
学校: 班级: 姓名: 学号: -------------------------------装--------------------------------------订--------------------------------------线--------------------------------- 小学英语六年级上册冀教版新教材某市期末测验真题卷(40分钟) 六年级上册英语期末测试卷 题目 听力部分(30分) 笔试部分(65分) 卷面 5分 总分 100分 I II III IV I II III IV V VI VII 得分 听力部分(30分) I.听音,判断下列图片与所听内容是(T)否(F)相符。(5分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) II. 听音,根据短文内容,用数字1-5给下列图片排序。(5分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) III. 听音, 选择正确的答语。每小题读两遍。(10分) ( )1. A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I can C. No, I didn’t. ( )2. A. Summer is my favourite season. B. It is very windy. C. Summer is always very hot. ( )3. A. It’s a western holiday. B. It’s December 25. C. Merry Christmas! ( )4. A. In a restaurant. B. The juice is in the fridge. C. I’d like some vegetables and meat. ( )5. A. He is in the living room. B. He is reading the newspaper. C. He is from the U.K. IV. 听音,填入所缺单词,补全短文。每空一词。(10分) 1.___________ is Christmas. It is a Western 2. ________ . Yesterday I helped my father put Christmas lights on our house. This morning, we 3.________ ________ our Christmas tree. I always 4. ________ special gifts to my family for Christmas. Jenny and I are going to walk to the shop this afternoon. 5. ________ I am going to buy some gifts for my family. 笔试部分(65分) I. 读句子,判断。(5分) A. 判断单词画线部分发音是(T)否(F)相同。 ( ) 1. The child is going to open the gifts on Christmas morning. ( ) 2. In this season, we put on our sweaters. ( ) 3. Can you find the differences? B. 判断下列句子语调是(T)否(F)相同。 ( ) 4. A. How did I do, Danny? B. I can stand on one foot. ( ) 5. A. Who is singing? B. Would you like some soup? II. 读句子,圈出正确的一项。(5分) 1. My uncle’s plane will arrive ( in  at ) five o’clock. 2. Li Ming gets a camera ( for in ) Christmas. 3. The snowman couldn’t go. He had no ( foot feet ). 4. It’s time ( to for  ) dinner. 5.( On In )Christmas morning, my family opens the gift. III.单项选择。(5分) ( )1. There are _______ seasons in a year . A. three B. twelve C. four ( )2. You look beautiful _________ red clothes. A. in B. at C. for ( )3. -Merry Christmas! - ______. A. Thank you. B. Merry Christmas! C. Sorry. ( )4. Jenny often_______ to the bus stop. A. walk B. walks C. walked ( )5. I __________ a star for the tree tomorrow. A. bring B. brought C. am going to bring IV. 根据句意及首字母提示写出单词,补全句子。(10分) 1. My l_______ brother is too young. He can’t read and write. 2. Can you sing a Christmas s_________? 3. Mrs. Smith is a bus d___________. We have six c__________ each school day. 4. This is a__________. It is cool. The leaves turn red and yellow. V. 根据上下文提示,选择合适的句子补全对话。(10分) A. We make two snowballs and then put them together. B. What do you use for his eyes? C. Let's go! D. What do you use for his arms? E. I like to make a snowman. A: What do you like to do in winter? B: 1. ______ A: How can you make a snowman? B: 2. ______ A: 3. ______ B: I use two sticks for his arms. A: 4. ______ B: I use two stones for his eyes. A: Oh, it's easy. I want to make a snowman. B: 5. ______ VI. 阅读理解。(20 分) A)阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(10 分) December 25 Dear Jack, Merry Christmas! In Australia, summer comes in December. And there is no snow at Christmas. The sun is very hot. We often have a Christmas party on the beach at Christmas. We go swimming and play games. We all have fun. Look at the photo. My family went shopping in the supermarket. My grandma and I bought some food and drinks. My dad bought a Christmas tree. In the evening, we put some gifts under the Christmas tree together. How about your Christmas? Please write to me soon. Love, Susan ( )1. Susan writes the card to Jack on Christmas Day. ( )2. Susan lives in Canada. ( )3. It's hot and sunny at Christmas in Australia. ( )4.Susan’s dad bought a Christmas tree in the supermarket. ( )5.Susan put some gifts under the Christmas tree in the afternoon. B)阅读短文,根据短文内容选择恰当的选项填空。(10 分) Anna is from the USA.But now she lives in China. She is going to Harbin with her parents tomorrow. They are going by plane. It’s snowy in Harbin now. She is going to play with snow and make a snowman there. She has many things to do today. She is going to buy some warm clothes this morning. In the afternoon, she is going to buy two new comic books in the bookstore. She is going to read them on the plane. In the evening, she is going to watch TV with her baby brother. (     )1. Anna is in __________ now. A.the USA B.China C.Australia (     )2.Anna is going to Harbin with her __________. A.parents B.friends C.grandparents (     )3.What can Anna do in Harb

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