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1、2022年广东省潮州市大学英语6级大学英语六级真题(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、2.Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(20题)1.What do children usually do when they dont feel like attending school?2.The college department or association can get payments from the issuer if it sanctions credit cards decorated with _.3.If a

2、 child appears silent and worded, or his self-esteem decreased suddenly, he or she may be _.4.One of its main strategies that Pizza Hut still follows today is to_.A.deliver a pizza within 30 minutesB.diversify the products they offerC.offer large quantities of pizza for less moneyD.sell frozen pizza

3、s and make-it-yourself pizzas5.Today adoption advocates think birth culture plays an important role in raising children from a different race.A.Y B.N C.NG6.Many people have weight loss surgery possibly because overweight may give rise to death.A.Y B.N C.NG7.If your potential clients are all local, y

4、ou still must develop and maintain a Website.A.Y B.N C.NG8.A regression is a _ movement along a line of print.9.Like most chief executive officers in Japan, Soichiro Honda Stepped down to become chairmen of Honda after his retirement.A.Y B.N C.NG10.Headaches ExplainedA headache is a symptom, not a d

5、isease. A headache is rarely the symptom of a serious illness, but severe or frequent headaches can be exhausting and can affect daily life. There are three basic types of headaches: vascular headache, muscle contraction headache, and inflammatory headache.Vascular headachesThe vascular headache occ

6、urs when blood vessels in the head enlarge and press on nerves, causing pain. The most common vascular headache is the migraine(偏头痛). One theory about migraine headaches is that they occur when the blood vessels in the head expand and press on the nerves, causing pain. Another theory is that they re

7、sult from the blood vessels constricting and thus blocking blood flow to parts of the brain; this may cause the visual suffering that often accompany or precede a migraine headache. The blood vessels then become full of blood and press on surrounding nerves, causing pain.Women are more easy to suffe

8、r migraines than are men, and a certain personality type compulsive, perfectionist, and very success oriented seems to be more likely to be affected with migraine headaches.CausesA number of physical and emotional factors may contribute to migraine headaches. Migraines may be triggered by a sharp re

9、duction in caffeine intake or by allergies to certain foods. Emotional stress can also cause migraine headaches, as can drinking alcohol,smoking,or an interruption in routine eating and sleeping habits (all of which may be responsible for weekend headaches suffered by some patients). Cyclical, seaso

10、nal, or emotional factors may also be associated with the tendency to develop migraine headaches. A tendency to develop this type of headache may be inherited.SymptomsThe predominant symptom of a migraine headache is a sharp pain on one or both sides of the head. Paleness, sweating,and sensitivity t

11、o light may accompany the pain. A warning sensation may indicate an approaching migraine headache. Before the pain begins, some individuals may see flashing lights or shooting stars, hear noises, or have an uncomfortable feeling in the arms or legs.DiagnosisVascular headaches are diagnosed by a care

12、ful review of the circumstances surrounding the headaches as well as by a physical examination to rule out any other disorder that might be causing the symptoms. Elimination tests may be done to identify the exact cause of migraines suffered by people who seem to react to certain foods or changes in

13、 eating and sleeping habits. In an elimination test, all the substances that are suspected of causing the trouble are eliminated and then reintroduced one at a time to identify the specific cause of the migraine headaches.TreatmentTreatment of a migraine already in progress usually consists of a dru

14、g therapy program chosen from a variety of painkillers, tranquilizers, and special prescribed medications.PreventionPrevention of migraines is possible with several types of medication. Antidepressant drugs and beta-blockers have been shown to prevent migraines in some patients. These drugs work in

15、the body to block what are called the beta effects, one of which is expansion of the blood vessels. While it is not yet known exactly how these drugs provide relief research suggests that they act by preventing the initial constriction of blood vessels that causes migraine.Muscle Contraction Headach

16、esA muscle contraction headache occurs when muscles of the face, neck, or scalp remain tightened for long periods of time. These muscles are then said to be in spasm(痉挛). A tension headache is an example of a muscle contraction headache.CausesA muscle contraction headache usually occurs after a specific event



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