
一、翻译下面短语一、翻译下面短语1.1.had/caught a cold the day before yesterday 2.help ones friend out e to the party another time 4.meet to my cousic the day after tomorrow 5.5.hang out with ones parents 6.have to prepare for an exam7.have too much homework to do1.1.前天患感冒前天患感冒 2.帮助朋友排忧解难帮助朋友排忧解难 3.其它时间来参加聚会其它时间来参加聚会 4.后天去见我的表弟后天去见我的表弟 5 5.周末周末和父母一起闲逛和父母一起闲逛RevisionRevision一、翻译下面短语一、翻译下面短语8.l8.look forward to+n/pron/v-ing/expect to have piano lessons 9.accept an invitation 10.turn down refuse an invitation 11.make an invitation 12.go to the concert 13.give a concert in the day(time)14.look after sb/sth very well/take good care of sb/sth 15.take/have a trip at the end of this month 8.盼望盼望/期待上钢琴课期待上钢琴课 9.接受邀请接受邀请 10.拒绝邀请拒绝邀请 11.发出邀请发出邀请12.去听音乐会去听音乐会 13.在白天举办音乐会在白天举办音乐会14.照看照看/顾好某人顾好某人/某物某物15.这个月末去旅行这个月末去旅行学习目标学习目标1重点单词:invitation,reply,forward,delete,print,sad,goodbye,glad,preparation,glue,without,surprised,housewarming2重点短语:accept an invitation,make an invitation,turn down an invitation,take a trip,at the end of,help out,look forward to,hear from3重点句式:What a great idea!She helped me to improve my English so much.The party is the best way to say“Thank you and goodbye”。I already have a great idea about how to do that.学习重点学习重点1重点短语和句型2会向他人发出邀请,并且会接受和拒绝对方的邀请学习难点1.重点短语和句型2会向他人发出邀请,并且会接受和拒绝对方的邀请自主学习自主学习 一、预习课本P6970新单词并背诵,完成下面的汉译英。1邀请_2.回复_3发送_ 4.删除_ 5.打印_6.悲伤_7再见_ 8.高兴_ 9准备_ 10.胶水_ 11没有_ 12.惊奇的_13.乔迁聚会_Keys:1.invitation 2.reply3.forward4delete 5.print,6.sad7.goodbye8.glad 9.preparation10.glue11.without 12.surprised,13.housewarming自主学习自主学习二、认真预习2a2e的内容,找出下列短语和句型。1接受邀请_ 2发出邀请_3拒绝邀请_ 4去旅行_5在的末尾_ 6帮助_7盼望_ 8收到来信_9真是一个好主意!_10她帮助我很大地提高了我的英语水平。_Keys:1.accept an invitation 2.make a n invitation 3.turn down an invitation 4.take/have a trip 5.at the end of 6.help out 7.l look forward to 8.here from 9.What a great idea!10.She helped me to improve my English so much.birthday party Make a list of the kinds of parties people have.English partysinging partyice-cream partydancing party2aNew Years party Do you have any problems in your life?What should you do if you have any problems?Do you talk to other people or keep them to yourself?Which is the best way to solve problems?Do you know other ways to solve problems?Today we will learn a passage about how to solve problems we have.Lead-in 情景导入 She didnt accept my invitation.她没有接受我的邀请。她没有接受我的邀请。He didnt do any preparation for this exam,so he failed.他考试前没做任何准备,所以不及格。他考试前没做任何准备,所以不及格。1.invitation n.邀请;请柬邀请;请柬 preparation n.准备;准备工作准备;准备工作动词动词+ion(后缀后缀)invitation动词动词+ion(后缀后缀)preparation2.reply v.