
湖北省黄冈市松山咀中学高三英语期末试卷含解析 一、 选择题 1. __________ the city centre, we saw a stone statue of about 10 metres in height.   A. Approaching   B. Approached   C. To approach   D. To be approached 参考答案: A 2. ----Which of these resorts do you like best?    ----______. They are both hot and crowded.    A. Either        B. Nothing       C. Neither       D. None 参考答案: D 3. Kids don't learn their native language          ,but they become fluent in them within a few years. A. consciously    B. effectively  C. carefully D. naturally 参考答案: A 4. It may be necessary to stop _____ in the learning process and go back to the difficult points in the lessons. A. at intervals        B. at random       C. at ease             D. at length 参考答案: A A.at intervals不时;B.at random随意;C.at ease自由自在;D.at length终于。句意:也许在课堂上有必要在学习过程中时不时地停一下回顾难点,故选A。考点:考查介词短语。 5. She was so angry and spoke so fast that none of us understood _____ she said meant. A. that    B. what     C. that that       D. what what 参考答案: D 6. Believe it or not, Lucy’s sister suddenly ______crying when we were eating. A. burst out                     B. burst in                         C. burst into                        D. burst on 参考答案: A 7. Children must learn just a few basic roles—being safe, being ________ to others and being responsible for themselves. A. considered    B. considerable C. considerate    D. considering 参考答案: C 【详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:儿童必须学会一些基本的角色——安全,为他人着想,为自己负责。A. considered考虑过的;被尊重的;B. considerable重要的;相当大的;C. considerate考虑周到的;体谅的;D. considering鉴于;考虑到。短语be considerate to somebody对某人很体贴。故选C。 8. —You look great! Were  you on vacation or         ? A. anything    B .nothing   C .everything   D .something 参考答案: D 考查代词。or something“(不能十分肯定)或是什么;或是做点什么”。 9. Dozens of movies are known      in this small town,which has been turned into a tourist  attraction. A. being made   B. having been made   C. to be made   D. to have been made 参考答案: D 10. She hopes to make friends with ___shares her hobbies and interests.       A. whoever    B. no matter who    C. whomever   D. anyone 参考答案: A 11. — How can I wake up so early? —Set the alarm at 5:00 am.,      you will make it. A. and    B. but  C. or    D. so 参考答案: A 试题分析:考查固定句型。句意:我怎么能醒那么早呢?定五点的铃,就行了。Set the alarm at 5:00 am. ________ you will make it.是祈使句+and/or+一般将来时态的句子。And表顺承关系,or 表转折关系,句子是表顺承关系,所以选A 26. I’m told by my grandmother that there used to be a fairy in the woods, _______? A. aren’t I                     B. doesn’t she      C. didn’t there                       D. didn’t it 参考答案: C 略 13. --- The manager of the factory wants to improve production a great deal, but he doesn’t spend much on technology. ---I am afraid he won’t realize his dream. You know ________. A. you can’t eat your cake and have it    B. empty vessels make the greatest sound C. enough is as good as a feast    D. two heads are better than one 参考答案: A 试题分析:考查谚语。A.鱼和熊掌不能兼得;B.满瓶不动半瓶摇;C.知足常乐;D.三个臭皮匠顶个诸葛亮。句意:——这家工厂的经理想要大量提高产量,但他没把很多钱花在技术上。——我恐怕他实现不了他的梦想。你知道:鱼和熊掌,不能兼得。故A正确。 考点:考查谚语 14. Heidi Hankins has ______ IQ of 159 and has become one of _______ youngest members of Mensa. A. the; 不填         B. an; the              C. a; the          D. an; an 参考答案: B 略 23. The girl sitting by the window is the only one of the students who _______ from the countryside in our class. A. was                        B. were                C. is                 D. are 参考答案: C 略 16. H7N9 control and prevention is a________to China as well as the whole world. A.surprise  B.challenge  C.reaction  D.threat 参考答案: B 考查名词词义辨析。此处surprise 吃惊;challenge 挑战;reaction反应;threat威胁。句意:H7N9的防控是对中国和世界的一次挑战。 二、 书面表达 17. 如今,在我们身边,父母均在外打工的留守儿童比比皆是。关注留守儿童,是构建和谐社会的重要内容。请就此现象写一篇短文,谈谈你自己的看法。 提示:1.缺乏父母的关爱,性格孤僻。       2.缺乏安全保障,容易犯错误甚至犯罪。       3. 父母尽可能给孩子关爱。       4.社会各界能够帮助他们。 参考词汇:留守儿童left-behind children,孤僻unsociable    要求:词数120词左右。     参考答案: Nowadays, there are many left-behind children whose parents work away from their hometowns. Most of them are from the coutryside, you know, they have many problems. They are always lonely and stressed out because they are short of their parents' love. At the same time, they are easy to make mistakes even do some thing against the laws, because they're short of their families' care. How should we do to solve their problems? In my opinion, the government can set up a parents school for these children on holidays, you can organize" hand-in-hand" activity to call on more people to help them. You can also raise money to donate to these children. As the song says:"If everyone gives their love, the world will be better." It's very important for us to pay more attention to these children if we want to build a harmonious society. 三、 阅读理解 18. Restaurants in the USA Steve’s Pizza    So many pizza chains compete for the attention of tourists in South Beach, but ask a Miami Beach local where to get the best pizza and they’ll tell you about Steve’s. This is New York–style piz

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