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1、2022-2023年浙江省金华市大学英语6级大学英语六级真题一卷(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、2.Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(20题)1.Once the police book a suspect under a fake name, it is difficult to get the name off the list, because_.A.it is banned by policeB.the police are not willing to remove itC.it takes the pol

2、ice a lot of time to remove itD.it makes the police embarrassed2.Space policy is dominated by polities.A.Y B.N C.NG3.Net tax is the difference between a persons gross tax liability and any_.4.Since Internet has become pan of daily life, it is highly essential to _.5.In buying an automated phone syst

3、em, 50,000 is a lot of money even for the largest companies.A.Y B.N C.NG6.The well-known Royal Mile in Edinburgh is _ .A.a city B.a castle C.a palace D.a road7.When Nancy Woodss father got to know their _, he agreed to move out of their apartment.8.In all coastal cities, cell phone net works could n

4、ot keep up with demand.A.Y B.N C.NG9.British companies have proposed designs that are more suitable than the X-33 and X-34, but the government does not support it.A.Y B.N C.NG10.It is proved that the uncontrolled activity of free radicals caused many cancers.A.Y B.N C.NG11.David Vaughans group found

5、 that most of the glaciers along the Peninsula were in retreat.A.Y B.N C.NG12.Library classification system permit users to _ or to discover what books on a particular subject are held by the library.13.Newton believed that the path of a planet going around the sun was _ called an ellipse14.(9)15. O

6、riginally the creator intended to use Auto-Tune to_.A.change a poorly-sung song into a perfect oneB.make everyone sing like a professional singerC.inject some vitality into the pop industryD.bring the flaw of pop songs into public16.Cell phone: your next computerOne hundred nineteen hours, 41 minute

7、s and 16 seconds. Thats the amount of time Adam Rappoport, a high school senior in Philadelphia, has spent talking into his silver Verizon LG phone since he got it as a gift last Christmas. Thats not even the full extent of his habit. He also spends countless additional hours using his phones Intern

8、et connection to check sports scores, download new ring-tones and send short messages to his friends phones, even in the middle of class. I know the touch-tone pad on the phone better than I know a keyboard, he says. Im a phone guy.In Tokyo, halfway around the world, Satoshi Koiso also closely eyes

9、his mobile phone. Koiso, a college junior, lives in the global capital of fancy new gadgets20 percent of all phones in Tokyo link to the fastest mobile networks in the world. Tokyoites use their phones to watch TV, read books and magazines and play games. But Koiso also depends on his phone for some

10、thing simpler and more profound: an anti-smoking message that pops up on his small screen each morning as part of a program to help students kick cigarettes.Technology revolutions come in two flavors: greatly fast and imperceptibly slow. The fast kind, like the sudden ubiquity of iPods or the prolif

11、eration(增殖) of music-sharing sites on the Net, seem to instantly reshape the cultural lahdscape. The slower upheavals(巨变) grind away over the course of decades, subtly transforming the way we live and work.There are 1.5 billion cell phones in the world today, more than three times the number of PCs.

12、 Mobile phones are so integral to our lives that its difficult to remember how the life we ever got on without them.Can the cell phone turn into the next computer?As our phones get smarter, smaller and faster, and enable users to connect at high speeds to the Internet, an obvious question arises: is

13、 the mobile handset turning into the next computer? In one sense, it already has. Todays most sophisticated phones have the processing power of a mid-1990s PC while consuming 100 times less electricity. And more and more of todays phones have computer-like features, allowing their owners to send e-m

14、ail, browse the Web and even take photos; 84 million phones with digital cameras were shipped last year. Change it into another same question, though, to ask to whether mobile phones will ever eclipse, or replace, the PC, and the issue suddenly becomes Controversial. PC proponents say phones are too

15、 small and connect too sluggishly to the Internet to become effective at tasks now performed on the luxuriously large screens and keyboards of todays computers. Fans of the phone respond: just wait. Coming innovations will solve the limitations of the phone. One day, 2 or 3 billion people will have cell phones, and they are all not going to have PCs, says Jeff Hawkins, inventor of the Palm Pilot and the chief technology officer of PalmOne. The mobile phone will become their digital life.Smart cell phonesPalmOne is among


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