回答;答复回答;答复They replied my letter three days ago.三天前他们回复了我的信。三天前他们回复了我的信。【辨析】【辨析】reply与与answer 1.reply 多指有多指有针对针对性地作出回答性地作出回答,多用于多用于书书面面语语。2.answer 除表示回答外,除表示回答外,还还可表示接听可表示接听(电话电话)或或对门铃对门铃等声响等声响作出反作出反应应,多用于口,多用于口语语。3.reply和和answer都有都有“回答回答”之意之意,可作可作动词动词或名或名词词。作名。作名词时词时常常用于短用于短语语 the answer/reply to.,表示表示“对对的答复的答复”。3.print v.打印;印刷打印;印刷Can you print this for me?你能给我打印一下这个吗?你能给我打印一下这个吗?4.delete v.删除删除 Please delete my name from your list.请把我的名字从你的名单中删除。请把我的名字从你的名单中删除。5.turn down 拒绝拒绝Why did she turn down your invitation?她为什么拒绝你的邀请?她为什么拒绝你的邀请?6.forward 1)v.转寄;发送转寄;发送You can forward e-mail to someone else.你可以将电子邮件转发给别人。你可以将电子邮件转发给别人。e.g.2)adv.向前;前进向前;前进.作副词可指空间上的作副词可指空间上的“向前(面)、朝前向前(面)、朝前(面)(面)”,经常与动词连用,经常与动词连用,forward=forwardsmove forward 往前走往前走 run forward 往前跑往前跑step forward 往前站往前站 come forward 走上前走上前The children ran forward to see Santa.孩子们跑向前去看圣诞老人。孩子们跑向前去看圣诞老人。She stepped forward in order to see clearly.她向前走了一步以便能看得更清楚。她向前走了一步以便能看得更清楚。7.sad adj.(令人令人)悲哀的;悲哀的;(令人令人)难过的难过的 She was very sad when her cat died.她的猫死后她的猫死后,她很悲伤。她很悲伤。8.glad adj.高兴;愿意高兴;愿意I am glad that you can come.你能来我很高兴。你能来我很高兴。拓展拓展;常用来构成常用来构成be glad 系表结构,表示为某事感到高兴。系表结构,表示为某事感到高兴。1、后带介词短语,如、后带介词短语,如 I am glad about his new job.我为他的新工作感到高兴。我为他的新工作感到高兴。2、后带动词不定式,如、后带动词不定式,如 Ill be glad to do you a favour 我愿意为我愿意为你效劳。你效劳。I shall be glad for you to come.你能来我将很高兴。你能来我将很高兴。3、后带宾语从句,如后带宾语从句,如 I am glad you have succeeded.你成功了我你成功了我感到高兴。感到高兴。She said goodbye and walked away.她说了再见就走了。她说了再见就走了。9.goodbye interj.&n.再见再见旅行的短语旅行的短语:go on a journey、be on a trip,go on a trip、travel to.journey:n.(尤指长途尤指长途)旅行,行程旅行,行程;trip:n.(尤指短程往返的尤指短程往返的)旅行,旅游旅行,旅游;travel:n.旅行旅行;旅游旅游;游历游历;(出国出国)旅游。旅游。10.take a trip 去旅行去旅行 Id like to take a trip to England.我想去英国旅行。我想去英国旅行。11.glue n.胶水胶水The glue doesnt work well.这胶水不粘了。这胶水不粘了。12.without prep.没有没有;不(做某事)不(做某事)A life without a friend is a life without a sun.人生没有朋友人生没有朋友,犹如生活中没有太阳。犹如生活中没有太阳。拓展拓展;without用法用法1.表示否定,其意为表示否定,其意为“没有没有”、“无无”、“不需不需”。He went out without his umbrella.他外出没有带伞。他外出没有带伞。There is no smoke without fire.无风不起浪。无风不起浪。2.其后除可接名词或代词外,也可接动名词。其后除可接名词或代词外,也可接动名词。He walked past me without speaking.他从我身旁走过,一句话也没说。他从我身旁走过,一句话也没说。He left without paying his bill.他没有付账就走了。他没有付账就走了。13.surprised adj.惊奇的;感觉意外的惊奇的;感觉意外的动词动词surprise+ed surprised 惊奇的惊奇的He was surprised to find nobody was at home.他很吃惊地发现没人在家。他很吃惊地发现没人在家。拓展:拓展:surprise、surprised和和surprising的区别的区别1.surprise作动词用时意为作动词用时意为“使惊奇或吃惊使惊奇或吃惊”The bad news didnt surprise them这个坏消息没使他们吃惊

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