单独招生英语试卷(答案) (2)

对口单独招生统一考试 英语试卷 (满分120分,考试时间90分钟) 一、选择题:(本题共20小题,每小题3分,共60分) 1._______ in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him. A. Losing B. Having lost C. Lost D. To lost 2.The _______ boy was last seen ________ near the East lake. A. missing; playing B. missing; play C. missed; played D. missed; to play 3.It was so easy and ______ so reasonable. A. in a way B. in the way C. in this way D. by the way 4. The two boys were fighting each other, and it was hard for us to ____ them.( ) A. divide of B. prevent is C. separate D. keep 5. ----- Excuse me, may I ask you some questions?( ) ------- Sorry , I’m too busy and haven’t even a minute to ______. A. spend is B. share C. stop up D. spare 6. –What are you doing _________vacation? --I’m camping( ) A. for B. with if C. about D. to too 7. A lot of vegetables help us to keep in good ________.( ) A. habit B. health C. body on D. idea 8. –How long does it _______you to get to school on foot? ( ) --Twenty minutes. A. spend is B. pay to C, take D. use 9. –Do you prefer milk or coffee?( ) --___________. I usually drink tea. A. Neither B. Both to C. Either D. All at 10. It’s time to go to the airport. Have you ______your things yet?( ) A、collected is B. heard has C. carried D. packed 11. He was caught _____ the rain when he was walking in the street. A. in B. under C. with D. from 12. Many shops and restaurants offer ___ prices every day to promote business. A. clear B. regular C. particular D. special 13. The doorway is low, so ___ your head when you go in. A. attend B. mind C. protect D. guard 14. Excuse me for breaking in,___ I have some news for You. A. so B. and C. but D. yet 15. There is no ___ that a lot of damage has been done by the typhoon sweeping across the city. A. idea B. doubt C. hope D. uncertainty 16. A NASA experimental jet, the X-43A, flew at a world-record speed----11,260 kilometres an hour on November 17. Its speed is ___ as sound. A. as ten times fast B. ten times as fast C. fast as ten times D. so fast ten times 17. The fact saddened all the fans ____ their beloved team lost the championship. A. that B. which C. what D. until 18. If ___, he promised that he would do all he could to promote public welfare. A. elected B. being elected C. having elected D. to be elected 19.--i introduce myself? My name is Meg Johnson.( ) Nice to meet you, Mr. Johnson. A. Must is B. Should C. Need net D. Mays 20.The boss made them. ___ten hours day. ( ) A.worked to B.working C.work D.to work 二、翻译(共计15分) 1. 电影开演半小时了。 汉译英:__________________________________________________________ 2. 同学们花了几天时间完成了这项工作。 汉译英:___________________________________________. 3. 感谢告诉我这么多有关西方礼节的事情。 汉译英: ________________________________________________________ 4. 你能告诉我哪里有好的地方吃饭吗? 汉译英: _________________________________________________________ 5. 他明年将开始在中国教英语。 汉译英: ___________________________________________________________ 三、完型填空:(共15分) People think that factory workers are more likely to get hurt at work than office worker___1 , factories have very strict safety standards but safety standards in offices are often very poor. This___2 thousands of office accidents and injuries happen every year. One of the___3 common problems in offices___4 air pollution. Poor ventilation (通风设施) and passive smoking are dangers to the___5 of all workers in the same office.___6 common office problem is back and shoulder pain. Companies can improve the situation___7 they provide specially designed computer keyboards ___8 their workers. They can also___9 adjustable(可调整的) chairs and desks in the office. Finally, office___10 can also happen if there are wet floors or broken carpets. Workers may slip and fall if office maintenance is___11 . Many companies are more and more aware___12 office safety problems. They are doing something to improve the working conditions of their offices. 1. A. Sometimes B. Although C. Therefore D. Generally 2. A. makes B. takes C. helps D. gets 3. A. more B. best C. worst D. most 4. A. are B. is C. were D. to be 5. A. heads B. health C. minds D. brains 6. A. Other B. Every C. Any D. Another 7. A. if B. whether C. but D. while 8. A. to B. with C. by D. for 9. A. buy B. order C. use D. produce 10. A. workers B. injuries C. persons D. people 11. A. better B. safe C. poor D. dangerous 12. A. in B. of C. with D. on 四、阅读理解(15分) It's only 4 hours flying time from Sydney, but a world away. What better place to rest than a country where the only place people hurry is on the football field

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