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1、2022年宁夏回族自治区银川市大学英语6级大学英语六级测试卷(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、2.Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(20题)1.The first U. S public library was opened in 1803 ,the result of a gift of _.2.One of the Chinatowns as a busy and thriving community now is located in_.A.Florida B.Hawaii C.New Jersey D.New

2、York3.Each federal urban search-and-rescue task force is made up of at least 60 members.A.Y B.N C.NG4.According to Annie Stevens, many newly recruited managers fail in a new job because they cannot get along with their coworkers.A.Y B.N C.NG5.For local people in North Wales, many of them consider En

3、glish a foreign language and their mother language is _ .6.FedEx is well-known for a list of firsts mainly for adopting _7.This gives us good reason to hope that if we act to solve the environmental problems that still remain, we will _.8.New Hopes for Preventing AIDSThe success of anti-retroviral(抑

4、止肿瘤病毒) drugs in treating HIV is getting researchers at the 16th International AIDS conference excited at the prospect that the potent(效力大的) medicines might be exploited to perform. double duty. Why not use the power of these ARVs to prevent an HIV transmission or infection from taking hold in the fi

5、rst place? Bill and Melinda Gates asked that provocative question on the opening day of the conference, and are committing their considerable financial resources toward finding an answer. In their remarks, they highlighted the need to develop microbicides(杀菌剂) and oral prevention drugs while we wait

6、 for a vaccine. And they will get their first hint at how smart their decision was this Thursday, when scientists from West Africa report the initial result% from the first trial studying an oral prevention drug.So how realistic are the Gates in expecting even more from the ARVs? I do think the rang

7、e of prevention options we have within the next decade will greatly expand, says Dr. Helene Gayle, President of Care USA and co-chair of the conference. The biologic plausibility for both microbicides and oral prevention drugs is so great. Dr. Mark Dybul, U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator, said that if a

8、 microbicide or prevention drug becomes available to protect people from infections, they would be funded under the Presidents Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief if countries chose to use them. We would support all of that; it would be perfectly within our mandate to do all that, he told TIME.Preventing

9、 HIV is the only way to keep the number of new infections that occur each year4 millionfrom growing. And yet prevention strategies, always the ugly stepsister to treatment programs, have not really taken hold in the developing nations where the rate of infection is highest. An effective vaccine, of

10、course, is the ultimate prevention weapon, but as the Gates pointed out, an HIV shot is still a long way off. In the meantime, microbicides could be one way to co-opt ARVs into the prevention war; these are chemical compounds, usually in the form. of a gel or cream, that women can use vaginally prio

11、r to intercourse to stop the transmission of HIVits the same idea behind spermicides(杀精子剂), which are chemical barriers to sperm entering the vagina and causing pregnancy. Its an elegantly simple approach, made even simpler by the fact that researchers didnt really have to start from scratch to come

12、 up with new anti-HIV compounds; they already have them in the ARVs, which now interrupt the virus from infecting cells at various points in its life cycle.The key difference is that in a microbicide, the drugs are being used in healthy people rather than in those infected with HIV. When ARVs are us

13、ed for treatment, both doctors and patients are willing to tolerate a higher level of side effectsafter all, if the choice is between dying from HIV-AIDS and side effects, most patients opt for the latter. If the drugs are to be used to prevent infection, however, everything changes; understandably,

14、 healthy people arent as likely to accept the same level of side effects and toxicities as those already infected.Thats why clinical trials are so significant. So far, there are 30 to 40 different microbicide candidates being tested in animals, and five trials in Ghana, Nigeria and other developing

15、nations at the most advanced stages of testing in women. Dr. Gita Ramjee, of the HIV Prevention Research Unit in Durban, South Africa, has worked with all five, and is hopeful that they will prove effective and make an impact on the disease. Because these latest microbicides are reformulated ARVs, h

16、owever, the problem of the virus becoming resistant to them is a potential drawback. Dr. Peter Plot, of UNAIDS, suggests basing microbicides only on the drugs do not make it through the pharmaceutical pipeline many are rejected because theyA.Y B.N C.NG9.The black/white trick can provide people with more than two choices for their



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