Unit 3 Food and culture Period 1 Reading and thinking 学案 -教案课件-高中英语选择性必修二

Unit 3Period 1 Reading and Thinking学案 1. To understand the cultural connotation, regional characteristics and historical tradition of Chinese cuisine 2.To understand and explore the relationship between food and people's personality 3. to use the cohesive words in the text 4. to accurately grasp the real meaning of the information and improve the overall understanding ability by understanding the implied meaning behind the text. 1. To understand the cultural connotation, regional characteristics and historical tradition of Chinese cuisine 2.To understand and explore the relationship between food and people's personality 1): What do you think this article is about? 2): Read the text and find out the answers to the following questions. 1.What does the dish General Tso’s chicken tell about Americans? ______________________________________________________________________________ 2.What impressed the writer most while in Beijing? ______________________________________________________________________________ 3.What did the writer find is important to people in China while he was in Shandong? ______________________________________________________________________________ 4.Why did people in Xinjiang enjoy cooking over an open fire? ______________________________________________________________________________ 5.What does elegant dim sum mean? ______________________________________________________________________________ 6.What does the food local people consume tell the writer? 3): Use the information from the text to take notes. Place Kind of Chinese food Typical dish America Beijing Shandong Northwest China South China Central China 4): Read the text again and Match the causes to the effects. Cause 1.The flavor preferences of Americans often differ from those of the Chinese 2.We had no idea how to order food. 3.These groups traditionally wandered the open range on horses. Effect A:The chef just began filling our table with the best food we had ever eaten. B:Their traditional foods are what you can cook over an open fire. C: Chinese food in America is changed to suit American tastes. _____________________________________________________ 5): Read and find out the main idea of each paragraph. Para1: __________________________________________________ Para2: __________________________________________________ Para3: __________________________________________________ Para4: __________________________________________________ Para5: __________________________________________________ Para6: __________________________________________________ Para7: __________________________________________________ 6): Do you think “Culture and cuisine go hand in hand? Give your reasons. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 答案 1): What do you think this article is about? It is about various culture and cuisine about a place or some countries. 2): Read the text and find out the answers to the following questions. 1.What does the dish General Tso’s chicken tell about Americans? It tells people that Americans love bold, simple flavors and are not afraid to try new foods. 2.What impressed the writer most while in Beijing? The friendship offered by people 3.What did the writer find is important to people in China while he was in Shandong? family 4.Why did people in Xinjiang enjoy cooking over an open fire? They traditionally wandered the open range on horses 5.What does elegant dim sum mean? Small servings of food in bamboo steamers 6.What does the food local people consume tell the writer? It tells us what people grow in their region and what kinds of lives they lead, what they like or dislike. 3: Place Kind of Chinese food Typical dish America changed Sichuan Cuisine General Tso’s chicken Beijing Sichuan Cuisine Sichuan Peppercorns Shandong Shangdong Cuisine pancake rolls Northwest China Xinjiang and Inner Mongolian Cuisine Lamb Kebab South China Guangdong Cuisine Guangdong’s elegant dim sum Central China Henan Cuisine Stewed noodles 4): Read the text again and Match the causes to the effects. keys:1. C 2. A 3.B 5): Understanding its main idea and structures Read and find out the main idea of each paragraph. Para1: you are what you eat. Para2: Chinese food in America has changed to suit American flavor. Para3: my experience of authentic Chinese food in Beijing. Para4: what I learn about in Chinese food culture in Sha

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