
综合检测试卷综合检测试卷 B B 卷含答案银行招聘之银行招聘综合卷含答案银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识能力提升试卷知识能力提升试卷 A A 卷附答案卷附答案 单选题(共单选题(共 5050 题)题)1、对银行机构流动性监管内容不包括()。A.流动性负债大于自有资本 B.资产负债期限匹配 C.流动性应保持在适度水平 D.银行资产变化情况【答案】A 2、甲以个人名义向乙独资设立的腾飞有限公司借款 8 万元,借期 2 年,不久,甲与丙登记结婚,将借款 8 万元用于购买新房和家电,婚后 l 年,甲与丙协议离婚,未对债务的偿还作出约定。下列哪一项是正确的?()A.由乙向甲请求偿还 8 万元 B.由乙向甲和丙请求偿还 8 万元 C.腾飞公司只能向甲请求偿还 8 万元 D.由腾飞公司向甲和丙请求偿还 8 万元【答案】D 3、以下哪一项属于资本证券?()A.基金 B.支票 C.汇票 D.提单【答案】A 4、下列有关国内生产总值的表述,正确的是()。A.B.C.D.【答案】B 5、()是指为了保证财务报表简明易懂而另行编制的一些详细、具体反映表内重要项目的构成及其增减变动原因与数额的表格。A.旁注 B.底表 C.附表 D.底注【答案】C 6、以下不是网络操作系统的是()。A.UNIX B.Linux C.Windows 2000 D.DOS【答案】D 7、资料:Large industrialized are now in a recession.What are the prospects for economic recovery?A.deficit B.surpluses C.decline D.recession【答案】A 8、某单位组织 130 名员工去参观自然博物馆,某运输公司有两种车辆可供选择:A.525 B.530 C.545 D.585【答案】A 9、Dream is a story that a person watches or even takes part in during sleep.Dream events are imaginary,but they are related to real experiences and needs in the dreamers life.A.deprives people of a good sleep B.disturbs peoples life C.makes people always restless D.is beneficial to people【答案】D 10、Well give every employee_for development.A.room B.house C.employment D.place【答案】A 11、Serena often has a long discussion with _ colleagues about sales figure forecast for Q1 FY 2014.A.herself B.hers C.her D.she【答案】C 12、我国现阶段的货币政策采用()公式来考量 M2 增速是否适宜。A.M2 增速=GDP 增速+CPI+1%B.M2 增速=GDP 增速+CPI+2%C.M2=GDP 增速+CPI D.M2=GDP 增速+CPI+1%至 2%【答案】C 13、The chairman of the board()on me the unpleasant job of dismissing good workers the firm can no longer afford to employ.A.compelled B.posed C.pressed D.tempted【答案】C 14、资料:New York and London may rule the roost,but other financial hubs in America and Europe have managed to carve out useful specialist niches for themselves.Chicago,for instance,has consolidated its position as the worlds derivatives center,and Houston,the largest city in Texas,is home to Americas biggest energy firms and has spawned an active cluster of energy traders and hedge funds.A.New York is the worlds largest financial hub B.Houston is the worlds biggest center for energy trading and hedge funds C.The Europe has as many financial centers as the United States D.Different financial centers have different specialist features【答案】D 15、北宋新诗运动的领袖是()。A.欧阳修 B.王安石 C.梅尧臣 D.范仲淹【答案】A 16、实收资本 10000 万元,资本公积 500 万元,盈余公积 150 万元,未分配利润 400 万元,则留存收益为()万元。A.1050 B.650 C.550 D.11550【答案】C 17、资料:Western business visitors are often deadline-driven and unwilling to slow down to the Chinese pace when discussing business.But in China the pace can be fast and slow simultaneously.A.Westerners may establish long term cooperation with one supplier B.Chinese panel tends to look for clear alternatives C.Chinese negotiator is illogical D.Westerners are straightforward in Chinese businessmen s eyes【答案】A 18、关于商业汇票贴现核算的下列表述中,不正确的是()。A.商业银行通过“贴现资产”科目核算办理相关业务 B.该科目应该按照贴现种类和贴现申请人进行明细核算 C.会计部门接到贴现凭证及商业汇票后,按照规定的贴现率计算出贴现利息并给予扣收,实付贴现金额=汇票金额-汇票天数*贴现天数*月贴现率 D.编制会计分录:借记:贴现资产商业承兑汇票或银行承兑汇票(面值)贷记:吸收存款贴现申请人户,贷记贴现资产利息调整【答案】C 19、I still remember the day I first met her,she().A.had long hair B.has long hairs C.had long hairs D.has long hair【答案】A 20、资料:Demystifying how social and human-like robots work is vital so that we can understand and shape how they will affect our future,Dr Hatice Gunes will tell the Hay Festival next week.(1)A.With the development of human robot interaction,robots ae now able to communicate with humans in an effective way B.Scientists have many challenges in developing robots,such as how to modify their appearance and behavior C.Human emotions enable robots to win the trust from human,especially the elderly and children D.It is important to help people understand robots in order to develop robots to human needs【答案】D 21、Theres been a lot of contention in the last couple of weeks about the future_of the company.A.direction B.decision C.condition D.orentation【答案】A 22、当出租车租金价格上涨后,对公共汽车服务的()。A.需求增加 B.需求减少 C.需求不变 D.需求可能增加,也可能减少【答案】A 23、_ the well-bred people knows how to confess a fault,or acknowledge himself in an error.A.None but B.None other than C.Nothing but D.No other than【答案】A 24、资料:Did your childs brain shrink last summer?Probably not,but it may have shifted into reverse,according to a study by Dr.Harris Cooper,professor of psychology at the University of Missouri-Columbia.The study found that when students return to school after a long summer vacation,theyve lost one to three months worth of learning.A.Less outdoor activities over the summer B.More housework over the summer C.Less money gained over the summer D.More part-time work over the summer【答案】A 25、上海证券交易所上市交易的某只股票,2009 年末的每股税后利润为 0.2元,市场利率为 2.5%。A.分期付息到期还本债券 B.到期一次还本付息债券 C.分期还本到期一次付息债券 D.分期付息债券【答案】A 26、()是指一个组织在长期发展过程中,把组织内全体成员结合在一起的行为方式、价值观念和道德规范,其具有目标导向、凝聚、激烈、创新等功能。A.组织机构 B.组织领导 C.组织文化 D.组织安排【答案】C 27、Passage 2 A.To keep clients data safe B.To close down the poor services C.To give up their data monopoly D.To disclose their sources of profits【答案】C 28、在结账以前,如果发现账簿记录有错误,而记账凭证没有错误,仅属于记账时文字或数字上的笔误,应采用()。A.蓝字更正法 B.红字更正法

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