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1、2022-2023年河南省平顶山市大学英语6级大学英语六级知识点汇总(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、2.Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(20题)1.There is no doubt that environmental regulationA.is cumbersomeB.produces an effectC.varies wildlyD.needs to be streamlined2.Most models predict more warming in the troposphere than at th

2、e surface, whereas most datasets _.3.According to Val MacDonald, adult children can bring in _ on seniors issues to help their parents explore an important shift.4.New drugs usually are not tested on the people who are _.5.It may take large bodies of water and ice decades to respond to changes in te

3、mperature.A.Y B.N C.NG6.Earth: Melting in the Heat?Glaciers are melting; the ice caps are disappearing into the oceans; sea levels may rise by many meters as a consequence. Indigenous (本土的) Arctic peoples will find their food stocks gone, while fresh water supplies in Asia and south America will dis

4、appear as the glaciers which provide them melt away; penguins, polar bears and seals will find their habitats gone, their traditional lives unlivable.But how realistic is this picture? Is the worlds ice really disappearing, or is it unscientific hot air?A European satellite named Cryosat was designe

5、d to provide definitive answers to some of these questions. A launcher fault destroyed the mission in October 2005, but the European Space Agency has approved a replacement. In the meantime, here is our global snapshot.The AntarcticHuge, pristine (质朴的), dramatic, unforgiving-the Antarctic is where t

6、he biggest of all global changes could begin.There is so much ice here that if it all melted, sea levels globally would rise hugelyperhaps as much as 80m. Say goodbye to London, New York, Sydney, Bangkok in fact, the majority of the worlds major cities.But will it happen? Scientists divide the Antar

7、ctic into three zones: the east and west Antarctic ice sheets; and the Peninsula, the tongue of land which points up towards the southern tip of South America.Everybody thinks that the Antarctic is shrinking due to climate change, but the reality is much more complex, says David Vaughan, a principal

8、 investigator at the British Antarctic Survey in Cambridge, U.K. Parts of it appear to be thickening as a result of snowfall increases, but the Peninsula is thinning at an alarming rate due to warming. The West Antarctic sheet is also thinning, and were not sure of the mason why.On the UpTemperature

9、s in the Peninsula appear to be increasing at around twice the global averageabout 2 over the last 50 years. Those figures are based on measurements made by instruments at scientific stations.Earlier this year, David Vaughans group published research showing that the vast majority of glaciers along

10、the Peninsula87% of the 244 studiedare in retreat. The ice dumped into the ocean as the glaciers retreat should not make much difference to global sea levelsperhaps a few centimeters.More worrying, potentially, are the vast ice sheets covering the rest of Antarctica. Making temperature measurements

11、for the continent as a whole is difficult; it is a vast place-more than 2,000 km across-them are few research stations, and temperatures vary naturally by 23 from year to year. But measurements indicate that in the west, reciting is underway.About one-third of the West Antarctic ice sheet is thinnin

12、g, says Dr. Vaughan, on average by about 10cm per year, but in the worst places by 34m per year.The rock on which the West Antarctic ice rests is below sea level, and British Antarctic Survey researchers believe the thinning could be due to the ice sheet melting on its underside.It may be that the o

13、cean is warming and thats causing the ice to melt, but there may be other reasons as well; for example, theres lots of volcanism in that area and so that could change how much heat is delivered to the underside of the ice sheet.Cryosat should help to pin down what is happening at the West Antarctic

14、fringe. The radar altimeters on board its predecessors ERSI and ERS2 have been unable to map the steep slopes at the coast, whereas Cryosats instrument should be able to cope.If the entire West Antarctic ice sheet did melt, sea levels globally would rise, by around 5m. But at the moment, there is no

15、 sign of that happening.One recent scientific paper attempted to calculate probabilities for how much West AntarctA.Y B.N C.NG7.After an earthquake, if you see sparks or broken or frayed wires, or if you smell hot insulation, you should look for_.8.Married, With MoneyYou fight over finances, right?

16、Here s how to keep the cash - and the passion.Brian Greenberg is a college financial planner, but on a recent morning he felt more like a marriage counselor. The couple sitting in his office, near Cherry Hill, New Jersey, was seeking advice about applying for financial aid for the mans son from a pr


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