
课时规范练(二十六) 题型组合练——练准度 (完形填空+语法填空)限时:35分钟 单独成册:对应学生用书第340页 Ⅰ.完形填空 It has been four days since doctors gave bad news that I can't play baseball any more. Lying here in my hot, 1 hospital bed, I want badly to leave this place. I ask my mom to 2 me my keys with a keychain—a soft piece of 3 made from my first baseball gloves that I 4 so much. Even though it only weighs dozens of grams, it carries tons of 5 . It carries great moments like home runs and championships as well as moments where I 6 and lose. I just want to hold my treasure that 7 my true passion. Intertwined (缠绕) in the fibers of the leather are so many memories that have 8 me as a person. I am taken to a field on a hot, clear summer day. I 9 a mix of the judges speaking with the coaches in the field and the 10 grandstand.Mym the grandstand.My teammates' shoes are clicking as they walk across the seats, 11 waiting for the championship game. You can feel the pressure that is pushing down on both teams. The judges 12 to us:“PLAY BALL.” At that moment, time, ce and people are 13 . All of a sudden, I 14 my eyes as my nurse walks in. Almost an hour has passed! I 15 my fingers up and down on my treasure just feeling this 16 of the game. It takes me on a wild road trip through my 17 , which is now over. I am back to a reality of a hospital bed and a 18 arm. Things seem a little 19 now, but I won't give up my 20 for baseball. [语篇解读] 本文是一篇记叙文。作者对垒球充满了激情与热爱,但是现在却不得不躺在医院的病床上,在梦中回忆那些关于垒球的美好片段。 1.A.soft B.uncomfortable C.hard D.small 解析:句意:躺在医院里又热又不舒服的床上,我极力想逃离这个地方。根据语境和hot以及我此时的心情可知,uncomfortable符合语境。 答案:B 2.A.offer B.present C.hand D.show sb.sth我让妈妈把我的钥匙递给我。hand sb.sth.“把某物递给某人”。 答案:C 3.A.leather B.wood C.plastic D.cloth 解析:根据本段最后一句中的“Intertwined in the fibers of the leather”可知,我的钥匙链是皮质的,故选A项。 答案:A 4.A.clean B.play C.use D.value 解析:它是由我非常珍惜(value)的第一副棒球手套制作而成的。value sth.“认为某物有价值,珍惜某物”。 答案:D 5.A.chances B.criterion C.impression D.weight 解析:句意:尽管它本身只有几十克重,但是它却承载着几吨重的重量(weight)。 答案:D 6.Ae6.Ae down B.set off C.strike out D.hang around 解析:句意:它承载着比如全垒打和获得冠军的幸福时刻,也承载着被打出局和失败的时刻。strike out“打击;(三击不中)出局”。come down“下来;下降”;set off“动身出发;引起”;hang around“徘徊;闲逛”。 答案:C 7.A.describes B.symbolizes C.builds D.adds 解析:句意:我只想把握住我的宝贝,那象征着 (symbolize)我真正的激情。 答案:B 8.A.challenged B.questioned C.promised D.transformed 解析:句意:交织在皮革纤维中的是如此多的记忆,这些记忆把我变成(transform)一个真正的人。 答案:D 9.A.write B.see C.hear D.meet 解析:我听到(hear)几个裁判在场地上和教练说着什么。 答案:C 10.A.players B.audience C.parents D.journalists 解析:还听到了从正面看台上观众(audience)的欢呼声。 答案:B 11.A.patiently B.gladly C.anxiously D.silently 解析:此处表示:我和我的队友们内心焦急地(anxiously)等待冠军比赛的开始。 答案:C 12.A.yell B.whistle C.react D.claim 解析:裁判对我们大喊一声(yell):“发球!” 答案:A 13.A.quiet B.shaking C.frozen Dmon 解析:此时此刻时间、空间和人们都仿佛冻住了(frozen)一样。 答案:C 14.A.close B.open C.cover D.widen 解析:突然,我睁开(open)了眼睛,护士走了进来。 答案:B 15.A.move B.raise C.press D.put 解析:我的手指在我的宝贝上来回移动(move)。 答案:A 16.A.honor B.trip C.skill D.reminder 解析:这是一件能让我想起那场比赛的东西。reminder“提醒人的事物”。 答案:D 17.A.hand B.brain C.key D.coach 解析:刚才发生的一切是大脑中(brain)的一场梦,现在已经结束了。 答案:B 18.A.broken B.bad C.strong D.pale 解析:现在我又回到了躺在医院的病床上和一条胳膊断了(broken)的现实。文章第一句话告诉我们,作者不能再打垒球了,这是因为胳膊断了。 答案:A 19.A.strange B.scary C.pitiful D.tough 解析:现在的情况似乎有些艰难(tough)。 答案:D 20.A.passion B.job C.potential D.qualification 解析:但是我不会放弃我对垒球的激情(passion)。结合前文7空后的my true passion可知答案为A项。 答案:A Ⅱ.语法填空 (山东六地市高三联合考试)Fiona Kolbinger, a 24­year­old German cyclist with little experience in 1. (compete) cycling, took the world by surprise when she became the first female to win the Transcontinental Race on August 6, 2019. She completed 2. total of 2,485 miles from Bulgaria to France in 10 days, 2 hours, and 48 minutes. This year's race started on July 27th, 2019. In the race, the competitors had to decide for 3. (they) where, when, and how much they ate and slept. They also had to ride in temperatures 4. ranged from 40℃ to 37℃ and endure freezing rain, thunderstorms, and heat waves. The Transcontinental Race 5. (found) in 2013 by the British cyclist Mike Hall. The race, 6. (think) to be one of the hardest of its kind, challenges not only racers' cycling skills and endurance (耐力),but also their route planning and time management skills. Also, different 7. other cycling competitions where the routes are 8. (careful) laid out, the Transcontinental Race requires competitors to plan their own course. The only 9. (require) is to check in at four stops, located at various points along the way.10. (make) sure all competitors undergo some of the same challenges, each checkpoint is followed by demanding terrain (地形). [语篇解读] 本文是一篇记叙文。2019年the Transcontinental Race落下帷幕。德国女选手Fiona Kolbinger以10天2小时48分的成绩夺冠,成为这个比赛的第一位女性冠军。 1.解析:考查词性转换。此处应用形

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