module 2 unit 5 a story by mark twaintom sawyer paints the fence 课件牛津上海版九年级英语下册

牛津上海版牛津上海版九九年级英语年级英语下下册册 2023版课件filma brush with a long handlemarblesa bucket of white paintQ1:Which boy do you think Tom Sawyer is in the picture?Q2:What are the other boys doing in the picture?Time:Time:Place:Place:Characters:Characters:Saturday morningOn the sidewalkTom.Skimming1:Fast readingTom gained all sorts of toys and the fence gained three coats of paint.Tom tricked Ben into painting the fence.Tom was told to paint the fence by Aunt Polly.Main idea Body(para-)Ending(para-14)Beginning(para1-)Part Skimming2:Fast readingDividethestoryintothreepartsThe fence was thirty yards long and three yards high.The part that was painted was so small,and the unpainted part was so big.Tom wanted to play games and other boys would really make fun of him.1.What was Tom asked to do on Saturday morning?2.What did he need to paint a long fence?3.How did he feel when he painted?Why?He felt depressed.4.Why did he pick up his brush and go back to work?Scanning:Read for details1)Will you let me do some painting?2)Work?This isnt work.Im enjoying myself.3)Im going swimming.Do you want to go swimming?4)No,I cant.You see,Aunt Polly wants it to be done properly.5)Oh,please.I can do it.Ill be really careful.6)Im the only one who can do it right.7)But I guess you cant.You have to stay and work,dont you?8)Does a boy get a chance to paint a fence like this every day?9)Just let me try.Ill give you half of my apple.Ill give you all of it!BenBenBenBenTomTomTomTomBen Task 1:Try to find who said it.Ben:Im going swimming.Do you want to go swimming,Tom?But I guess you cant.You have to stay and work,dont you?Tom:Work?This isnt work.Im enjoying myself.Does a boy get a chance to paint a fence like this every day?(Tom went on painting,carefully.Sometimes he stopped,stood back to look at the fence,and then added a bit more paint in just the right place.)Ben:Tom,will you let me do some painting?Tom:No,Ben,I cant.You see,Aunt Polly wants it to be done properly.Im the only one who can do it right.Ben:Oh,please,Tom.I can do it.Ill be really careful.Just let me try.Ill give you half of my apple.Ill give you all of it!Tom:Well,all right,Ben.But you must be careful.Task 2:Pair workTom SawyerBen Rogersfelt sadpaintedcarefullywith worry on his face but joy in his hearts_beforethefencet_ofthegameshehadplannedtheboyswouldm_him.wentonp_i_Bene_himselfg_Benhisbrushs_downagainunderthetreestartede_Bensapplefelt happymore and more interestedwanted to paint the fencet_aboutitwasw_everymoveb_Tomg_TomhisappleHow did Tom Sawyers and Ben Rogers feelings change?toodhoughtakefunofaintinggnorednjoyedaveatatingameingingarryingookedatchinghoughteggedavec_alongs_happily,c_anapplel_atTom Task 3:Reading for detailsTomBenp_ to paintfelt d_got more and more i_felt happywanted to paint the fencep_to r_with w_ on his face but j_ in his heartpainted the fenceretendedefuseretendedsat down and started to eat Bens appleepressedorryoynterestedAllday,boyscametomakefun,buttheystayedtopaint.JohnnyMillerofferedTomelevenmarblesforachancetopaintBillyFishergaveTomakiteforachancetopaint.Atlastthefencehadgainedtwocoatsofpaint.AuntPollywassatisfiedwithTomswork.AuntPollygiveTomalargeappleasareward.Skimming:Read and tick the correct information On _ morning,every boy was happy,_ Tom.His aunt told him to _ the fence.He painted a small corner,and began to_ a rest under a tree.Soon the boys who were free would _ _ and _ _ _ him._ _,he had an idea.He went on _.Tom told Ben he was the only one that can do it _ then Ben gave him an _for the _ to paint the fence.exceptpaintalongcomemakeofJust thenpaintingfunSaturdayhavechanceappleproperlyLets try!Retell the story together.Tom gave Ben his brush with _ on his face,but _ in his heart.All day,boys passed by and wanted to paint the fence.That afternoon,Tom gained all_ of toys,and the fence _ three _ of paint.Later,Aunt Polly came to look at the painted fence.She was so _ that she gave Tom a large cake!joyworrygainedsortscoatspleased1 12 23 34 45 56 61.What do you think of Tom Sawyer?2.Do you like Tom Sawyer?Why or why not?Have a discussion Mark Twainan American writer humorist novelistReading makes a full man.Reading makes a full man.BaconlOral work 1.Read the story fluently and try to act it out.lWritten work 1.Copy the new words and phrases.2.Finish workbookP39.Homework知识从点滴累积2023年新版

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