中考英语 【高效课堂+备课精研】动词不定式课件

动词不 定 式1概述定义:动词不定式是由“不定式符号to+动词原形”构成的一种非谓语动词结构0102动词不定式的形式:to+动词原形,有时可以不带to。03动词不定式没有人称和数的变化,在句子中不能作谓语04动词不定式仍保留动词的特点,可以有自己的宾语和状语。05动词不定式同它的宾语或状语构成不定式短语。如:to read the newspaper,to speak at the meeting206具有名词、形容词和副词的特征,在句中可以作主语、宾语、宾语补足语、定语和状语等。初 中 英 语 常 用 动词 不 定 式 句 法 如右 图(简 略 描 述,具 体 用 法 如 后 页)3句法作用例句作主语Asastudent,itisourdutytostudyhard.Theteachersaiditisnecessarytotalkwithhismother.作表语Thefirstthingforhimistovisithisgrandparents.ThebestwaytoimproveyourEnglishisjoininanEnglishclub.作宾语Shewantedtobecomeateacher.Heislearningtoswim.作定语Ihavesomanythingstodotoday.Icantthinkofanygoodadvicetogiveher.作状语Hewenttothelibrarytoborrowsomebooks.Imgladtoseeyou.作宾语补足语Sheaskedmetospeaklouder.Couldyouaskthebusdrivertowaitforfiveminutes?不 定 式作 主 语 (1)4简述:1.主语为不确定的人称(泛指)时,可以用不定式作主语。2.不定式语结较短时,直接放在句首充当主语;3.不定式语结较长时,通常用“it”代替不定式作形式主语放在句首,把真正的主语放到句尾。不 定 式作 主 语(2)51.不定式放在句首:不定式作主语,当不定式语节较短时,可以直接把动词不定式放在句首,特别是带疑问词的不定式短语作主语,要经常放在句首。如:Toseeistobelieve.百闻不如一见。Togetupearlyisnecessary.早起是必要的。Toloveothersistobeloved.爱人即爱己。Tohesitatemeansfailure.犹豫不决就意味着失败。Todomorningexercisesisusefulforourhealth.做早操有利于我们的健康以下是带疑问词的不定式短语作主语:Whentostarthasnotbeendecided.何时动身尚未决定。Whethertoholdthemeetingisunknow.是否开会还不知道。Whattodowasthemattertobedecidedfirstofall.该做什么是首先得决定的事。Howtogetthereneedstobedecidedbyhim.怎么去哪儿要由他来决定。重点:动词不定式做主语,谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式。不 定 式作 主 语 (3)62.不定式放在句末:通常来说,特别是不定式短语很长的时候,比如很明显可以看出“动词前要比动词后长”,不定式放于句首会显得头重脚轻,此时由it这个代词作形式主语(形式主语it不可由that或this等其他代词代替),而将不定式放到后面。如:It made him extremely happy to get contact with his family in Taiwan since they separated more than 40 years ago.It is really a challenge that they finish that task in such a short time.It seemed a pity to refuse his offer.It surprised me to hear him say that.It gives me great pleasure to open this school.It amazed me to hear that you have passed the IELTS.It makes her furious to see animals being cruelly treated.不 定 式作 主 语(3)73.不定式结构所表示的动作是谁做的,即不定式的逻辑主语,通常可以通过for sb.to do sth.结构表达:It is quite important for us to read good books during a general review.It is not difficult for those talented students to pass the exam.4.在某些形容词(如careless,clever,considerate,foolish,good,impolite,kind,naughty,nice,silly,stupid等描述动作者的性格、品质的)作表语时,不定式后可以加of来引导出其逻辑主语:1.It is very kind of you to tell me the truth.2.It is stupid of him to do such a silly thing.不 定 式作 表 语 (1)81.不定式作表语,通常是说明主语的内容是什么,其性质,特征是什么等等。如:His wish is to be a policeman.他的愿望是当一名警察。He is to marry his loved girl next week.下个星期他就要娶他深爱的那个女孩了。A great deal is yet to do.还有许多事要做。2.主语是不定式(表示条件);表语也是不定式(表示结果):1)To see is to believe.2)To work means to earn a living.不 定 式作 表 语 (2)93.主语是以aim,duty,hope,idea,job,plan,problem,purpose,thing,wish等名词为中心的短语,或以what引导的名词性从句,不定式表语对主语起补充说明作用:;例如:1).His aim is to study abroad in the near future.2).The most important thing is to negotiate with them about the price.3).What I want to say is to forget all the unhappy experience.4.“疑问词+不定式”作表语,如:The difficulty is how to cross the river.The question was where to go.What I want to know is whom to invite.What troubles them is how to deal with the situation.不定式作宾语 (1)101.及物动词后直接跟带to的不定式常见的有:afford,agree,aim,appear,ask,believe,care,claim,decide demand,desire,determine,expect,fail,happen,hesitate,hope,intend,learn,long,manage,offer,pretend,promise,prepare,refuse,seek,swear,undertake,want,wish等。1)He managed to solve the complicated problem.2)The stranger offered to show me the way.3)Mr.Smith undertook to build a new plant in South Africa.2.及物动词+疑问词+带to的不定式短语做宾语l不定式做动词宾语,这是最常见的一种形式。可以后接的这类动词常见的有advise,decide,find out,forget,inquire,know,learn,see,regard,remember,teach,tell,understand,wonder等。不定式作宾语 (2)11常见的疑问代(副)词有:what,when,where,which,how,whether等。如:I dont know which car to choose.Did you find out when to pay?Do you know how to explain this in English?l疑问词+不定式短语作介词宾语,如:They exchanged views on the question of whether to build the building.Bill said something to Cohn about what to do.l疑问词+不定式短语接在be+形容词结构后,在概念上接近宾语,可以后接这种结构的形容词有sure,certain等。如:We are not sure(We dont know for sure)whether to put off the gathering party.The teacher was not certain(didnt know for certain)where to put the piano.不定式作宾语 (3)123.不定式可由it代替,而把不定式放到后面去。结构表达:动词(如find,think,consider,feel等)+it+形容词+不定式。1).She considers it necessary to make friends with him.2).We find it difficult to finish all the homework before 9 oclock.4.区别以下不同词组的意思:Stop to do sth.停止正在做的事,转做另外一件事Stop doing sth.停止正在做的事Go on to do sth.做完一件事后,转做另外一件事Go on doing sth 继续做同一件事Remember/forget to do sth 记住/忘记要做某事Remember/forget doing sth 记住/忘记做过某事不定式作定语131.放在名词或者不定代词something,anything,nothing,everything,no one等修饰词后面作后置定语,形成动宾关系,主谓关系,同位关系。如:1)He is not the man to tell lies.主谓关系2)I have something to say.动宾关系3)We all have a chance to go to college.同位关系2.与被修饰词之间是动宾关系时,如不定式是不及物动词,则动词后需加介词,反之如果是及物动词,则不用。如:1)Can you give me some paper to write on?2)I have no jewelry to wear.3)He is looking for a room to live in.4)He needs a friend to play with.5)There are three pairs of shoes for you to choose from.3.当名词被the first,the last,the only等词以及形容词最高级修饰时,可以用不定式作定语。如:

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