《金新学案》高三一轮(全国)英语(全国卷2专用):高一 Units6()

Unit 6Good manners.重要单词聚焦1vt.&vi.打断;中断;插嘴2 n.过错;缺点;故障;毛病vt.&vi.挑剔;弄错3 vi.道歉4 vt.介绍;引进;提出5 n.道歉interruptfaultapologiseintroduceapology6 vt.原谅;饶恕7 n.方式;样式;方法8 n.印象;感想9 n.文化;文明10n.礼貌;规矩11vt.&vi.举动;举止;行为表现12 vt.举起;提高;唤起;饲养13 n.烈酒;精神;情绪forgivemannerimpressionculturemannersbehaveraisespirit14vi.凝视;盯着看15 n.习惯;风俗16 n.忠告;建议starecustomadvice.重点短语扫描1 省去;遗漏;不考虑2 盯着看;注视3取笑某人4 利用5为干杯6 记住leave_outstare_atmake_jokes_about_sb.make_use_ofdrink_to.keep_sth.in_mind7 对满意8遵循时尚9因某事向某人道歉10摆餐桌be_happy_withfollow_the_fashion_of.apologise_to_sb.for_sth.lay_the_table.课文原句突破1When you see two spoons,the big one is for the soup and the_small_one_for_the_dessert.信息提取the small one for the dessert是the small one is for the dessert的省略。英语中当and,but连接两个句子时,如后一句子的谓语动词与前一句子的谓语动词相同,常把后一句子的谓语动词省去。例句仿写木板的一面被漆成了白色,另一面被漆成了黄色。One side of the board was painted white_ _ _ _.【答案】and the other yellow2In China,you sometimes get a hot,damp cloth to clean your face and hands,which,however,is not the custom in Western countries.信息提取which.是一个非限制性定语从句,修饰前面整个主句。例句仿写玛丽老是对她在剧中的角色夸大其词,这当然会令别人不高兴。Mary was always speaking highly of her role in the play,_,of course,_ _ _ _.【答案】which;made the others unhappy3I had a good time during the holiday,and now it_is_time for me to study hard.信息提取Its time thatclause从句使用虚拟语气,谓语动词要用过去时,暗含早该做某事了,但实际上没有做。例句仿写别在外面玩了,到了你开始学习的时间了。Dont play any longer.Its high time_ _ _ _.【答案】you began to study4Besides,table manners are only important at formal dinner parties.信息提取besides副词,“此外,而且”。例句仿写现在出去太晚了,而且开始下雨了。Its too late to go out now._,_ _ _ _.【答案】Besides;its beginning to rain5It is polite to finish eating everything on your plate,so dont take more food than you need.信息提取It is形容词for sb.to do sth.例句仿写他们有必要立刻作出决定。_ _ _ _ _make a decision at once.【答案】Its necessary for them tointerrupt vt.&vi.打断(正在说话或做动作的人);中断;插嘴;妨碍If you keep on interrupting me with silly questions,I will let you go out of the classroom.如果你总是用这些愚蠢的问题打断我,我将让你到教室外面去。It is not polite to interrupt when someone is talking.在别人讲话时插嘴是不礼貌的。He interrupted his work to answer the bell.他停止工作去开门。Traffic in the city was interrupted by a snowstorm.市内交通被暴风雪所阻断。interrup打断,使中断打断,使中断【interrupt,disturb与bother】(1)interrupt意为“打断,使中断”,常含有主动之意。She interrupted me to ask a question.她打断我的话,问我一个问题。disturb打打扰扰,扰扰乱乱(2)disturb则意为“打扰,使不安”。A light wind disturbed the surface of the lake.微风吹拂湖面。(3)bother指使人烦恼而引起的不安或感到不耐烦,也可指“麻烦”。Will it bother you if I turn on the TV?我开电视不会吵着你吧?1Did the dogs barks last night_your peace of mind?It almost drove me mad.Ainterrupt BdisturbCbother Dcomfort【答案】B2The performance was_for nearly half an hour due to the temporary power failure,and the audience complained a lot.Adisturbed BinterruptedCmissed Dlose【答案】Bapologise(同apologize)vi.道歉;认错Bill was apologizing to his friend for having kept her waiting for a long time.比尔因让他的朋友等了好长时间正在道歉呢。I wished to meet you to apologise for my rudeness on Saturday last week.我希望能见到你,为我上周六的不礼貌行为向你道歉。He agreed to offer an apology to his teacher for his mistake.他同意为他所犯的错误向老师道歉。I have done great wrong to him and I really owe him an apology.我真的冤枉了他,我应向他道歉。3完成句子(1)I must_ _ _ _ _(向她道歉)for not going to her party.(2)The headmaster told the boy_ _ _ _ _(向老师道歉)but he refused to do that.(3)I must apologize_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(因没有提前让你知道)【答案】(1)make an apology to her(2)to apologize to the teacher(3)for not letting you know ahead of timefault n.(1)过错;责任,毛病Who broke the cup?谁把杯子摔了?Its my fault.I dropped it.这是我的过错,我摔的。Her greatest fault is that she talks too much.她的最大缺点是话太多。(2)find fault with抱怨;对吹毛求疵The boss is always finding fault with his employees work.老板对员工的工作一贯很挑剔。4He is such a man who is always_fault with other people.Aputting BseekingCfinding Dlooking for【解析】本题考查固定词组。句意为“他是这样一个人,总是挑别人的毛病”。find fault with sb.是固定词组,意为“挑某人的毛病;对某人吹毛求疵;找某人的岔”。【答案】Cintroduce v.(1)介绍May I introduce you to Mr Brown?让我介绍你跟布朗先生认识好吗?Let me introduce myself.Im Prof.Johnson.让我自我介绍一下,我是约翰逊教授。(2)vt.使认识,使了解My younger brother introduced me to jazz.我弟弟使我了解了爵士乐。(3)introduce sth.into(to)把引进The doctors introduced a new idea into their conversation.医生们将新的看法引入谈话之中。Tobacco was introduced into Europe in the sixteenth century.烟草在十六世纪传入欧洲。introduction n介绍;引进;导言a letter of introduction介绍信The little girl was shy on her first introduction to him.初次将那个小女孩介绍给他时,小女孩很害羞。Youd better read the introduction to it when you get a new book.当你买到一本新书时,你最好读一下书的前言。5After the new technique was_,the factory produced twice as many tractors in 1988 as the year before.Aintroduced into Btaken inCbrought out Dgiven away【解析】introduce techniques into.引进技术。【答案】Amanners n礼貌,风俗Manners are important to happy relations among people.礼貌对于人们之间的关系融洽很重要。Mind your table manners at the dinner party.在宴会上要注意餐桌上的礼貌。It is bad manners to leave without saying goodbye.不辞而别很没礼貌。(1)in a.mannerin a.way以方式/方法/态度I like ducks cooked in a Chinese manner.我喜欢中式烤鸭。(2)manner名词,意思是“方式,方法”“态度,举止”。I dont like his manner of speaking.我不喜欢他的说话方式。I dont like his manner;its very rude.我不喜欢他的举止;太粗鲁了。6It is bad_to talk with your finger_at the other person.Amanners;points Bmanner

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