
新版外研版七年级英语上册全册词汇、语法篇+试题整理集 Module 1 词汇篇 __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 1.熟练掌握重点单词、词组的用法 2.理解并运用“自我介绍”有关句型 1. welcome to……表示“欢迎来到……”,此时welcome是动词,意为“欢迎”。 注意:welcome后接副词时,其后不必再加to。 Welcome home.欢迎回家。 拓展:welcome作形容词,意为“受欢迎的”。 Your words make me feel(感觉)welcome.你的话让我感到受欢迎。 ---You are welcome.不用谢。 2. capital用作可数名词,意为“首都、省会”,复数capitals,“the capital of ……”意为……的首都。还可作形容词,意为“大写的”。 3. everyone,大家;每人。 everyone 只能用来指人,相当于everybody,不能和of短语搭配 every one 可以用来指人,也可以用来指物,能和of短语搭配 注意:不管是everyone作主语,还是every one作主语,谓语动词都要用第三人称单数形式。 Everyone is here; every one of us is happy.每个人都在这里;我们中的每个人都很开心。 4. all,每个,全体。all指(三者或三者以上)都,both指(两者)都。 All street have both sides.所有的街道都有两边。 5. be from意为“从……来;是……人”,常用来询问某人来自哪个地方或某人的籍贯(国籍)。 come from与be from意思相同。 6. What about……?意为“……怎么样?”,常用来询问他人的情况、征求意见或提出建议。它后面可接名词或代词,接代词时要用宾格;后接动词时,必须用动词的-ing形式;;可与“how about”换用。 7. given name意为“名字”,family name意为“姓”。英美人的姓名分三部分(如下表),三部分放在一起称full name(全名)。 George Washington Bush (名) (中间名) (姓) given name middle name family name =first name (除签署法律文件外,不常用) =last name. 单项选择 1. ---Lucy, thank you very much, --- A. Well. B. OK. C. You are welcome. D. I'm sorry. 2.--- What’s about basketball with us? ---Good idea. Let’s go. A. play B. plays C. playing D. to play 3. Lisa is from and she speaks . A. America English B. America England C. American English D. American England 4. I'm David brown my name is David and brown is my name. A. family, first B. first, family C. last, first D. family, last 5. --- What’s this English? ---It’s a map. A. for B. with C. in D. by 6.(2012贵州黔西南中考)---Where is Sally from, Mike? --- A. I am from China. B. She is from America. C. He is from England. D. You're from Japan. 7.(2014北京中考)I'd like to go with you, I'm too busy. A. or B. and C. so D. but 8.(2012湖南湘潭中考)I bought a new shirt for John, he didn't like it. A. because B. and C. but 解析及答案: 1. 本题考查交际用语。回答对方感谢的话可以用“You are welcome.”,意为“不客气,不用谢”,故选C。 2. What's about……?后若接动词,要用动名词形式。故选C。 3. be from后接国家名,表示“来自哪国”;speak后接国名的形容词形式,表示“说某种语言”,故选A。 4. 本题考查姓名的表示方法。given name和first name意为“名”,family name和last name意为“姓”,故选B。 5. 本题考查固定搭配。in English意为“用英语”,故选C。 6. 问句询问某人来自哪里,Sally是女孩名,人称代词用she,故选B。 7. 我们可用“分析句意法”解答。or或者,表示选择关系;and和,而且,表示并列或顺承关系;so因此,表示因果关系;but然而,但是,表示转折关系。“我想和你一起去”与“我太忙了”之间是转折关系,因此用but,故选D。 8. 前半句意为“我给约翰买了一件新衬衫”,后半句意为“他不喜欢它”,前后文之间为转折关系,故选C。 基础演练 一、选词填空 1.There are fifteen girls in the room. They are (both,all)students. 2.My name is Tony (and,but)I am 12 years old. 3. (It’s,That’s)good to see you again. 4. (Everyone,Every one)of the students is happy. 答案:1. all 2. and 3. It’s 4. Every one 二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空) 1. Nice to m you. 2. I’m C ; you are E . 3. W are you from? 4. Tony is in Class 2, G 7. 5. I'm thirteen y old. 6. I'm A and my name is Betty King. 7. W to our class! 8. A the boys like sports. 9. E in our class has a new book. 10. Jinan is the c of Shandong Province. 答案: 1. meet 2.Chinese; English 3. Where 4. Grade 5. years 6. American 7. Welcome 8. All 9. Everyone 10. capital 巩固提高 三、首字母填空(对话首字母) Jeff: Hi, Maria! N 1 to meet you! Maria: Hi, Jeff! Me too! Jeff: H 2 are you, Maria? Maria: Fine, thanks. Mum, t 3 is my friend, Jeff. Jeff, this is my mum, Mrs. Green. Jeff: Good a 4 , Mrs. Green! Mrs. Green: Good afternoon, Jeff! Welcome(欢迎) to our home! Jeff: T 5 you. 答案:1. Nice 2. How 3. this 4. afternoon 5. Thank 四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子) 1. 李明来自北京。北京是个大城市。(词数不限) Li Ming Beijing. Beijing is a . 2. 我弟弟是个学生,他13岁。 My brother is a , and he is years old. 3. 伦敦是英国的首都。(词数不限) London is England. 4. 托尼是我的名,史密斯是我的姓。(词数不限) Tony is my and Smith is my . 5. 剑桥是英国的一个小城。(词数不限) Cambridge is a city .. 6. 他叫王鹏,他是中国人。(词数不限) His Wang Peng, and he is . 7. 李梅来自中国吗? Li Mei China? 8. 萨姆12岁,他来自美国。(词数不限) Sam is and he America. 9. 见到你很高兴。 Nice you. 答案: 1. is from; big city 2.student; thirteen 3. the capital of 4. first name; last name 5.small; in England 6. name is; Chinese 7. Is; from 8.twelve years old; is from 9. to meet 一、单项选择 1. Grace is Chinese girl. A.a B.an C.the D./ 2. I'm , but Cindy is . A.American; England B.English; America C.American; English D.England; American 3. --- Where is Tom from? --- is from Nanjing. A.He B.I C.She D.You 4. This is an English girl. Susan is name. A.your B.his C.my D.her 5. The girl is Grace Miller. Miller is her name. A.first B.given C.school D.last 6. --- Ms. Brown's first name? --- Jane. A.What B.What's C.How D.How's 7. --- you Linda? --- Yes, I . A.Is; am B.Are; is C.Is; is D.Are; am 8. --- ?

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