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1、2022-2023年河南省郑州市大学英语6级大学英语六级真题(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、2.Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(20题)1.The author doubts that men can find answers to the _ in the near future.2.Calcium permits cells to divide, regulates muscle contraction and relaxation, and plays an important role in the mov

2、ement of protein and nutrients inside cells besides helping _.3.British physicist John Tyndall investigated the transmission of radiant heat through _.4.The example of the students getting the Ping-Pong ball proves that students are more creative than average people.A.Y B.N C.NG5.When Brickland and

3、her sister were little, they kept the home key because _.A.they wanted to be trustedB.their mother had to workC.their mother didnt live at homeD.they were very naughty and wild6.The increasing length of night is the most stable factor among all the environmental influences on leaves change.A.Y B.N C

4、.NG7.Compared with the number of American people who had their blood cholesterol levels checked in 1990 was _ than that of in 1983.8.Unlike Muir, Pinchot was much more concerned with the use of natural resources to _.9._ in your body functions to keep the balance between the calories your body burns

5、 and the quantity it takes in.10.There is a U. N. convention that can cover _.A.problem between neighborsB.problem between states which do not share a borderC.problems on air pollutionD.trans-boundary air pollution11.Teachers also make the same mistakes as students.A.Y B.N C.NG12.It is difficult to

6、_ as soon as you are so obsessed with meeting people online.13.The problem of loneliness for kids with no friends can be solved by _.14.There are two basic categories of negotiation styles: positional and _.15.Best Time KeeperWaldo Wilcox knew there was trouble the moment he saw the mauled(受伤的)deer

7、carcass, not far from one of the meadows where his cattle grazed. His dogs, Dink and Shortie, sensed it toomountain lion. He grabbed his pistol and a rope from his truck, and said, lets get him. Then he headed up the mountainside, his hounds racing far ahead.Wilcox moved in long strides up the rocky

8、 grade. Still, it took some time before he topped the summit. The big cat was not 50 yards in front of him, its fangs(尖牙)bared, cornered by the dogs on a massive sandstone bluff.Wilcox gripped his gun. He hoped to take the mountain lion alive and sell it to a zoo. Hed done that before and made a tid

9、y profit. Wilcox took quick aim, his pistol cracked, and there was a sudden silence as the animal fell limp to the ground.It wasnt until the red dust had settled and Wilcoxs pulse had slowed that he gazed around. What he saw stunned him. High on the bluff lay an archeological(考古学的)treasure trove(珍藏物

10、)large pieces of pottery, stone shelters that once housed whole families, and domed structures that had held wild grains harvested centuries before Europeans set foot in North America.Wilcox made his discovery on the bluff almost 20 years agobut it was not the first time he had found relics on his l

11、and. Since 1951, when his father bought the high-valley Range Creek ranch, a year had seldom passed in which Wilcox did not come upon some spot of archeological interest. Occasionally he stumbled across burial plots.Native American CultureFor nearly half a century, he kept quiet about the riches, te

12、lling hardly anyone outside his immediate family what was hidden in the isolated valley 160 miles southeast of Salt Lake City. When he discovered a new site, Wilcox would note its locationthen just let things be.Now the secret of Range Creek is finally out. Four years ago, forced by time to give up

13、ranching, Wilcox, 75, sold his beef-cattle property in a deal that ultimately put the land in state hands. Thanks to Wilcoxs silence, the 4 200-acre ranch is one huge, untouched archeological site. Today, scientists from Utahs Division of State History and the University of Utah are busily catalogui

14、ng magnificent, previously unknown ruins on the property.What the scientists are learning at Range Creek has already begun to shed light on one of the greatest mysteries of Native American historythe fate of the Fremont culture, which had thrived in Utah for almost 1 000 years, then vanished virtual

15、ly over-night in the 1300s.The very existence of the Fremont did not come to light until the late 1920s, when a Harvard University expedition discovered evidence of an ancient people who settled along the Fremont River in southern Utah. Farmers and hunter-gatherers who arrived in the region at about A. D. 400, the Fremont lived in one-room homes dug into the earth and finished off with stacked-stone walls and roofs made of reeds and mud. Carbon dating of corncobs found on the Wilcox ranch hinted that Range Creek wa


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