Unit3 The Land Down Under二 新课标 人教

The Land Down UnderThe Land Down UnderUnit3Language Study1 1、提醒、提醒、提醒、提醒/警告某人注意某事警告某人注意某事警告某人注意某事警告某人注意某事_2 2、由、由、由、由组成组成组成组成 _ _3 3、代表、象征、代表、象征、代表、象征、代表、象征 _ _4 4、至少、至少、至少、至少 _5 5、宣称、宣称、宣称、宣称/要求某物应归其所有要求某物应归其所有要求某物应归其所有要求某物应归其所有 _ _6 6、与、与、与、与相似相似相似相似_7 7、因此、结果、因此、结果、因此、结果、因此、结果_8 8、对、对、对、对有很大影响有很大影响有很大影响有很大影响 _ _9 9、把、把、把、把变成变成变成变成_1010、受益于、受益于、受益于、受益于 _warn sb.of sth.warn sb.of sth.benefit fromtransform A into Bhave a strong influence onhave a strong influence onas a consequence/resultbe similar tolay claim to sth.lay claim to sth.at leaststand forbe made up of1111、不同于、与、不同于、与、不同于、与、不同于、与有差异有差异有差异有差异 _ _1212、直到、直到、直到、直到才才才才_1313、(战争、火灾战争、火灾战争、火灾战争、火灾)突然爆发突然爆发突然爆发突然爆发 _ _1414、以、以、以、以为食为食为食为食_1515、生、产生、生、产生、生、产生、生、产生_1616、不让入内、不让入内、不让入内、不让入内_1717、聚拢、聚拢、聚拢、聚拢 _ _1818、与某人分享、与某人分享、与某人分享、与某人分享/分担分担分担分担_1919、去远足、去远足、去远足、去远足 _ _2020、喜欢、喜欢、喜欢、喜欢 _至语法differ frombe fond ofgo hikingshare sth.withround upkeep outgive birth tofeed onbreak outnot until warn sb.of warn sb.of sth.warn sb.against doing sth.warn sb.not to do sth,warn sb.that The people of the town were warned of the danger of flooding.She gave him a warn not to play by the water.=She warned him against playing.注意比较注意比较 be made 后面的介词后面的介词:be made in/of/from/intobe made in/of/from/into be made up of be made up ofbe made up of Ice is made _ water,but colder than water.Ice is made _ water,but colder than water.Paper can be made _ grass.Paper can be made _ grass.Could you tell me how many students make _ Could you tell me how many students make _ your group?your group?Let me show you how to make a piece of paper Let me show you how to make a piece of paper _ an airplane._ an airplane.of offromfromupupintointostand for:代表,代替代表,代替代表,代替代表,代替 PO stands for Post Office or Postal order.stand in for 代替代替代替代替 When the star is ill,another actor stands in for him.stand by袖手旁观、赞同、支持袖手旁观、赞同、支持袖手旁观、赞同、支持袖手旁观、赞同、支持(=support)How can you stand by and see such cruelty?Ill stand by you whatever happens.stand forstand in ones way 挡住某人的路挡住某人的路挡住某人的路挡住某人的路 Dont let the cost stand in your way.Shell pay for it.stand 容忍、位于容忍、位于容忍、位于容忍、位于 She says shes not going to stand for her children disobeying her.The house stands on a hill.stand(well)with sb.与某人相处得(好)与某人相处得(好)与某人相处得(好)与某人相处得(好)How do you stand with your class adviser?It is well known that the letters“SOS”_“Urgent Rescue”.A.go for B.are for C.stand for D.speak forclaim vt.认领、提出要求、声称认领、提出要求、声称 I lost my umbrella,but claimed it at the lost property office.(认领)(认领)(认领)(认领)He can fairly claim to have more.