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1、2022-2023年河北省石家庄市大学英语6级大学英语六级知识点汇总(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、2.Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(20题)1.Political and economic motivations belong to the essential nature of sports in the history of sports.A.Y B.N C.NG2. What do we learn about the boundaries of choice blindness?A.The bounda

2、ries are impossible to be marked.B.It occurs only when decisions are not important.C.It could happen even in the significant events.D.Brides wont have choice blindness in the weddings.3.By _, many Microsoft workers managed to get quicker, easier access to data and make their high-tech tools less dis

3、tracting.4.When Mark Twain became a miner in the frontier region, he started to write _.5.Big Blunders from Big BusinessesInternational marketing can be a tricky business. With the increase in global trade, international companies cannot afford to make costly advertising mistakes if they want to be

4、competitive and profitable. Understanding the language and culture of target markets in foreign countries is one of the keys to successful international marketing. Too many companies, however, have jumped into foreign markets with embarrassing results. Out of their blunders, a whole new industry of

5、translation services has emerged.Faulty TranslationsThe value of understanding the language of a country cannot be overestimated. Translation mistakes are at the heart of many blunders in international advertising. Since a language is more than the sum of its words, a literal, word-by-word dictionar

6、y translation seldom works. The following examples prove this point. Otis Engineering Company once displayed a poster at a trade show in Moscow that turned heads. Due to a poor translation of its message, the sign boasted that the firms equipment was great for improving a persons sex life. The Parke

7、r Pen Company suffered an embarrassing moment when it realized that a faulty translation of one of its ads into Spanish resulted in a promise to help prevent unwanted Pregnancies.Automobile manufacturers in the United States have made several notorious advertising mistakes that have been well public

8、ized. General Motors learned a costly lesson when it introduced its Chevrolet Nova to the Puerto Rican market. Although nova means star in Spanish, when it is spoken, it sounds like nova which means it doesnt go. Few people wanted to buy a car with that meaning. When GM changed the name to Caribe, s

9、ales picked up dramatically. Ford also ran into trouble with the name of one of its products. When it introduced a low-cost truck called the Fiera into Spanish speaking countries, Ford didnt realize until too late that the name meant ugly old woman in Spanish. Another American auto manufacturer made

10、 a mistake when it translated its Venezuelan ad for a car battery. It was no surprise when Venezuelan customers didnt want to buy a battery that was advertised as being highly overrated.Airline companies have also experienced problems of poor translation. A word-by-word translation ruined a whole ad

11、vertising campaign for Braniff Airlines. Hoping to promote its plush leather seats, Braniffs ad urged passengers to fly on leather. However, when the slogan was translated into Spanish, it told customers to fly naked. Another airline company, Eastern Airlines, made a similar mistake when it translat

12、ed its motto, We earn our wings daily into Spanish. The poor translation suggested that its passengers often ended up dead.Marketing blunders have also been made by food and beverage companies. One American food companys friendly Jolly Green Giant became something quite different when it was transla

13、ted into Arabic as Intimidating Green Ogre. When translated into German, Pepsis popular slogan, Come Alive with Pepsi came out implying Come Alive from the Grave. No wonder customers in Germany didnt rush out to buy Pepsi. Even a company with an excellent international track record like Kentucky Fri

14、ed Chicken is not immune to the perils of faulty translation. A lot of sales were lost when the catch phrase finger lickin good became eat your fingers off in the Chinese translation.A manufacturer of one laundry detergent made an expensive mistake in a promotional campaign in the Middle East. The a

15、dvertisements showed a picture of a pile of dirty clothes on the left, a box of the companys detergent in the middle, and clean clothes on the right. Unfortunately, the message was incorrectly interpreted because most people in the Middle East read from right to left. It seemed to them that the detergent turned clean clothes into dirty ones.A.Y B.N C.NG6.Music lyrics of Eminem are full of _, but they are very popular.7.For the entire Iditarod race, a sled dog team has to eat so much as to _.8.In the writers opinion, unlike what other people thought, _ is a way to avoid facing responsibili


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