
01、Believe it or not.:信不信由你用法透视该句用来引出让人惊讶的事情,其字面意义和用法都与中文“信不信由你”一致支持范例1.Believe it or not,I didnt get into trouble for being late for class today.信不信由你,我今天上课迟到了,但没受罚。2.Believe it or not,I saw your house on fire on my way here.信不信由你,我来这里的路上看到你家失火了。3.Believe it or not,Im going to America tomorrow!信不信由你,我明天就要去美国了。会话记忆A:Believe it or not,one of the narrowest street in the world is only 49cm wide.信不信由你,世界上最窄的街道中有一条只有49厘米宽。B:Unbelievable!How do people go through it?难以置信!人怎么走啊?A:Thats what Im wondering,to o.是啊,我也正为此纳闷呢。B:I wish I had a chance to see it with my own eyes.真希望我能去亲眼看看。02、As far as I.:就我所.用法透视as far a s的意思是“根据而言”,这个句型中可以根据情况加入各种不同的动词。如:as far as I remember/recall/collect.:就我回忆.as far as I know/tell.:就我所知.as far as I can see.:依我所见as far as I can feel.:就我的感觉.支持范例1.As far as I recollect,there were few people in the village then.据我回忆,那时候村子里几乎没人。2.As far as I recall,they Quarreled very often at that time.就我回忆,那时他们经常吵架。3.As far as I can see,hes a big liar.就我所知,他不过是个大话精。会话记忆A:Have you seen Harry?你见过哈利了吗?B:No.As far as I can remember he was supposed to be on a business trip toLisbon.我记得他应该去里斯本出差了。A:Yes,but he was supposed to be back by now.是的,可他该回来了。B:Maybe youll call his hom e.或许你该给他家打电话。03、be fed ue with.:对.腻了用法透视这个句型用来表示极其厌倦或不满。意思是“对够了,烦了”支持范例1.Were fed VD with listening to his story.他的故事我们已经听腻了。2.Shes fed up about it.她对此非常不满。3.Mother will be fed up that you didnt telephone.若你不打电话,妈妈会不高兴的。会话记忆A:I didnt see you at Mr.Johnsons class today.今天约翰逊先生的课上我没见到你。B:Yeah,I quit.是啊,我不上了。A:W hy?为什么?B:Im fed uo with his boring lectures.我对他无聊的课厌烦透了。04 Be a good sport.做个有风度的人。用法透视这个句子引申自 有运动家风度“。用来劝人要有雅量.支持范例1.Be a good sport and help me with this problem.做个有风度的人,来帮我解决这个问题。2.Come on.Be a good sport.You just lost a race.算了。做个有风度的人。你不过输了场比赛。3.Youve been a good sport to laugh at the trick we played on you.你真是个有雅量的人,对我们的恶作剧一笑置之。会话记忆A:You are not being a good sport about this.你在这件事上没有风度。B:Thats because you cheated.那是因为你作弊。A:I never cheat.我从来不作弊。B:Yes,you d o.有的,你有05、as far as.is concerned.:就.而言.用法透视这个句型用来引出个人的观点与看法,也可以说so far as.is concernedM支持范例1.As far as Im concerned,I dont mind that you wear this mini-skirt.就我个人而言,我不介意你穿这件迷你裙。2.The coat is fine as far as color is concerned,but it is not very good quality.这件上衣就颜色来说还不错,但质量不太好。3.So far as hes concerned,nothing is as important as his daughter.对他来说,什么也比不上他女儿重要。会话记忆A:Have you seen the movie.Scream?你看过电影 惊声尖叫了吗?B:Yes.It gave me the creeps.看了。它让我浑身起鸡皮疙瘩。A:Come on,it wasn*t that bad.算了,哪有那么惨啊。B:Yes,it was.As far as Im concerned,Im never going to see another movielike that again.真的。对我而言,我再也不想看那种电影了。06、As a matter of fact.不瞒你说.用法透视这个句型的含义接近in fact,意思是”不瞒你说;其实;实际上“。做插入语单独使用。支持范例1.As a matter of fact,we were just talking about you when you came in.不瞒你说,你进来时我们正谈论你呢。2.As a matter of fact,I was the one who did it.其实,那件事是我做的。3.I finished it yesterday,as a matter of fact.实际上,我昨天就完成了。会话记忆A:I wish I could unsay the sharp words to him.He must hate me very much.真希望我没说那些过分的话,他一定恨死我了。B:He doesn t mind.As a matter of fact,he s very pleased.他没介意。事实上,他还挺高兴的。A:Oh,reallv?Thank godness.哦,是吗?谢天谢地!unsay:口语,表示懊悔说了不适合的话。07、All you have to do is.你所要做的只是.用法透视:这个句型用来说明某事很简单易行,“你所要做的一切只不过是”支持范例:1.All you have to do is to push the button and w ait.你所要做的就是按下这个按钮然后等待。2.All you have to do is to sign here.你只要在这里签字就行了。3.They promised that all I have to do is to tell the truth and leave.他们答应我只要我说出真相就可以走了。会话记忆:A:Do you know how to play go?你知道围棋怎么下吗?B:lt*s easy.All you have to do is to use your pieces to surround the opponentspieces and then take over all of his territory.很简单。你所要做的只是用自己的子去围对方的子,然后占下他所有的地盘就行了。A:But I heard it is very difficult to play.可我听说围棋很难下。B:lt*s easier said than done.When you actually play,it can be very frustrating.说当然比做容易。你真下起来的时候就很伤脑筋了。08、all in all:总的来说.用法透视:在你说了很多观点之后,用这一短句,进行总结,表示你的讲话即将结束支持范例:1 .All in all,things worked out for the better.总的来说,情况好转了。2.All in all,it was less than satisfactory.总之,那无法令人满意。3.All in all,the weather this year has been quite mild.总之,今年的气候蛮温和的。会话记忆:A:You know.I did very ooorly on that te s t.你知道的,那次测验我考砸了。B:Cheer up!Its not the only chance in life to do well on a test.Therell be manym ore.别泄气!又不是一辈子只有一次机会考试得好成绩。以后还有嘛。A:Well,you know how I am about exams.Tm a perfectionist.你了解我对考试的态度。我是个完美主义者。B:Dont worry about it.All in all,you*ve done very well in school.别担心了,总的来说,你在学校的表现很不错。09、Count me in.算我一个。用法透视当有人想去做某事,而你也想参加,就说“Count me in,意思是“把我也算进去,让我也参加吧”。支持范例1.If the cost of the trip is no more than 1000 yuan,you can count me in.如果这次旅行的花费不超过一千元,就算我一个。2.Please count me in this project.请让我参加这个项目。3.If you are going to a movie,count me in.如果你们要去看电影,我也要一起去。会话记忆A:Are you coming or not?你到底要不要跟我们一起来?B:I havent decided yet.我还没决定。A:Well,make up your mind.We need to know.那就下定决心吧。我们必须知道你来不来。B:Ok,count me in.好吧,算我一个。10、Couldnt be better.:再好不过了用法透视这个句型的字面意思是”不能更好了,也就是 最好,很好”。可以用来评论某食物,也可以用来回答别人的问好。支持范例1.It couldnt be better.很好。2.My work this month couldnt be better.我这个月的工作很好。3.Hi.How are you?嗨,你好吗?Couldnt be better.很好。会话记忆A:How is your business going?生意怎么样?B:Business couldnt be better.生意很

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