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1、2022年广东省梅州市大学英语6级大学英语六级真题一卷(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、2.Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(20题)1.The demographic change in rural Europe will have a negative effect on every aspect of the local economy from tourist industry income to agricultural outputs.A.Y B.N C.NG2. Lack of prevention st

2、rategies and treatment programs makes the developing countries the largest in the number of HIV infection.3.The question about satisfaction with pay and benefits is not included in the 12 questions because ifs important to all employees, whether _ or not.4.According to Mary Claire Allvine, a certifi

3、ed financial planner in Chicago and Atlanta, couples who care much about day to-day budgeting details are usually the most successful with their money.A.Y B.N C.NG5.One of the advantages of using hydrogen as fuel is that after being used it only produces _.6.How to Love the World As It Is?It struck

4、me recently that a lot of people think they know whats wrong with this world, and it also struck me that theyre all wrong.Seriously-almost every political and religious group, every opinionated person, every publication with an opinion, has said at one time or another what they think is wrong with t

5、his world.So whats really wrong with the world, in my opinion?Not a thing.The Prevailing World-viewIt seems to be a prevailing world-view that the world is messed up, that there are just a few things wrong with it, and if we could only get those things to change, the world would be great. If we coul

6、d just educate people and get them to realize whats wrong with this world, things could change.This type of view of the world-and like I said, I think its the prevailing view-stems from an ideal that many people have in their heads of what the world should be like. They might not realize they have t

7、hat ideal, but its there. And the world will never reach this Platonic ideal, because its just this image of perfection that does not match reality. Reality and this ideal are incompatible.So Whats Wrong with That?Nothings wrong with that, actually. Thats how most people are, and I dont think I can

8、change that, nor would I want to. I thought it would be an interesting discussion, though, because I think this discrepancy between what people think the world should be and what the world really is can cause unhappiness.If you want the world to be completely vegetarian and kind to animals, and it i

9、snt and wont be in the foreseeable future, you will most likely be unhappy. If you want the world to go back to how it was during your childhood, or during your parents generation, and it isnt likely to do so, youre not going to be happy.The same is true of any of our ideals. Its very possible that

10、the reality of the people in your life dont meet these ideals. That might cause you to be unhappy with them.When reality doesnt meet ideals-and it rarely does-we become unhappy.So Whats the Alternative?Im not proposing that you, or anyone else, change your world-view. If you, or anyone else, are hap

11、py with that world-view, dont change it.But there is an alternative, and Im not saying its better. Its the world-view I try to have: instead of having an ideal, stop looking for perfection. Accept the world as it is, and love it for what it is. Accept people as they are, and love them.What would be

12、the result of this alternative world-view? Well, I think youd be happier, if only because you didnt see the world as a fundamentally flawed or evil place, and began to see the good in the world. This, however, is open to individual interpretation, and your own experience is likely to be different th

13、an mine.Does this mean that we should give up on trying to make positive changes in the world? Should we stop trying to make the world a better place? No! Dont ever stop trying to do good things! Even if the world is already a good place, we can always find happiness and satisfaction in trying to do

14、 good, in trying to make peoples lives better.But what about all the evil and suffering in the world? Should we accept and love that as well? Thats the toughest part, I think. Its hard to accept that people are dying of diseases and famine and war and murder and abuse, and perhaps impossible to love

15、 that aspect of the world. You dont have to love it, but it helps to try to really understand it. Why does this happen? What are the deeper reasons? At the heart of the deepest reasons is humanity-we are all flawed creatures in some way, and thats what makes us human and beautiful.&nbA.The world is in a mess.B.Humans dont know whats wrong with the world.C.The world is promising.D.Humans cant get adjusted to the changing world.7._ are two examples of finding creative ways to keeping up services for the rapidly aging population in rural Europe.8.The painting process can altogether b



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