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1、2022-2023年山西省忻州市大学英语6级大学英语六级真题一卷(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、2.Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(20题)1.Newton was very creative in thinking and solving problems when he was a little boy.A.Y B.N C.NG2.According to the insurance policy, policyholders must_ in order to get protection.3.Who use

2、d the term Singularity to refer to the era when human beings are replaced?A.A mathematician.B.A computer scientist.C.A science-fiction writer.D.A computer entrepreneur.4._ often results from working for an organization.5.Gossip about Jason appeared partially because the company management failed to

3、have _ with the staff.6.Henrik Christensen is most concerned about whether robots are _.A.harmless B.powerful C.intelligent D.durable7.Now, there are about 200,000 medical representatives all over the world.A.Y B.N C.NG8.According to Dr. Sarno, almost all kinds of back pain could be attributed to _

4、.9.Since Nancy Woodss parents moved into the Toronto nursing home they became healthier physically, but had new problems with _.10.The journal Spinoff is intended to introduce _.A.NASAs products for commercial useB.medical advancements in AmericaC.the development of space technologyD.the history and

5、 the role of NASA11. The example of crossing the street shows that the middle school boy is_.12.As the bandwidth increased to 550 MHz, the number of TV channels increased by _compared with the early cable systems.A.24 B.33 C.58 D.9113.If the guaranteed scores arent there, test preparation companies

6、offer free repetition of the course or even _.14.In order to make the cases most properly presented, the shows creators are going to use all kinds of _.15.One of the Chinatowns as a busy and thriving community now is located in_.A.Florida B.Hawaii C.New Jersey D.New York16.The best way for the weste

7、rn businessmen to make the right connections in Asian countries is to _.17.The word hammock in this passage means a suspension cage which can be swung to and fro in the air.A.Y B.N C.NG18. What should people do during the warming-up exercise for running?A.Try to run at a breathless speed.B.Increase

8、the pace in a gradual way.C.Keep talking with their companions.D.Warm up the muscles by stretching.19.If the estimates of the U.S. Energy Information Administration about oil reserve in the deserts in western Iraq are true, the deposit of oil in Iraq will amount to_ .20. Only a small percentage of A

9、mericas high school seniors plan to major in engineering at college.二、3.Listening Comprehension(20题)21.【B6】22.听力原文:M: Do you have hot water in your dorm? Because we havent had any for three days and I hate cold showers.W: Oh, that sounds miserable. Since the gyms usually open, why dont you just go o

10、ver there to fix the problem?Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?(17)A.He can go to the gym to have a bath.B.He can turn to the gym to have the water pipe repaired.C.He can go to the gym to consult the experts.D.He should buy a new pipe from the gyms.23.(24)A.Other American states.B.Foreign co

11、untries.C.Regions outside the city where people live.D.Other cities in the state where people live.24.(30)A.Coca Cola. B.Sausage. C.Milk. D.Fried chicken.25.(34)A.It is needed to adjust the temperature of our bodies.B.It is our second need.C.We need clothing to cover our bodies.D.Weather is changing

12、 all the time.26.听力原文:W: Why are you giving me a speeding ticket? I was going at 40 miles per hour.M: Cant you see the notice nearby? It reads 10 mph limits.Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?(18)A.Husband and wife.B.Teacher and student.C.Policeman and driver.D.Mother and

13、son.27.【B4】28.(14)A.The two speakers are classmates.B.The man is majoring in elementary education.C.The woman is majoring in elementary education.D.The two speakers got to know each other in a class.29.(21)A.She likes it.B.She doesnt have to take it.C.She likes only biology.D.She doesnt like it.30.听

14、力原文:W: Professor Andrew turned a deaf ear to our request.M: You mean we cant turn in the assignment a few days later?Q: What did they probably ask Professor Andrew to do?(18)A.Cancel their assignment.B.Allow them to hand in their assignment a few days later.C.Help them to write part of the assignmen

15、t.D.Explain to them what the assignment was.31.听力原文:W:Mary and her mother seem to have a lot to talk about and I prepared a wide and clean room for them. It will be comfortable for them to have a talkM:Well,they havent seen each other for several yearsSo they should have a lot to sayQ:What does the ma


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