Unit 5 5 Writing—An argumentative essay on farming-教案课件-高中英语选择性必修一

Working the LandUnit 5内容索引Period FiveWritingAn argumentative essay on farming写作训练 弄清文络 写作妙笔生花技法点拨 文体分析 把握写作动脉本本单单元元要要求求写写篇篇议议论论性性的的文文章章。议议论论文文通通过过议议论论或或说说理理来来表表达达作作者者的的见见解解和和主主张张。作作者者对对某某一一问问题题持持有有一一种种看看法法,为为了了使使读读者者同同意意自自己己的的看法,提出若干理由,企图说服他人。一般分为以下三段:看法,提出若干理由,企图说服他人。一般分为以下三段:第一段先阐述议论的问题并表明自己的观点;第一段先阐述议论的问题并表明自己的观点;第二段阐述自己支持观点的原因或者是另一方的观点及原因;第二段阐述自己支持观点的原因或者是另一方的观点及原因;第三段做一个总结。第三段做一个总结。技 法 点 拨文体分析 把握写作动脉写作指导1.Id like to express my views about.2.In my opinion/As far as Im concerned.3.On the one hand,.on the other(hand),.4.When it comes to.,most people believe that.,but other people regard.as.5.of them are in favor of the idea that.6.Some people believe that.Others argue that.7.Different from those.,people think.8.On the other hand,people object that.常用表达返 回假假如如你你是是李李华华,你你班班就就化化学学农农业业和和有有机机农农业业进进行行了了讨讨论论,请请写写一一篇篇文章阐述一下你的观点。内容包括:文章阐述一下你的观点。内容包括:1.有机农产品更健康,让人放心;有机农产品更健康,让人放心;2.有机农耕对环境不造成破坏;有机农耕对环境不造成破坏;3.有机农耕让农民增加收入。有机农耕让农民增加收入。注意:词数注意:词数80左右。左右。参考词汇:参考词汇:pesticide residues农药残留农药残留写 作 训 练弄清文络 写作妙笔生花审题审题1.确定文体:这是一篇议论性文章,注意议论文的写作特点。确定文体:这是一篇议论性文章,注意议论文的写作特点。2.主体时态:文章应以一般现在时为主。主体时态:文章应以一般现在时为主。3.主主体体人人称称:由由于于是是发发表表自自己己的的观观点点,所所以以人人称称应应该该以以第第一一人人称称和和第第三三人人称为主。称为主。审题谋篇谋篇谋篇本文可以分为三个部分:本文可以分为三个部分:第一部分:引入话题。第一部分:引入话题。第二部分:提出观点并阐述理由。第二部分:提出观点并阐述理由。第三部分:总结全文。重申自己的核心观点,提出希望。第三部分:总结全文。重申自己的核心观点,提出希望。核心词汇核心词汇1.有机农耕有机农耕_2.土壤状况土壤状况_3.收入收入_4.喷洒喷洒_organic farmingthe condition of the soilincomespray遣词造句连词成句连词成句1.在在有有机机耕耕作作过过程程中中,禁禁止止农农民民往往作作物物上上喷喷洒洒化化学学杀杀虫虫剂剂,所所以以作作物物上上没没有农药残留。有农药残留。_2.他们在耕作过程中使用的是动物粪便,这对于改善土壤状况很有益处。他们在耕作过程中使用的是动物粪便,这对于改善土壤状况很有益处。_In organic farming,farmers are forbidden to spray chemical pesticides on the plants,so pesticide residues wont be left on them.They use natural waste from animals and this will be good for improving the condition of the soil.3.随随着着越越来来越越多多的的人人十十分分关关注注自自己己的的健健康康,人人们们往往往往在在购购物物时时选选择择有有机机水水果果和蔬菜,尽管价格有点高。和蔬菜,尽管价格有点高。(as;though)_As more and more people care about their health most,people tend to buy organic fruit and vegetables when they are shopping in stores,though the prices are high.句式升级句式升级1.用过去分词作定语改写句用过去分词作定语改写句1。_2.用非限制性定语从句改写句用非限制性定语从句改写句2。_3.用用with的复合结构以及用的复合结构以及用despite代替代替though引导的让步状语从句改写句引导的让步状语从句改写句3。_In organic farming,farmers are forbidden to spray chemical pesticides on the plants,so there are no pesticide residues left on them.They use natural waste from animals,which will be good for improving the condition of the soil.With more and more people caring most about their health,people tend to buy organic fruit and vegetables when they are shopping in stores,despite the high prices of these products.连句成篇连句成篇用用适适当当的的过过渡渡词词语语,把把以以上上词词汇汇和和句句式式,再再加加上上联联想想内内容容,组组成成一一篇篇80词左右的英语短文。词左右的英语短文。参考范文参考范文As far as Im concerned,organic farming is preferable to chemical farming.Here are some reasons.Firstly,in organic farming,farmers are forbidden to spray chemical pesticides on the plants,so there are no pesticide residues left on them.Secondly,farmers use natural waste from animals,which will be good for improving the condition of the soil.Thirdly,organic farming can increase the farmers income.With more and more people caring most about their health,they tend to buy organic fruit and vegetables when they are shopping in stores,despite the high prices of these products.All in all,Im in favour of organic farming.I hope more and more farmers will turn to organic farming in the future.返 回

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