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1、2022-2023年广东省汕尾市大学英语6级大学英语六级真题(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、2.Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(20题)1.Teachers also make the same mistakes as students.A.Y B.N C.NG2.A drug users withdrawal process from physical addiction depends on his or her use of the drugs _.3.To find out if you have a fe

2、ver caused by illness, wait until you _ for an hour or so before using a thermometer.4.When you experience and observe your inflection point, you should stop your career at once.A.Y B.N C.NG5.A U.S. scientific report concluded that some trends of climate change were caused by _6.According to the UN

3、estimates, most countries in the world will experience negative population growth in 2040.A.Y B.N C.NG7.Vulnerabilities of Bluetooth like bluejacking are_ in the development of technology.8.The parents would like to talk to kids about sex, smoking and drank driving rather than about _.9._ often resu

4、lts from working for an organization.10.Possible sources for the hydrogen are both electrolysis of water and_.11.The reason why people in the past believed that the ordinary Mayan people lived in the countryside was that their knowledge was based on_.12.The first use of the term organic farming is u

5、sually credited to _ in his 1940 book, Look to the Land.13.75%of the pressure on joints can be reduced if you swim_.14.Part Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For q

6、uestions 1- 7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.Cable TelevisionIn the 1940s, there were four networks in the United States. Because of the frequencies allotted to television, the s

7、ignals could only be received in a line of sight from the transmitting antenna. People living in remote areas couldnt see the programs that were already becoming an important part of U. S. culture.In 1948, people living in remote valleys in Pennsylvania solved their reception problems by putting ant

8、ennas on hills and running cables to their houses. These days, the same technology once used by remote villages and select cities allows viewers all over the country to access a wide variety of programs and channels that meet their individual needs and desires. By the early 1990s, cable television h

9、ad reached nearly half the homes in the United States.Today, U. S. cable systems deliver hundreds of channels to some 60 million homes, while also providing a growing number of people with high-speed Internet access. Some cable systems even let you make telephone calls and receive new programming te

10、chnologies!The earliest cable systems were, in effect, strategically placed antennas with very long cables connecting them to subscribers television sets. Because the signal from the antenna became Weaker as it traveled through the length of cable, cable providers had to insert amplifiers at regular

11、 intervals to boost the strength of the signal and make it acceptable for viewing.In a cable system, the signal might have gone through 30 or 40 amplifiers before reaching your house, one every 1,000 feet or so, Wall says, With each amplifier, you would get noise and distortion. Plus, if one of the

12、amplifiers failed, you lost the picture. Cable got a reputation for not having the best quality picture and for not being reliable. In the late 1970s, cable television would find a solution to the amplifier problem. By then, they had also developed technology that allowed them to add more programmin

13、g to cable service.In the early 1950s, cable systems began experimenting with ways to use microwave transmitting and receiving towers to capture the signals from distant stations. In some cases, this made television available to people who lived outside the range of standard broadcasts. In other cas

14、es, especially in the northeastern United States, it meant that cable customers might have access to several broadcast stations of the same network. For the first time, cable was used to enrich television viewing, not just make ordinary viewing possible.The addition of community antenna television s

15、tations and the spread of cable systems ultimately led manufacturers to add a switch to most new television sets. People could set their televisions to tune to channels, or they could set them for the plan used by most cable systems.In both tuning systems, each television station was given a 6-megahertz (MHz) slice of the radio spectrum. The FCC (Federal Communications Commission) had originally devoted parts of the very high frequency (VHF) spectrum to 12 television channels. The channels werent put into a single block of frequencies, but were inst


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