英语(基础模块)上册Unit 5 Clothes Make the Man

(基础模块)上册Unit 5 Clothes Make the ManWarming-upListening&SpeakingPronunciationHaving Fun01020304Reading05Grammar FocusWritingReview060708Culture Corner09Warming-up.Look and match.将下列与衣服相关的单词标到图片对应位置。tiejacketshirttrousersshoes sweaterhatboots coathoodT-shirtshortsscarfsandalsskirtsuits capdressearingsglovebeltblousesunglasses.Look and match.将下列与衣服相关的单词标到图片对应位置。tiejacketshirttrousersshoes sweaterhatboots coathoodT-shirtshortsscarfsandalsskirtsuits capdressearingsglovebeltblousesunglasses.Watch and fill.看视频,采访两名同伴,完成表格。Do you like shopping for clothes?Whats more important?Is the price,fashion status or quality?Classmate 1Classmate 2点击图片观看视频Listening&SpeakingDialogue 1 How can I help you?.Listen and choose.听录音,选择正确的答案。听录音,选择正确的答案。1.What does this man looking for?AB2.Whats the mans size?AB3.What does the man buy at last?ABAAADialogue 1 How can I help you?.Listen again and fill.再听录音,补全对话。再听录音,补全对话。Salesman:Hello,_?Tom:Hello.Im looking for a jacket.This style is perfect.Do you have those in black?Salesman:Yes,sir._.Tom:A medium size,please.Salesman:Does it fit?Tom:The sleeves arent long enough,the jacket is too short.And its too tight around the shoulders._.Salesman:Ill bring you another size.Tom:This one is too big and too loose.Salesman:Oh,then _?Tom:Yes,Id like to try some shoes,too._ and color.Ill take them.how can I help youWhat size do you needIt seems too smallwould you like to try something elseThis is my favorite designDialogue 1 How can I help you?Notesjacket/dkt/n.夹克medium size/midim/中号fit/ft/v.合身sleeve/sliv/n.袖子tight/tat/adj.紧的shoulder/ld(r)/n.肩膀loose/lus/adj.宽松的Dialogue 1 How can I help you?.Listen and fill.听录音,完成对话。听录音,完成对话。A:Can I help you with something?B:Yes,please.We are looking for the _ department.A:Its _ over there,by the escalator.B:Thank you!A:Is this shirt _?B:Yes,it is.Its on sale for 40%off.A:Can I _ it on?B:Sure!Theres a _ over there.womensrighton sale trychanging roomDialogue 1 How can I help you?.Listen and fill.听录音,完成对话。听录音,完成对话。A:Is it okay?B:It fits _,but the color.A:We also have it in _.B:Could I _ it,please?A:How does it _?B:Its a little too _.Does this shirt come in large?A:Yes,it does.Here is a large.wellblueseefitsmallDialogue 1 How can I help you?.Role play.任选一个场景,编一段对话并角色扮演。任选一个场景,编一段对话并角色扮演。Situation 1:A young man and his girl friend are buying a wedding gown in a department store(大百货商店).Situation 2:A girl is in a gift shop buying a scarf as a birthday gift for her mother.Situation 3:Two students are in a department store buying Teachers Day gifts for their English teacher.Situation 4:A man and his wife are in a department store buying Christmas gifts for their three children.Dialogue 2 How do I look in this shirt?.Listen and discuss.听录音,并讨论以下问题。听录音,并讨论以下问题。1.What color does the woman buy?2.How does the woman look in green and red?3.Do you care too much about what others think when you wear clothes?Why or why not?4.Whats your opinion about wearing Hanfu or qipao(cheongsam)in daily life?Dialogue 2 How do I look in this shirt?.Listen and fill.听录音,补全对话。听录音,补全对话。Lucy:How do I look _?Am I cute,or what?Tim:No,you look ridiculous.I suggest you try on some other colors.Lucy:OK,I will try on that _ one.Now,_?Tim:You look like a _.Why not try on the red one?Lucy:But red doesnt go with my green sweater.Tim:It surely does._,red is the global fashion now.Lucy:All right.I will try on the red one.Now,what do you think?Tim:Terrific!Lucy:But I feel that I look like a pepper in green and red.Tim:How about this red Hanfu?Its beautiful.Lucy:Yes.Its beautiful.But will others think Im a strange person when I wear it in the street?Tim:Dont care too much about what others think,just be yourself.Lucy:Then I will take this one.Tim:_.You look great in it.in this skirtgreenhow do I lookChristmas treeTrust meBelieve meDialogue 2 How do I look in this shirt?Notesridiculous /rdkjls/adj.愚蠢的;可笑的suggest /sdest/v.建议go with跟相配global/glbl/adj.全球的;全世界的terrific/trfk/adj.极好的strange/strend/adj.奇怪的pepper/pep(r)/n.辣椒Dialogue 2 How do I look in this shirt?Id like to refund/exchange this qipao/coat我想退掉/换这件旗袍/大衣Its too big/small/tight/loose/long/short它太大/小/紧/松/长/短I wonder if I can get a refund on this sweater.不知这件毛衣是否能退款。Do you have your receipt?您带发票了吗?.Role play.根据提示,编一段对话并角色扮演。根据提示,编一段对话并角色扮演。Dialogue 2 How do I look in this shirt?.Role play.根据提示,编一段对话并角色扮演。根据提示,编一段对话并角色扮演。Example:A:What can I do for you today?B:Id like to return this coat and get a refund,please.A:I see.And what is the reason?B:Ill show you.Its too small.A:Oh,yes.I do see.Do you have your receipt?B:Here it is.Dialogue 2 How do I look in this shirt?.Summarise and role play.总结顾客与售货员对话的相关表达,编总结顾客与售货员对话的相关表达,编一段对话并角色扮演。一段对话并角色扮演。Pronunciation后元音/和/u/的发音规则:发音时,舌后部向软腭抬起,舌身后缩,舌尖离开下齿;双唇收圆,稍向前突出。/u/的发音规则:发音时,舌后部尽量抬起,舌位比/高;双唇收圆并突出,口型比/稍小。发音时要保持嘴型不变。点击上方图片观看视频后元音.Pronunciation rules.看视频学习看视频学习/和和/u/的发音规则。的发音规则。点击上方图片观看视频后元音u 后元音/和/u/.Letter patterns./和和/u/对应的字母和字母组合。对应的字母和字母组合。前元音字母单词/oogood、cook、foot、bookufull、pull、put、sugaroucould、should、would/u/odo、to、whoooch

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