他可以正当地要求多给予一些的他可以正当地要求多给予一些的他可以正当地要求多给予一些的他可以正当地要求多给予一些的 He claimed he hadnt been at the scene of the crime.他宣布他不在犯罪现场。他宣布他不在犯罪现场。他宣布他不在犯罪现场。他宣布他不在犯罪现场。n.认领、提出要求、声称认领、提出要求、声称认领、提出要求、声称认领、提出要求、声称 Mary made a claim to the pencil.玛丽认为她应得到这支铅笔。玛丽认为她应得到这支铅笔。lay claim to sth.宣称某物应归其所有宣称某物应归其所有宣称某物应归其所有宣称某物应归其所有 If the land really belongs to you,why dont you lay claim to it?假如这块地真是属于你的,你何不请求归还产权?假如这块地真是属于你的,你何不请求归还产权?Fishermen and sailors sometimes _ to have seen monsters in the sea,but there are no evidences to support them.A.pretend B.attempt C.claim D.announce相当于:相当于:as a result/in consequence He drinks too much,as a consequence,he is in poor health.as a consequence of 因为因为因为因为;由于;由于;由于;由于 in consequence of 作为作为作为作为的结果的结果的结果的结果 suffer the consequence of 自食其果自食其果自食其果自食其果 face the consequences of 面对面对面对面对的后果的后果的后果的后果 take the consequences of 承担承担承担承担的后果的后果的后果的后果as a consequence We should do everything without destroying our environment.Otherwise,well _ the consequence of our actions.A.face B.take C.suffer D.be intransform vt.改变、改造、转变:改变、改造、转变:Heat can transform water into steam.Any kind of energy can be transformed into electricity.The government has transformed him from a criminal into a good citizen.注意注意 transform 的词性变换:的词性变换:transformable adj.可变形的、可变化的可变形的、可变化的可变形的、可变化的可变形的、可变化的 transformation n.变化、转化、改型、改革、转换变化、转化、改型、改革、转换变化、转化、改型、改革、转换变化、转化、改型、改革、转换判断下列句子是否正确判断下列句子是否正确:Some diseases are transformed by certain water animals.句意为:句意为:“有些疾病是通过水生动物传播的。有些疾病是通过水生动物传播的。有些疾病是通过水生动物传播的。有些疾病是通过水生动物传播的。”transform 改变、改造、改革改变、改造、改革改变、改造、改革改变、改造、改革 transplant 移植移植移植移植 transport 运输运输运输运输 transmit (信息、信号、疾病等)的传播(信息、信号、疾病等)的传播(信息、信号、疾病等)的传播(信息、信号、疾病等)的传播transmittedvt.获益、对获益、对有利有利 I dont think your uncle will benefit us with his money.我想你叔叔不会给我们钱的。我想你叔叔不会给我们钱的。我想你叔叔不会给我们钱的。我想你叔叔不会给我们钱的。vi.与与 from 或或 by 连用,表示:从连用,表示:从中受益中受益 Who is likely to benefit most from the new tax laws?什么人可以从新税法中获益最多?什么人可以从新税法中获益最多?什么人可以从新税法中获益最多?什么人可以从新税法中获益最多?n.(u)利益、益处、裨益、帮助利益、益处、裨益、帮助 We shall get much benefit from reading.benefit You should go to the library often.I believe you will _ it a lot.A.benefit B.benefit from C.benefit for D.benefit in1.1)表示谓语动词一直延续到表示谓语动词一直延续到表示谓语动词一直延续到表示谓语动词一直延续到 until/till 从句所表示从句所表示从句所表示从句所表示2.的时间,用肯定句;的时间,用肯定句;的时间,用肯定句;的时间,用肯定句;They studied in the classroom until 12 oclock.2)若谓语动词到若谓语动词到若谓语动词到若谓语动词到until/till 之时才发生,须用否定句;之时才发生,须用否定句;之时才发生,须用否定句;之时才发生,须用否定句;Tom didnt go to bed until 12 oclock.3)notuntil 放在句首时,须用倒装句;放在句首时,须用倒装句;放在句首时,须用倒装句;放在句首时,须

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