
20232023 学年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识全真模拟考学年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识全真模拟考试试卷试试卷 B B 卷(含答案)卷(含答案)单选题(共单选题(共 8080 题)题)1、属于南宋的作者是()。A.苏轼 B.周邦彦 C.范成大 D.雎景臣【答案】C 2、阅读理解 A.try to rid himself of his world of illusion B.accept his words as being one of illusion C.apply the scientific method D.learn to acknowledge both【答案】B 3、资料:Google and Uber have grabbed most of the attention regarding the advent of self-driving cars,but on Sunday,Lyft threw down the ultimate challenge:A majority of autonomous vehicles for Lyft within a mere five years.A.arrange them neatly B.present clearly C.design correctly D.suggest properly【答案】B 4、中国农业银行于 2010 年 7 月 15 日和 16 日正式在上海和香港两地上市,至此,中国四大国有商业银行全部实现上市,中国金融改革开始新的一页。A.股票 B.证券 C.债券 D.投资基金【答案】A 5、资料:The data a bank has stored on its servers is more valuable than the gold in its vaults.Banks enjoy a monopoly over data that has helped them get away with poor services and fend off competitors.In Europe,at least,that is all about to change with a new set of regulations,named PSD2.A.Challenges facing European regulators B.A new regulation in Europe that opens banks to competition C.The solutions to the flawed banking system in Europe D.A looming threat to customers private bank data【答案】B 6、我国商业银行的核心资本包括()。A.实收资本、资本公积、盈余公积、未分配利润 B.实收资本、资本公积、呆账准备金、长期债务 C.实收资本、未收资本、重估资本、未分配利润 D.资本净值、资本盈余、未分配利润、呆账准备金【答案】A 7、()the wealth of the country increases,more waste will be produced.A.With B.As C.For D.Since【答案】B 8、资料:The data a bank has stored on its servers is more valuable than the gold in its vaults.Banks enjoy a monopoly over data that has helped them get away with poor services and fend off competitors.In Europe,at least,that is all about to change with a new set of regulations,named PSD2.A.Third parties will have to buy fraud insurance B.Regulators have come up with promising solutions C.Banks defense against cyber attacks is strong D.Third parties will check clients data monthly【答案】B 9、以一定单位的本国货币为标准来计算应收多少单位外国货币的标价方式是()。A.直接标价法 B.买人标价法 C.间接标价法 D.应付标价法【答案】C 10、要折叠一批纸飞机,若甲单独折叠要半个小时完成,乙单独折叠需要 45 分钟完成。若两人一起折,需要多少分钟完成?()A.10 B.15 C.16 D.18【答案】D 11、把生产资本分为固定资本与流动资本,其依据是()。A.在生产过程中不同的价值转移方式 B.在生产过程中不同的物质存在形态 C.不同部分在剩余价值生产中的不同作用 D.不同部分的不同运动速度【答案】A 12、资料:Its almost considered sacrilegious today to leave work at the end of your workday or(for shamel)on a Friday and simply not check your email until you return the office during normal working hours.A.Bosses push employees to work by sending emails anytime B.Employees are exhausted by the constant need to check emails C.Companies mean to stress the workers out by sending emails D.None of above【答案】B 13、阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。A.assure B.confide C.ensure D.guarantee【答案】C 14、十进制数 250 转换成二进制整数是()。A.01101010 B.01101000 C.11111010 D.01100110【答案】C 15、以下项目中,属于资产负债表中流动负债项目的是()。A.预计负债 B.递延所得税负债 C.一年内到期的长期借款 D.应付债券【答案】C 16、2019 年是人民币国际化启动十周年。十年来,中国银行充分发挥全球化和综合化优势,深度参与全球人民币清算体系建设,助力人民币国际化发展。截至目前,中行在()个国家和地区担任人民币清算行,在全球 26 家授权人民币清算行中占有 12 席,继续保持同业第一。A.10 B.12 C.20 D.30【答案】B 17、我国现阶段的货币政策采用()公式来考量 M2 增速是否适宜。A.M2 增速=GDP 增速+CPI+1%B.M2 增速=GDP 增速+CPI+2%C.M2=GDP 增速+CPI D.M2=GDP 增速+CPI+1%至 2%【答案】C 18、Most of the time,we eat soft foods,so gradually our jaws stop growing to the full _.A.control B.capacity C.campaign D.category【答案】B 19、During her junior year of high school,Diane Rays teacher handed her a worksheet and instructed the 17-year-old to map out her future financial life.Ray pretended to buy a car,rent an apartment,and apply for a credit card.Then,she and her classmates played thestock market game,investing(投资)the hypothetical(虚拟的)earnings from their hypothetical jobs in the market in the disastrous fall of 2008.Our pretend investments crashed,Ray says,still frightened.We got to know how it felt to lose money.A.better studentslearning methods B.prevent students going into debt C.help students get accepted by colleges D.make students become very wealthy【答案】B 20、Chinese table cloth is _for its fine quality,exquisite workmanship and compelling style.A.distinctive B.nominated C.notable D.deviated【答案】C 21、资料:The movement of consumers from public social media to private messaging has been so rapid that Business Insider reported that the combined usage of the top four messaging apps now exceeds the combined usage of the top four social media apps。Falling data prices,cheaper devices,and improved features are helping propel this growth。A.The traditional social networks will have great impact on certain groups B.The private messaging apps will replace the social media apps C.The intimate channels can be the double-edged swords to the sellers D.The growth of the intimate channels will bring only benefits to the marketers【答案】C 22、根据会计档案管理办法的规定,总分类账、明细分类账、辅助账、日记账均应保存()。A.20 年 B.15 年 C.25 年 D.10 年【答案】B 23、不属于商业银行经济资本管理内容的是()。A.经济资本的计量 B.经济资本的分配 C.经济资本的评价 D.经济资本的测算【答案】D 24、中国农业银行于 2010 年 7 月 15 日和 16 日正式在上海和香港两地上市,至此,中国四大国有商业银行全部实现上市,中国金融改革开始新的一页。A.2010 年 8 月 18 日 B.2009 年 1 月 1 日 C.2009 年 8 月 18 日 D.2010 年 7 月 1 日【答案】A 25、下列财产物资,可用抽样盘点法进行财产清査的是()。A.成套设备 B.低值易耗品 C.办公桌椅 D.汽车【答案】B 26、下列不属于经济法的宏观调控制度的是(

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