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1、2022-2023年河南省安阳市大学英语6级大学英语六级真题一卷(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、2.Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(20题)1.Part Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For question

2、 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.GeniusesIn 1905, Albert Einstein developed the theory of special relativity. He also proved that atoms exist and figured out that light be

3、haves as both a particle and a wave. To top it all off, he developed his famous equation E=mcc, which describes the relationship between matter and energy, the same year. He was only 26 years old.Without a doubt, Einstein was a genius. So was Isaac Newton-as any fan of Star Trek. The Next Generation

4、 can say he invented physics. He also played a big role in the development of calculus, which some people have trouble comprehending even after extensive classroom study. Another genius, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, started composing music when he was 5 years old. Mozart wrote hundreds of pieces before

5、his death in 1760 at age 35.According to conventional wisdom, geniuses are different from everyone else. They can think faster and better than other people, In addition, many people think that all that extra brainpower leads to eccentric or quirky behavior. And although geniuses are fairly easy to s

6、pot, defining exactly what makes one person a genius is a little trickier. Figuring out how that person became a genius is harder still.There are two big things that make it difficult to study genius:The genius label is subjective. Some people insist that anyone with an intelligence quotient (IQ) hi

7、gher than a certain value is a genius. Others feel that IQ tests measure only a limited part of a persons total intelligence. Some believe high test scores have little to do with real genius.Genius is a big-picture concept. Most scientific and medical inquiries, on the other band, examine de tails.

8、A concept as subjective as genius isnt easy to quantify, analyze or study.So, when exploring how geniuses work, its a good idea to start by defining precisely what a genius is. For the purpose of this article, a genius isnt simply someone with an exceptionally high IQ. Instead, a genius is an extrao

9、rdinarily intelligent person who breaks new ground with discoveries, inventions or works of art. Usually, a genius work changes the way people view the world or the field in which the work took place. In other words, a genius must be both intelligent and able to use that intelligence in a productive

10、 or impressive way.Genius and the BrainThe brain regulates the bodys organ systems. When a person moves around, it sends impulses along the nerves and tells the muscles what to do. The brain controls the senses of smell, taste, touch, sight and hearing, and the person experiences and processes emoti

11、ons using his brain, On top of all that, the brain allows people to think, analyze information and solve problems. But how does it make someone smart?Scientists havent figured out exactly how all the gray matter in the brain works, but they do have an idea of which part lets people think. The cerebr

12、al cortex (大脑皮层), which is the outermost part of the brain, is where thought and reasoning happen. These are the brains higher function- the lower functions, which relate to basic survival, take place deeper in the brain.The cerebral cortex is the largest part of the brain, and its full of wrinkles

13、and folds that allow it to fit in the skull. If an adult humans cerebral cortex is removed and stretched out, it would be about as large as a few pages of a newspaper. Its divided into sA.Albert Einstein.B.Star Trek.C.Wolfgang Mozart.D.Isaac Newton.2.When students first become aware of the fact that

14、 they are subvocalizing, they often try to stop it by sheer _.3.Differentiation is important in a tagline, which means including a characteristic that distinguish the brand from _.4.Besides pregnant women, people over sixty-five, influenza can be an especially serious disease for people_.5.Why is th

15、e debate on genetically modified foods more heated in developing countries?A.Because they have a rich range of foods.B.Because the supply outstrips the need.C.Because they have to feed fast-growing populations.D.Because the risks outweigh the benefits.6. Olympic games in ancient times brought tempor

16、ary peace to opponents and those who broke the peace would be fined as _.7.Playing in the athletic fields, children still need _ so that the play time can be more effective and productive.8. Which year is the fewest in violation of federal smog standards in Los Angeles?A.1976 B.1979 C.1990 D.20049.The most


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