
历年教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力题库历年教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力题库含答案含答案 单选题(共单选题(共 8080 题)题)1、He made a promise_he earned money,he would build a new school to help develop education.A.what B.that C.that if D.what if【答案】C 2、What can cloze help to train in terms of writing A.Unity of texts B.Indention of texts.缩进 C.Compilation of texts.编辑 D.Use of cohesive devices.衔接手段【答案】D 3、Passage 1 A.The same detection system mentioned in the previous paragraph B.A breathalyzer attached to a cars seat belt C.A smart car seat belt D.An intelligent engine【答案】B 4、Passage 2 A.The United States B.South Korea C.Japan D.RussiaJ【答案】C 5、What all these groups have in common is that they ask to be treated_ respect and equality,_race,religion or sex.A.for;as to B.in;in spite of C.with;because of D.with;regardless of【答案】D 6、The University in Transformation,edited by Australian futurists Sohail Inayatullah and Jennifer Gidley,presents some 20 highly varied outlooks on tomorrows universities by writers representing both Western and non-Western perspectives.Their A.Knowledge learning and career building B.Learning how to solve existing social problems C.Researching into solutions to current world problems D.Combining research efforts of teachers and students in learning【答案】A 7、Though the government encourages foreign investment,_ investors are reluctant tocommit fimds in the current climate situation in the country.A.potential B.affluent C.optimistic D.solid【答案】A 8、请阅读短文,完成第小题。A.I found beauty meant nothing special to me B.The house parent helped the children handle the quilt C.The house parent chased the butterfly in order to show it to the children D.I thought it cruel to catch the butterfly【答案】D 9、Tom,see that your sister gets safely back,_ A.can you B.wont we C.won t you D.should we【答案】C 10、Passage 1 A.is receiving more criticism B.is no longer an educational ritual C.is not required for advanced courses D.is gaining more preferences【答案】A 11、Only when we hurried to the airport _the fight was canceled.A.we found B.did we find C.have we found D.we have found【答案】B 12、When a teacher tells the students that the word dog may imply loyalty,he/she isteaching the _of the word.A.denotative meaning B.collocative meaning C.conceptual meaning D.connotative meaning【答案】D 13、The author and photographer_coming to our university to give a lecture next Friday.A.was B.is C.were D.are【答案】B 14、Which of the following activities may be more appropriate to help students practice a newstructure immediately after presentation in class A.Role play B.Group discussion C.Pattern drill D.Written homework【答案】C 15、If we_our test tomorrow,I would have gone to the concert.A.werent to have B.had not been to have C.arent to have D.had not had【答案】A 16、In terms of the place of articulation,the following sounds t,d,s,n share the feature of_.A.palatal B.alveolar C.bilabial D.dental【答案】B 17、A student finds it difficult to learn the English sounds ande.If you are the teacher,which of the following strategies can be used A.Explaining how to make the sounds B.Using tongue twisters C.Write them on the blackboard D.Making up sentences【答案】A 18、If it _for his bad cold,Rick would have enjoyed more on his birthday party A.is not B.were not C.has not been D.had not been【答案】D 19、Which of the following activities are not communicative activities in teaching speaking?A.Information gap activities B.Accuracy-focused games C.Debates and interviews D.Problem-solving activities【答案】B 20、To develop the skill of listening,the teacher asks students to learn several new words that will appear in the listening passage and predict what the listening material is about.Which stage is it at in listening class now?A.Warming up B.Pre-listening C.While-listening D.Post-listening【答案】B 21、请阅读短文,完成此题。A.The mechanization of work has a revolutionary eftct B.The social mechanization would aftct womens lives C.The social status of women has changed D.Observers have different ideas about the effect of social mechanizatiou【答案】B 22、The relationship between fruit and orange is_.A.superordinate B.relational opposites C.hyponymy D.homonymy【答案】C 23、请阅读 Passage 1。完成第小题。A.people there have got so accustomed to their conditions that they seldom think it necessaryto change B.people there have identical needs that can be satisfied without much difficulty C.people there are easy to please D.people there are less disputed【答案】A 24、What can be done about mass unemployment All the wise heads agree:therere no quick or any answers.Theres work to be done,but workers arent ready to do it.Theyre in the wrong places,or they have the wrong skills.Our problem are A.The booming defense industry B.The wise headsbenefit package C.Nationwide training of workers D.Thorough restructuring of industries【答案】A 25、If you want to go to the tnovie tonight,so I.A.do B.am C.will D.should【答案】C 26、The synonymous pair _ differ in degree of formality.A.pass away and pop off B.accuse and charge C.poison and jail D.tap and faucet【答案】A 27、Some states have an income tax _to that o

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