
倾情奉献初高中衔接课之浅谈高中英语学习方法目录1高中英语学习的三个特征(原因)3提升英语学习幸福度的三个小技巧2学好高中英语的三个小法宝目录“三”生词本“三点”错题本“美”摘抄本高中英语的三个特征011.She worried me like a tigeress,when Rochester got the knife from her.(选自简爱Signet Classics 版 P215)2.When I was in Grade 8,I had a heated argument(争论)with my classmate,Tony.I have forgotten what the argument was about,but I have never forgotten the lesson I learned that day.(2022年广西中考)3.And the more we look,the more we will see that social factors(社会因素)like gender(性别),race,and class do not determine(决定)the appearance(出现)of genius(天才).(2021年高考全国甲卷D篇)撕咬母老虎激烈 的教训、道理研究、调查诸如种族阶层diplipsiptiphobjobmobrobsobprotectprotestproteinprotestant傻傻分不清的那些“姐妹词”attitudealtitudelassitudeaptitude以前会的,现在不会了,以前不会的,现在变多了似是而非的,傻傻分不清了特征一词汇量大课标要求的各学段需具备的词汇量学段 词汇量小学500-700初中800+500高中3500+400高中135分5000以上四六级4000-8000010203测测你的词汇量难句长句长难句特征二长难句多(选自简爱Signet Classics 版 P171)难句一定长?省略句:And she admires him.They were playing computer games and I the guitar.was playingWere I you,I would choose to be a volunteer.难句一定长?Dangerous as it might be,I still choose to help others.A:He works hard.B:So he does!C:So do they.there be 句型倒装句省略句插入语强调句分割句式长、难句,拦路虎用英语思考特征三“英语表达力”用英语做事用英语学习01应用文写作 15分40分02读后续写 25分书面表达英语高考的新秀 A MOTHERS DAY SURPRISE The twins were filled with excitement as they thought of the surprise they were planning for Mothers Day.How pleased and proud Mother would be when they brought her breakfast in bed.Jenna and Jeff didnt know exactly what to do.The kitchen was in a mess.+Paragraph 1:As the twins looked around them in disappointment,their father appeared._+Paragraph 2:The twins carried the breakfast upstairs and woke their mother up._阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事,满分完整的故事,满分2525分。分。ProblemSolution A MOTHERS DAY SURPRISE Paragraph 1:As the twins looked around them in disappointment,their father appeared.+Paragraph 2:The twins carried the breakfast upstairs and woke their mother up.成4喜8问1帮2做3惊5品6诉7掌握一些必备词汇、核心句型熟练使用对、多、美的表达用英语描述做饭过程培养感恩、负责任、爱劳动等品质用英语表达喜怒哀乐等感情“三心”生词本“三点”错题本“三美”摘抄本提高高中英语学习的三个小法宝02英语,无处不在Buzzwords“三心”生词本1留心Emo、diss、C位、炒CP、BGMemotional,diss:否定Central position;couPle;BackGround MusicBrandsDove Do you love me?Build Your DreamsAcronyms YYDS,ASAP,NBA“三心”生词本2用心“姐妹词”法同义词法词根法自制纸洞,帮助记忆,别致精巧!“三心”生词本3恒心“三点”错题本突出重点突破难点突击疑点突出重点突破难点突击疑点01美词美句美文02美图美景美画03独创之美美美与共“三美”摘录本He took the sandwich and wolfed it down.01Take time for great things.Great haste makes great waste.02By all means marry;If you get a good wife,you will become happy;If you get a bad one,you will become a philosopher.Socrates03美词美句美文美图美景美画各美其美,美美与共词汇量表达力长难句“三心生词本提升高中英语学习幸福度的三个小技巧03BRAVERYWORKETHICMODESTYBWM

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