
球拍工作计划范文 I'm going to start a plan to practice badminton. 1. I'm going to practice badminton for two hours every day after school. 2. I'm going to practice basic skills such as footwork, hitting, netting, and serving. 3. I'm going to practice with a partner or a coach to improve my skills and strategies. 4. I'm going to watch badminton matches and learn from the pros. 5. I'm going to practice with other players to get used to playing with different styles and strategies. 6. I'm going to keep a journal of my practice sessions and track my progress. 7. I'm going to set goals for myself and strive to achieve them. 8. I'm going to have fun and enjoy the process of learning and improving. I'm confident that with this plan, I will be able to improve my badminton skills and become a better player.

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