problem with a drug, its better to know it _.11.In order to_, California also has created a special identity theft registry.A.help those victimsB.make things rightC.make up for their mistakesD.prevent a mistaken arrest12.When the interviewer refers to the interviewees previous job, he really wants to know i


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