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1、2023年湖北省荆门市普通高校对口单招英语摸底卷(含答案)一、单选题(20题)1.()is the largest of the continents of the world.A.Asia B.an Asia C.a Asia D.the Asia2.You should treat him in the way()suits him most.A.that B.in which C./ D.why3.It is almost five years_we saw each other last timeA.since B.before C.after4.We got up early _ w

2、e could catch the first train.A.since B.so that C.sothat D.in order to5.Julia is an expert at doing hair. We often ask her for().A.some advices B.some advice C.some advise D.any advice6.Whats _ with you?A.matter B.wrong C.thing D.the wrong7.Obviously they didnt see the significance (重要性)of the plan.

3、 Thats()the problem was.A.where B.why C.which D.how8.For our own safety,its important to _ the traffic rule on the way to school.A.break B.make C.change D.follow9.Would you _ the luggage for me? Ill be back soon - Yes, of courseA.see B.watch C.notice10.It()be Mr. Li. He has gone to France.A.may B.mu

4、st C.cant D.couldnt11.“Dont always make Tim()this or that. He is a big boy now.”Mrs Bush said.A.doing B.do C.does D.to do12.-How about the two pairs of the fashionable sports shoes?-I like the design,but they are()too big()too small.A.not onlybut also B.bothand C.neithernor D.eitheror13.More and mor

5、e people in Shanghai choose to go to work _ underground.A.in B.with C.by D.for14. Mum,_ I visit the Movie Museum tomorrow? Im afraid you cant.It is closed on Monday.A.must B.may C.should D.need15.The wallet probably()the woman who sat here just now.A.belongs to B.is belonging to C.belong to D.belong

6、ing to16.It was more than 100 years ago _ Tomas Edison invented the electric lamp.A.that B.since C.what D.where17.()of us has been to Shanghai.A.All B.No one C.Everyone D.Every one18.In order to find _ better job,he decided to study a second foreign language.A.a B.the C.that D.this19.The _ girl is l

7、ooked well by her grandmother.A.five-years-oldB.five year oldC.five-years oldD.five-year-old20.Can you make a()travel plan for me?A.3 days B.3 day C.three-days D.three-day二、填空题(20题)21.I prefer a house in a mountain village to_in such a large city as Changsha.A.that B.it C.this D.one22.We should try

8、our best to leave our generation a world better than_we were given.A.it B.one C.the one D.those23.I sincerely suggest that you try your best to finish this project,unless you dont _the complaints from all directions.A.care about B.set about C.bring about D.go about24.In fact he lived a comfortable l

9、ife,but he_about his fate all the time.A.is complainingB.has complainedC.was complainingD.had complained25.Can you accompany your little brother to the post office now? _,if he is ready.A.By all means B.No way C.My pleasure D.In no case26.John said he wasnt disappointed at the result of the basketba

10、ll game,but the look on his face_him_.A.turned;down B.took;in C.made;out D.gave;away三、汉译英(5题)27.这和你很喜欢听的重金属音乐没有很大的差别。28.为了他的健康,医生建议他戒烟。(stop doing)29.好的记忆对学习语言很有帮助。30.它不仅让我们接近自然,让我们从繁重的学业中得到放松,同样还促进了我们之间的友谊。(not only放句首引起的倒装句)31.不容怀疑,和社会上其他工作相比较,清洁工的工作更艰难些。(用compared with 作状语)四、语言应用(5题)32.Mr Smith w

11、ill go to the office in the Liffey Street,he should_.A.turn right B.turn left C.go along the road33.There is a sign like the picture.What does it mean?A.No fire B.No smoking C.No parking34.You can look for _ by using the online search.A.pictures B.wordss meaning C.a dictionary35.How often can you en

12、joy music in the club?A.Twice a month.B.Twice a week.C.Four times a month.D.Five days a week.36.From the picture,we can learn something about.A.fishing B.shipping C.shopping五、翻译(10题)37.Welcome to join us in playing basketball.38.Take a notebook with you in order to write down what you see.39.The col

13、lege students have made up their minds to set up a new school for the children in poor areas.40.This is the first time he used e-mail to communicate with his pen pal.41.中国将在十年后建造一个空间站。42.Lets hurry so that we can get there before supper.43.Its a piece of cake.44.Work hard and you must succeed.45.Enj

14、oy your meal.46.Im looking forward to receiving your good news.六、阅读理解(10题)47.Night blindness is most likely caused by .A.staring for long periodsB.too much beta caroteneC.not enough vitamin AD.vision problems48.The words“sit on”in the passage probably mean _.A.fail to realizeB.forget to useC.try to developD.manage to show49.The cage hit the Frenchman because ().A.he lived downstairsB.he wanted to catch the cageC.Grant asked him to look at the falling cageD.he p



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