
过关检测试卷过关检测试卷 A A 卷附答案银行招聘之银行招聘综合卷附答案银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识自测模拟预测题库知识自测模拟预测题库(名校卷名校卷)单选题(共单选题(共 5050 题)题)1、Lets face it.Gardening fanatics like nothing better than to have their hands stuck in the soil or to be trimming,pruning,or harvesting the fruits of their labors.But for once,here is an obsession which benefits the whole community by beautifying the environment and producing cooler,more fragrant,and cleaner air.To recognize that fact,the Tampa City Council has decided to award generous prizes to the most beautiful displays this spring.A.February 12 B.April 25 C.June 1 D.August 3【答案】C 2、下列不属于禁止债权转让的情形的是()。A.根据合同性质不得转让 B.依照法律规定不得转让 C.按照当事人约定不得转让 D.依照债权人要求不得转让【答案】D 3、Passage 3 A.they think it academically misleading B.they have a lot of fun to expect in college C.it feels strange to do differently from others D.it seems worthless to take off-campus courses【答案】C 4、下列诗句描述的节日与其他三项不同的是()。A.两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮 B.尘世难逢开口笑,菊花须插满头归 C.不见穿针妇,空怀故国楼 D.天阶夜色凉如水,卧看牵牛织女星【答案】B 5、资料:Its almost considered sacrilegious today to leave work at the end of your workday or(for shamel)on a Friday and simply not check your email until you return the office during normal working hours.A.Bosses push employees to work by sending emails anytime B.Employees are exhausted by the constant need to check emails C.Companies mean to stress the workers out by sending emails D.None of above【答案】B 6、计算机局域网的英文缩写是()。A.lAN B.WAN C.Internet D.WWW【答案】A 7、资料:Stress is a common factor in life.Children experience stress from school,new social situations and simply growing up.Adults feel the stress of working,paying bills,raising kids and maintaining households.Seniors also feel stress,even though some may have retired,raised their children and paid off their homes.Certain amounts of stress are a part of life for people of all ages.A.living alone B.the loss of spouse C.friends death D.all of the above【答案】D 8、The()behind the yellow tape is prohibited to anyone without a press pass.A.positing B.scenery C.exterior D.area【答案】D 9、在 Word 中使用标尺可以直接设置缩进,标尺的顶部三角形标记代表()。A.左端缩进 B.右端缩进 C.首行缩进 D.悬挂式缩进【答案】C 10、I have been told to seek legal _ with regard to selling this property.A.instruction B.decision C.suggestion D.advice【答案】D 11、资料:Desktop Support for Private Equity Firm in Midtown A.Supporting PC hardware B.Installing and upgrading hardware C.Bringing repaired PCs to customers D.Imaging and configuring desktops and laptops【答案】C 12、During her junior year of high school,Diane Rays teacher handed her a worksheet and instructed the 17-year-old to map out her future financial life.Ray pretended to buy a car,rent an apartment,and apply for a credit card.Then,she and her classmates played thestock market game,investing the hypothetical earnings from their hypothetical jobs in the market in the disastrous fall of 2008.Our pretend investments crashed,Ray says,still frightened.We got to know how it felt to lose money.A.pay off all her debts B.handle her money better C.find a job in a bank D.manage the family income【答案】B 13、Passage2 A.the uses of life preservers B.the design of life preservers C.the materials for life preservers D.the buoyancy of life preservers【答案】B 14、阅读理解 A.the distortion of reality by science B.the confusion caused by emotions C.Platonic and contemporary views of truth D.the place of scientific truth in our lives【答案】D 15、资料:“Our cars are for people who want something different.”A.Customers distrust of products B.A financial loss C.Unhappy workers D.Loss on sales and market share【答案】A 16、It is important to know what colors look good()your skin before you buy clothes.A.for B.upon C.against D.with【答案】C 17、The search was based on the same combination of concepts and search terms and_another 176 publications.A.yielded B.offered C.provided D.supplied【答案】B 18、资料:As a business owner,it is vital that you understand and use advanced technologies.Technology can help increase business efficiency and even expand operations.A.Negative B.Critical C.Positive D.Neutral【答案】C 19、下列历史人物中,存在师生关系的有()个。A.0 B.1 C.2 D.3【答案】C 20、Passage 8 A.several time throughout the year B.as quickly as possible C.occasionally when necessary D.regularly every winter【答案】D 21、国家开发银行的贷款可分为()。A.特别贷款和普通贷款 B.优惠贷款和一般贷款 C.软贷款和硬货款 D.硬贷款和个人贷款【答案】C 22、Writing out all the invitations by hand was more time-consuming than we().A.will expect B.are expecting C.expect D.had expected【答案】D 23、Global warming is causing more than 300,000 deaths and about$125 billion in economic losses each year,according to a report by the Global Humanitarian Forum,an organization led by Annan,the former United Nations secretary general.A.Its statistics look embarrassing B.It is invalid in terms of methodology C.It deserves our closest attention D.Its conclusion is purposely exaggerated【答案】B 24、资料:Its easy to trace the evolution of the automobile.At most,were only talking about a few centuries of technological development,and most of the plans,prototypes and models are still around.With just a little research,you can easily trace the latest model

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