
真题练习试卷真题练习试卷 A A 卷附答案银行招聘之银行招聘综合卷附答案银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识押题练习试卷知识押题练习试卷 A A 卷附答案卷附答案 单选题(共单选题(共 5050 题)题)1、2021 年 1 月 20 日 00 时 25 分,我国在西昌卫星发射中心用()运载火箭,成功将天通一号 03 星发射升空。A.长征五号乙 B.长征三号甲 C.长征四号乙 D.长征三号乙【答案】D 2、一般而言,金融资产的流动性与风险性、收益性之间的关系存在()。A.正相关 B.负相关 C.不相关 D.不确定关系【答案】B 3、2018 年 3 月 11 日,十三届全国人大一次会议表决通过了中华人民共和国宪法修正案。关于本次宪法修正案下列说法错误的是()A.我国现行宪法是“八二宪法”,目前经历了 5 次修改 B.社会主义民族关系的表述中增加了“和谐”C.宪法修正案规定监察委员会委员长由全国人大选举产生 D.宪法修正案规定县级市有权制定地方性法规【答案】D 4、资料:Western business visitors are often deadline-driven and unwilling to slow down to the Chinese pace when discussing business.But in China the pace can be fast and slow simultaneously.A.Westerners may establish long-term cooperation with one supplier B.Chinese panel tends to looking for clear alternatives C.Chinese negotiator is illogical D.Westerners are straightforward in Chinese businessmens eyes【答案】A 5、观察数列的变化规律,然后为空缺处选出正确的数:4、15、18、31、36、51、()。A.34 B.22 C.49 D.58【答案】D 6、未经正式公布的法律是()。A.有效的 B.无效的 C.部分有效的 D.以上答案都不对【答案】B 7、柯达公司是世界上著名的影像产品及相关服务的生产和供应商。面对市场技术的不断革新,柯达公司满足现状没有及时进行技术更新,直到 2003 年,柯达才宣布全面进军数码产业。最终柯达公司陷入退市困境,体现了管理学中的()。A.二八法则 B.长板法则 C.青蛙法则 D.木桶法则【答案】C 8、中国人民银行法律责任的特点是()。A.中国人民银行负责 B.直接责任者负责 C.直接责任者或中国人民银行负责 D.直接责任者和中国人民银行共同负责【答案】B 9、投资银行的最核心业务之一是()。A.证券经济与交易业务 B.收购兼并业务 C.风险投资业务 D.证券发行与承销业务【答案】D 10、社会主义初级阶段基本路线的核心是()。A.以经济建设为中心 B.改革开放 C.四项基本原则 D.精神文明建设【答案】A 11、下列关于历史典籍,表述正确的是()。A.春秋是我国第一部国别体史书 B.史记是我国第一部编年体通史 C.汉书是我国第一部纪传体断代史 D.资治通鉴是我国第一部纪传体通史【答案】C 12、()是指对某项经济业务事项标明其应借应贷账户及金额的记录。A.会计科目 B.会计账户 C.会计分录 D.复式记账【答案】C 13、2020 年 1 月 5 日,庚子年特种邮票首发仪式在()举行,2020 年是庚子鼠年,也是中国邮政发行生肖邮票()周年,此次生肖邮票加入了邮票数字化内容。A.北京;30 B.上海;40 C.上海;30 D.北京;40【答案】D 14、下列权利不属于用益物权的是()。A.土地承包经营权 B.抵押权 C.建设用地使用权 D.地役权【答案】B 15、我国习惯上将年息、月息、日息都以“厘”作单位,但实际含义却不同,若年息 8 厘,月息 6 厘,日息 3 厘,则分别是指()A.年利率为 8%,月利率为 6%,日利率为 B.年利率为 8%,月利率为 6%,日利率为 3 C.年利率为 8%。,月利率为 6,日利率为 3 D.年利率为 8%,月利率为 3,日利率为 0.33【答案】D 16、资料:Special needs students can not only learn from regular education teachers,but can participate in collaborative learning with mainstream students as well.Collaborative learning allows students to work together in groups to complete lessons and assignments.A.It is desired for students with special needs B.It is tutored by regular teachers for mainstream students C.It is planned for collaborative learning by mainstream students D.It has students with special needs and regular education classmates【答案】D 17、Passage 2 A.Find out how you should address the host family B.Always be prepared for the unexpected C.Be prompt during meal times D.tablish a rapport with the host family【答案】C 18、在短期内,垄断厂商无法改变固定要素投入量,而是通过在既定的生产规模下通过对产量和价格的调整,来实现()的利润最大化。A.边际利润等于长期边际成本 B.边际利润等于长期平均成本 C.边际利润等于短期边际成本 D.边际利润等于短期平均成本【答案】C 19、金融市场最主要的基本功能是()。A.融通货币资金 B.优化资源配置 C.风险分散 D.定价功能【答案】A 20、资料:International Federation for Scientific Research A.To invite a researcher to speak at a convention B.To recommend an academic article C.To encourage a member to attend a conference D.To ask a scientist to post research data to a Web site【答案】C 21、Cimber Data has,as an organization,20 years of experience working with airline maintenance,MRO and related functions in many different airline environments.A.working B.supplying C.providing D.experimenting【答案】A 22、资料:Its almost considered sacrilegious today to leave work at the end of your workday or(for shame!)on a Friday and simply not check your work email again until you return the office during normal working hours。A.To require an instant respond for after-hour emailing B.To abandon after-hour emailing C.To tell employees that an after-hours email doesnt necessarily require a response D.To limit the time of after-hour emailing【答案】D 23、经过对账,如果开户单位账面余额与银行分户账余额不符,可通过()核对出差额,进行查对。A.调节表 B.余额调节表 C.未达账项调节表 D.银行对账单【答案】B 24、在我国,对于项目型管理的企业来说,会优先采取哪一种运作模式?()A.事业部制 B.矩阵制 C.直线职能制 D.职能制【答案】B 25、Over the next few years,some management positions in the company will be()removed.A.graduation B.graduate C.gradually D.gradual【答案】C 26、资料:Above the line promotion uses mass media such as the press,radio,television,cinema or poster sites.This type of promotion is usually paid for.Each of the possible media methods can be used to target audiences in different market segment.There are both strengths and drawbacks to these forms of media:A.the press,radio and television B.the press,radio,internet,television,cinema and post sites C.the press,radio,internet D.the press,radio,television,cinema and poster sites【答案】D 27、Their happiness was very().A.crisp B.brittle C.delicate D.fragile【答案】D 28、A(n)_ five years ago,Pangkor boasted sweet-singing birds.Now the jungle is being cut down.A.just B.mere C.only D.simple【答案】B 29、某国某年的出口额为 200 亿美元,进口额为 130 亿美元,则该国该年的贸易差额为()。A.贸易赤字 70 亿美元 B.贸易顺差 70 亿美元 C.贸易逆差 70 亿美元 D.人超 70 亿美元【答案】B 30、银行汇票持票人在代理付款行开户的处理中,代理付款行收到在本行开户的持票人送交的汇票、解讫通知和进账单,经审核无误后,以汇票作借方传票,第二联进账单作贷款传票。其会计分录为()。A.借:存款一一持票人户 贷:存放联行款项(联行往账)B.借:存款一一持票人户 贷:银行存款 C.借:银行存款 贷:存款持票人户 D.借:存放联行款项(联行往账)贷:存款一一持票人户【答案】D 31、资料:Special needs students can not only learn from regular education teachers,but can participate in collaborative learning with mainstream students a

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