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1、2022-2023年河南省濮阳市大学英语6级大学英语六级真题(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、2.Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(20题)1.Eating too much salt can raise your cholesterol.A.Y B.N C.NG2.Parents should ask fat children to eat foods rich in _ instead of fattening foods.3.Eating smaller portions, eating slowly, payi

2、ng attention to the nutritional _ of meals are examples of healthy eating habits.4.A calorie is a unit of energy associates with anything containing energy.A.Y B.N C.NG5.Not all people think American culture will be durable enough to meet _.6.Telecherics is concerned with the use of remote manipulat

3、ors controlled by humans.A.Y B.N C.NG7.New tree seedlings will not survive to reach the canopy level unless _.8. One reason why colleges increase tuition and fees is that the state support is shrinking.9.EasterEaster is the most important festival in the Christian calendar. It is the commemoration o

4、f Jesus death and his rising from the dead, also known as the resurrection. It comes at the end of Lent. The week leading up to it is called Holy Week. Palm Sunday is the first day of Holy Week and celebrates Jesus arrival in Jerusalem riding on a donkey. Crowds of people came out of the city to gre

5、et him, throwing down palm branches on the road. Many churches give out small crosses made from palm leaves, as a reminder of Jesus entrance into Jerusalem and his death on the cross. On Thursday Christians remember when Jesus ate the Passover meal with his disciples, breaking bread and drinking win

6、e, which is now known as the Last Supper. Since then this meal has been symbolically re-enacted by many Christians as a way of drawing closer to God. This is called the Eucharist, which means thanksgiving. It is a reminder that Jesus sacrificed his life for mankind.The Bible tells us that, later tha

7、t night, Jesus was betrayed by Judas Iscariot. After his arrest, Jesus was brought before the Jewish high priests who found him guilty of blasphemy because he called himself the Son of God. They handed him over to the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate. As was the custom at the time of the Feast of Pass

8、over, Pilate gave the crowds the choice as to which of the two prisoners should be freed: Jesus, or Barrabas, a notorious criminal. Ironically, the same crowd who had welcomed Jesus with palm branches a few days earlier now chose Barrabas to be released, and Pilate condemned Jesus to death by crucif

9、ixion. On Good Friday, many churches hold 3 hour services meditating on the events leading up to Christs death: his interrogation, flogging, the mocking by the Roman soldiers, and his journey with the cross to Golgotha, the place of his death. Finally he was shipped naked and nailed to the cross, wh

10、ere he hung in agony for three hours, jeered at by the crowds, before he died. This is the day when people traditionally eat hot cross buns, because the cross on the bun is a reminder of the cross Jesus died on, and a reminder of the Christian belief that Jesus died to save us all.Easter Sunday mark

11、s Jesus resurrection. The Bible tells us that Mary Magdalene went to the tomb, followed later by some of Jesus disciples. They discovered Jesus body had gone and that the tomb was empty. Jesus then appeared to Mary and many of his disciples, speaking with them on separate occasions during the follow

12、ing forty days. As he left them for the last time, Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit so the disciples would know God would never leave them. He then ascended into heaven. The Church celebrates this on Ascension Day.Why do we eat Easter eggs at Easter?For Christians, Easter eggs symbolize new li

13、fe. They believe that, through his resurrection, Jesus defeated death and sin and offers people the promise of eternal life if they follow his teachings. This is why there is a tradition for Christians to be baptized at Easter, which celebrates new life in God. However, the festival of Easter stretc

14、hes back to pre-Christian times, too. It gets its name and some symbols, including the Easter Bunny, from the Pagan Spring Equinox festival, which is a celebration of spring and also of new life.Where are the accounts of Easter in the Bible?The account of the Easter story can be read in Mark, Chapte

15、rs 14 to 16, or Luke, Chapters 22 to 24, and elements of it can be found in the other gospels too. Many of the events in the Easter story are foretold in the Old Testament in Isaiah chapter 53.Why does the date of Easter change from year to year?The date of Easter Sunday varies from year to year bec

16、ause it is based on the lunar calendar, It is celebrated on the first Sunday after the full moon, on or after March 21st.Do rabbits lay eggA.Y B.N C.NG10. Antipollution legislations have been enacted thanks to the continued pressure from _.A.grass-roots organizationsB.individual activismC.environmentalistsD.environmental r


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