(学案)Unit 4 HISTORY AND TRADITIONS-Listening and Speaking教案课件习题-高中英语必修二

Unit 4 HISTORY AND TRADITIONS Listening and Speaking 【学习目标】 1. 掌握本课的重要词汇与句式; 2. 通过课内听力训练,提高听力技巧,锻炼听力水平。 【学习重难点】 1. 本课时的重要词汇与句式; 2. 通过课内听力训练,提高听力技巧,锻炼听力水平。 【学习过程】 Step 1 Lead in Look at the photo on Page 37, and then answer the questions. 1. What do you know about the buildings in the photo above? 2. What traditions of that city/country do you know about? 3. Why is it important to protect historic buildings and cultural traditions? Step 2 Share views on historic sites 1. Before listening, look at some photos of Qufu in Activity 1 on Page 38. And think about the question: “What can you say about these places?” 2. Listen to a conversation between a British tourist and a Chinese student in Qufu, and then write down what they say about Confucius. Facts/Opinion about Confucius William Xiao Kong 3. Listen again and decide whether these statements are true (T), false (F), or not mentioned (NM). (1) Listen and judge, and check the answers. 1) Confucius said that learning without understanding leads to confusion. _______ 2) Xiao Kong is doing a research project on Confucius philosophy. _______ 3) As one of Confucius’ descendants, Xiao Kong’s name is recorded in the family tree. _______ 4) Dacheng Hall is the tallest building in Qufu. _______ (2) Then go through the question as bellow, and choose the right answer. ·Why do you think William said his hometown was similar to Qufu? _______ A. There are famous halls in his hometown. B. There are no tall buildings in his hometown. C. Both places have a famous person who was born there. D. His hometown doesn’t allow other buildings to be more noticeable than the historic buildings. 4. Activity 4 (1) At first, go through the Understand idioms and try to understand the meaning. An idiom is an expression which means something different from the meaning of the individual words. Some idioms present an idea or paint a picture that gives a hint as to the meaning. Other idioms can only be understood from the context in which they appear. (2) Write down the English idioms that are used in the conversation. Explain their meanings and think about some Chinese equivalents. English idiom Meaning Chinese equivalent Achilles’ heel pull one’s leg fish out of water 5. Discuss the questions in groups, and then answer them. (1) What do you know about Confucius’ ideas on education? Think of two or three examples. What else do you know about Confucius and his philosophy? (2) Think about a historic site that you have visited, and give an introduction to its history and importance. Step 3 Pronunciation 1. Read this part of the poem “If-” written by British poet Rudyard Kipling. Notice the linking sounds. Then mark the linking sounds after the model If you can make one heap of all your winnings And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss, And lose, and start again at your beginnings And never breathe a word about your loss; If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone, And so hold on when there is nothing in you Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!" 2. Repeat the poem after the recording. Step 4 Homework 课后练习

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