
If you like this,you can add our q group.Two five two two seven threefour five six.一 重点单词1)colour green pink red blue purple black whiteyellow brown orangegreen hand He is a seasoned teacher.Season-seasoned 有经验的What colour is it?What colour is your book?What colour is his hat?What colour are their books?2)same 相 同 的-不同的 different be different from和.不同.My backpack is very beautiful,it is different from your backpack.Rightleft-leave-leaves-leaf3)friend 交朋友 make friends with somebody(和 某 人)I don/t want to make friends with lazy persons.Friendship 友谊 友情那个新同学想和我交朋友。(注意第三人称单数he she i t还有单个人 Ziv Sunny Tom)Want to do something 想做某事That new student wants to make friends with me!That new student wanted(ed 表示过去的种时态)to make friends withme4)1如果名词是以-s结尾的.变成发数小i要 加 心.i l l d re ss d re sse s 2表示且数的-s或-e s一般遵循以下发音规则:如 果 名 词 词 尾 的 发 行 是 一 个 清 辅 音 里 除 外)-s发,s/的音,如books/boks.su it s/su:t s/:如果名词词尾的发音是一个浊辅背 ,,3.dy除外)或元音,-s发的音,如t ie s/t aiz/,.d ogs/d ogz/;blou se s/blaoz iz/。Bus-buses glasses/iz/dish-dishes watch-watches(手表看)/ts/-s-z-iz place-many places/s/He watches TV V.many watches n.5)Come here 过来-go there 去那里Heretherehomeabroad 国 夕 卜 副词 study abroad travelabroad6)Dutch 荷兰 go Dutch AA 制 wind mill 风车 wooden shoes木 屐tulip郁金香Tu li p 分三部分去记忆many tulips7)officer 官员office in the office 在办公室名词所有格练习1 This is Paul.This is his car.-This is Pauls car 这是 Paul 的小轿车。2 This is Sophie.This is her coat.-/t/3 This is Helen.This is her dog.-4This is my daughter.This is her backpack.-一 重点单词employee 雇员 em ploy ee 职员 employer 雇主 boss-老板employer teach-teacher farm-farmer drive-driver N.Act-actor doctor her pron.代 词 她 的 It-I have two books.-My books are red.代词-人称代词物主代词hard-working hard 坚硬的 The pen is very hard努力 勤奋地 He works hard 他工作十分地努力连字符 adj.Hard-working He is hard-working 形容词一般要放在be动词后面。合成形容词 Mr Green said I was hard-working(.宾语 从句)Is am are was were 都叫做 be 动词-叫做连字符两个单词构成了形容词类似的有six-year-old VSten years old1 Ziv is ten years old now.Forty-four2 Tom is a ten-year-old student.Assistant 助 手 店 员 伙 计-helper 帮手 help-helperhelp!救命!He is a new assistant of this shop,of.的He is my good helper.Frid ay星期五鲁滨孙(逊)漂流记中笛福鲁滨逊的帮手Matter what is the matter?What is wrong with(介词 介词+宾格 作宾语)you?What is wrong with her?What was wrong with her yesterday.Be-am is(was)are(were)-being(be 动词的现在分词)Sitsitting(sit的现在分词)前缀-后缀View-review复 习 re-前缀表示再次Ful充满的 beauty美 丽 后 缀 beautiful美丽的It doesnt matter.How are you!As easy as ABCA piece of cakeNot bad!好!不错 no(adj.)=not anyI have time-1 have no time.Business 1 商业 business+man 商人 businessmanWhat is your job?-1 am a businessmanWhat do you do?第一个do助动词 第二个do做2 事情 不关你的事情Its none of your business.Its my own business own 自己的 my own house hourBlack horse-dark horse 黑马horseBusiness商业营业 大胆猜想一下 Business Hours营业时间Children Children/s Day kid 小孩 比起 children 更加亲切Children-child kids-kidBoyboys 读音/z/1 thirsty-thirty doctor VS daughter-son-like father,likeson有其父必有其子 like mother,like daughterRight You are right Turn right 1 右边 2 对的 正确的Left-leave-left-left/v/f/leaf-leavesLeave-leaves(离开的第三人称单数,树叶的复数)-leafsee-sees(saw)watch-watches 手表See a film He saw a film with her mother yesterday般过去时)He left yesterdayBig-smallopen-shut(close)light-heavy long-shortdirty-cleanThe big apple 1 大苹果 2 纽约 a very famous city of US UN UKUS USA shut up!闭嘴 Light(灯光 轻 的)long long ago 很久很久以前二 Key StructuresHow do you do!你好 What do you do-what is your job?What are you doing-?-How are you doing?最近好吗?Come and meet our employees.祈使句 以动词原形开头的 表示命令 请求的口吻 经常和please连用 祈使句的主语是You但是经常省略否定的时候在前面加D o n t为什么不加doesnt?例如 Be quiet please 安静 beam is arewas were Openthe door Sit down please1 me the truth,or Ill be angry.Or 否则 事实 实情 angry生气A.Telling B.To tell C.Told D.Tellis seeing现在进行时seeing现在分词2 P le a s e,they/re having a meeting.A.not be so noisy B.be quiet C.mustn/t talk D.no speaking3 late again,Bill!A.Dont to be B.Dont be C.Not be D.Be notMake a sentence那些男孩非常懒惰。这些女孩非常的忙。busy他们是什么工作?你们是送奶工吗?看黑板,听我说。祈 使 句you

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