
一级上册英语课文全外研社版 Module1 Unit1 Hello!Activity 1:Listen and pointHi!Aah.hi!Hello!Ooh.Hello!Activity 2:Listen,point and find ImHi,Im Daming.Hello,Im Amy.Hello,Im Lingling.Hi,Im Sam.Hi,Im Sam.Hello,Im Lingling.Hello.Hi.Goodbye!Bye!Bye!Goodbye!Activity 3:Listen and say.Hello,Im Baobao.Hi,Im Feifei.Goodbye,Feifei.Bye,Baobao.Activity 4:Practise.Hello.Hi.一级上册英语课文全外研社版Im Tingting.Goodbye!Im Taotao.Bye!Module 1 Unit2 How are you?Activity 1:Listen and point.How are you?How are you?Woof!Activity 2:Listen,point and say.How are you,Tingting?Tingting?No,Im Lingling.Lingling?Yes,Im Lingling.Sorry!How are you,Lingling?Im fine.How are you?Im fine,thank you.Activity 3:Listen,tick and say.Hello.Goodbye.Hi.Activity 4:Listen and say.Then sing.Hello,hello.Hello.Hello,how are you?Hello.How are you?一级上册英语课文全外研社版Im fine,Im fine,and hello to you.Goodbye,goodbye,goodbye to you.Goodbye,goodbye,goodbye to you.Activity 5:Play the game.Do and guess.Hello,Beibei.Qiangqiang?Feifei?Yes.No.How are you,Qiangqiang?Activity 6:Do and say.LucyIm fine.Hello,Im Lucy.Hi,Lucy.Im Ben.Module2Unit1 Whats your name?Activity 1:1Listen and point.Your name,please?Your name,please?Your name,please?Sam!Amy!Ha ha.Activity 2:Listen,point and find Whats your name?Hello!Hi!Good morning.Im Ms Smart.Good morning,Ms Smart.一级上册英语课文全外研社版Whats your name?Whats your name?Hello,bird.Whats your name?Hi,Tweet-tweet!Activity 3:Listen and say.Good morning.My names Daming.Im Lingling.Tweet-tweet.Ha,ha,ha.Good morning.Whats your name?Im Baobao.My names Yangyang.Activity 4:Practise.Hi,Im Lili.Whats your name?Hello,my names Lanlan.Hello,Im Lanlan.Whats your name?Hi,Im Xiaofei.Im Xiaofei.Whats your name?Hi,Im Xiaohong.Module2 Unit 2 Im a boy.Activity 1:Listen and point.Hello!Hello!Hello,boys.Hello,girls.一级上册英语课文全外研社版How are you?Whoops!Activity 2:Listen,point and sayGood afternoon!My names Panpan.Im a panda.Im a boy.My name is Sam.Im a girl.My name is Amy.Activity 3:Listen and match.Good morning,Ms Smart.Good morning,Lingling.Good afternoon,Ms Smart.Activity 4:Listen and say.Then sing and do the actions.Good morning,Sam.Good morning,Sam.How are you?Good morning,Sam.How are you?Im fine,thank you.Im fine,thank you.And how are you?Activity 5:Play the game and act it out.Good morning,Sam.Good afternoon,Sam.Activity 6:Make and say.Im Nini.Im a girl.Whats your name?Good morning,Amy.Good afternoon,Lingling.一级上册英语课文全外研社版Hi,Nini.Im Huanhuan.Im a boy.Module 3 Unit 1 Sit down!Activity 1:Listen and do.Sit down!Stand up!Stand up!Sit down!Activity 2:Listen,point and find sit down,stand up.Lingling,stand up,please!Yes,Ms Smart.Please open the window!Yes,Ms Smart.Open the door!Sit down,please,Lingling.Goodbye,Tweet-tweet!Bye!See you!Activity 3:Listen and say.Stand up,please!Please sit down!Activity 4:Practise.一级上册英语课文全外研社版Stand up,Xiaogang!Sit down,Xiaogang!Open the window!Open the door!Module 3 Unit 2 Point to the window!Activity 1:Listen and point.Point to the window!Point to the window!Point to the window!Activity 2:Listen,point and say.Point to the window!Point to the desk!Activity 3:Listen and point.Point to Sam.Point to Amy.Point to Lingling.Point to Daming.Point to the door!Point to the chair!Point to the door!Point to the door!Point to the.Aargh!Activity 4:Listen and say.Then sing and do the actions.STAND UPStand up!Point to the window!Point to the ceiling!Sit down!Point to the door!Point to the floor!一级上册英语课文全外研社版Activity 5:Play the game.Do and guess.Point to the window!Activity 6:Listen and do.Point to Sun Wukong!Hello,Im Sun Wukong.Hello,Sun Wukong.Module 4 No!Yes!Unit 1 Its red.Activity 1:Listen and point.Aha,blue.Wow,yellow.Oh,what colour?Activity 2:Listen,point and find Its.Good morning.Im Kami.Hello,Kami.Oh!Its green.Now its black.Now its white.Now its blue.Now its red.一级上册英语课文全外研社版Now its yellow.Activity 3:Listen and say.Its white.Its black.Activity 4:Practise.what colour?Its blue.Module 4 Unit 2 Its a red dog.Activity:Listen and point.Wow!A green cat!And a blue cat!Hey,a red cat!Activity 2:Listen,point and say.Look,its a red dog.Oh,a yellow and black dog.What colour is it?Its orange.Activity 3:Listen and colour.Its a red car.Its a blue car.一级上册英语课文全外研社版Its a green car.Its a yellow car.Its a black car.Its an orange car.Activity 4:Listen and say.Then chant.Bob,Bob,Bob is an orange dog.Activity 5:Play the game.Choose and say.catdogpandabirdgreenyellowblueredA red cat.Activity 6:Colour and say.Look,its a blue cat.And its an orange cat.Module 5 Unit 1 This is our teacher.Activity 1.Listen and point.This is our school.This is my classroom.Activity 2.Listen,point and find This is.This is our classroom.This is my desk.And this is my chair.一级上册英语课文全外研社版And this is our teacher,Ms Smart.Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you.Daming is a good child.Activity 3.Listen and say.This is my desk.This is my chair.This is our classroom.This is our teacher.Activity 4.Practise.This is our classroom.This is my desk Module 5 Unit 2 That is a yellow cat.Activity 1.Listen and chant.Hey,hey!That is a desk.Aah,aah!T

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