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1、2022年四川省绵阳市大学英语6级大学英语六级学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、2.Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(20题)1. People with social anxiety disorder have a _ of being watched and judged by others and of doing things that will embarrass them.2.Americans shortcomings in science are vast, and unfortunately _ is maki

2、ng efforts to defeat them.3.Even genes from animals can be used to engineer crops.A.Y B.N C.NG4.On August 3 Vega held her first online concert at which she interacted with her fans in a completely computer -fabricated world.A.Y B.N C.NG5. A series of experiments described in the passage is to examin

3、e whether thought and behavior. can _.6.Since Nancy Woodss parents moved into the Toronto nursing home they became healthier physically, but had new problems with _.7.The most important factors necessary to lower population growth rates in the developing world are _.8.Chan plans to set up a global h

4、ealth observatory to _ on priority health problems.9.If you want to answer the 12 questions honestly, you should know what makes you not blindly blame your department for _.10.In this passage, the term coalescence refers to_.11.Depression, the best known and most common mental illnesses, takes the f

5、orm. of _.A.extreme confidence in themselvesB.emotional break-out when it is coldC.emotional blows in daylightD.hopeless sadness and thoughts of suicide sometimes12.It is much more difficult to _ than to calculate the benefits of the GM crops.13.Martinus van Schalkwyk, the minister of environmental

6、affairs and tourism, visited the south Durban basin earlier this year and said there were measures in place to _.14.Many people will spend less time in front of a television screen more on the web in the world.A.Y B.N C.NG15.What can you learn about the trademark protection in the U. S. ?A.It preven

7、ts a product from being copied.B.It tells the consumers what kind of product it is.C.It gives the inventor or author exclusive right.D.It is granted by the same office that grants the patent.16.The French tradition of _ is likely to pose a challenging problem to American visitors.17.Conflict is rega

8、rded as a marker of _ by collectivists while accepted as unavoidable by individualists.18.The book The Play of Power is not difficult to read, since it is not _.19. According to the program in 2002, caregivers were expected to reduce stress by _.20.Americas Brain Drain CrisisLosing the Global EdgeWi

9、lliam Kunz is a self-described computer geek. A more apt description might be computer genius. When he was just 11, Kurtz started writing software programs, and by 14 he had created his own video game. As a high school sophomore in Houston, Texas, he won first prize in a local science fair for a dat

10、a encryption (遍密码) program he wrote. In his senior year, he took top prize in an international science and engineering fair for designing a program to analyze and sort DNA patterns.Kunz went on to attend Carnegie Mellon, among the nations highest-ranked universities in computer science. After colleg

11、e he landed a job with Oracle in Silicon Valley, writing software used by companies around the world.Kunz looked set to become a star in his field. Then he gave it all up.Today, three years later, Kunz is in his first year at Harvard Business School. He left software engineering partly because his e

12、arning potential paled next to friends who were going into law or business. He also worried about job security, especially as more companies move their programming overseas to lower costs. Every time youre asked to train someone in India, you think, Am I training my replacement? Kunz says.Things are

13、 turning out very differently for another standout in engineering, Qing-Shan Jia. A student at Tsinghua University in Beijing, Jia shines even among his gifted cohorts (一群人) at a school sometimes called the MIT of China. He considered applying to Harvard for his PhD, but decided it wasnt worth it.Hi

14、s university is investing heavily in cutting-edge research facilities, and attracts an impressive roster of international professors. I can get a world-class education here and study with world-class scholars, Jia says.These two snapshots (快照) illustrate part of a deeply disturbing picture. In the d

15、isciplines underpinning the high-tech economymath, science and engineeringAmerica is steadily losing its global edge. The depth and breadth of the problem is clear:- Several of Americas key agencies for scientific research and development will face a retirement crisis within the next ten years.- Less than 6% of Americas high school seniors plan to pursue engineering degrees, down 36% from a decade ago.- In 2000, 56% of Chinas undergraduate degrees were i



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