
The General PrologueWHEN APRIL with his showers sweet with fruit四月瓜果伴雨香,The drought of March has pierced unto the root三月干渴已至根。And bathed each vein with liquor that has power初得甘霖润根络,To generate therein and sire the flower;浸润根络绽芳华。When Zephyr also has,with his sweet breath,(5)西风流香今又疾,Quickened again,in every holt and heath,苍莽何处不惊奇!The tender shoots and buds,and the young sun嫩蕾翠枝伴初阳,Into the Ram one half his course has run,金乌刚过白羊半。And many little birds make melody鸣禽欢喜争做歌,That sleep through all the night with open eye(10)夜半不用瞑目眠。(So Nature pricks them on to ramp and rage)春息挑逗难沉寂,Then do folk long to go on pilgrimage,信徒踏上朝圣路。And palmers to go seeking out strange strands,行者前行觅异路。To distant shrines well known in sundry lands.异域闻名之圣坛,And specially from every shires end(15)偏远直到五湖边。Of England they to Canterbury wend,所去者坎特圣地,The holy blessed martyr there to seek昔日圣徒殉教在此地,Who helped them when they lay so ill and weak.困疠不堪何人助?Befell that,in that season,on a day当此时,在此季,In Southwark,at the Tabard,as I lay(20)索斯沃克吾安歇,Ready to start upon my pilgrimage启程即将去圣地。To Canterbury,full of devout courage,坎特朝圣多虔诚。There came at nightfall to that hostelry奄忽旅社已黄昏,Some nine and twenty in a company络绎旅人二十九。Of sundry persons who had chanced to fall(25)天涯异路幸作伴,In fellowship,and pilgrims were they all心中皆有朝圣念。That toward Canterbury town would ride.齐心皆欲去坎特。The rooms and stables spacious were and wide,房厩宽敞兮人马皆得安,And well we there were eased,and of the best.日薄西兮乃得所。And briefly,when the sun had gone to rest,(30)闲哉快哉心不烦!So had I spoken with them,every one,先领风骚兮吾发言:That I was of their fellowship anon,今后路上将做伴,And made agreement that wed early rise大家协商要早起。To take our way,as to you Ill devise.启程须早我尽力。But nonetheless,whilst I have time and space,(35)眼前夜暮尚得闲,Before yet farther in this tale I pace,多说无妨大家事。It seems to me accordant with reason思忖不妨相交流,To inform you of the state of every one相互了解更亲近。Of all of these,as it appeared to me,如上述,依我看。And who they were,and what was their degree,(40)何籍何职互不知,And also what array they all were in;隔行隔地两茫茫!And with a knight thus will I first begin.此位骑士您开始。

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