
2021-2022学年吉林省通化市梅河口市七年级(下)期末英语试卷 听力部分 共30分Ⅰ.听句子,选择最佳答语。5分 1.(1分)A.Yes,I can. B.I can dance. C.No,I can't. 2.(1分)A.On Monday. B.In the evening. C.At 7:00. 3.(1分)A.Thank you. B.It's next to the hotel. C.It's50 yuan. 4.(1分)A.15 minutes. B.15 kilometers. C.By car. 5.(1分)A.Because they're from Africa. B.Because they're scary. C.Because they're cute. Ⅱ.听简短对话和对话后的问题,选择最佳答案。5分 6.(1分)A.Black. B.Red. C.Blonde. 7.(1分)A.He played tennis. B.He played soccer. C.He played chess. 8.(1分)A.Fine. B.Rainy. C.Cloudy. 9.(1分)A.On Brown Street. B.On Oxford Street. C.On Green Street. 10.(1分)A.In the library. B.In the hospital. C.In the supermarket. Ⅲ.听描述,选出与其相符的图片。其中有一幅图片是多余的。5分 11.(5分)A. B. C. D. E. F. (1)   (2)   (3)   (4)   (5)    IV.听较长对话,选择最佳答案。5分 12.(2分)听材料,回答问题。 (1)What does Jim want to eat for lunch? A.Eggs. B.Tomatoes. C.Carrots. (2)Who will go to the supermarket? A.Jim. B.Lisa. C.Jim's mother. 13.(3分)听材料,回答问题。 (1)How did Alice go to the Flower Town? A.By bike. B.By bus. C.By subway. (2)What did Alice do there? A.She enjoyed beautiful flowers. B.She swam in the lake. C.She flew a kite. (3)When will Alice show the photos to Jack? A.Next week. B.This evening. C.Tomorrow. V.听短文,选择最佳答案。5分 14.(5分)(1)Where does Paul come from? A.China. B.Australia. C.Canada. (2)What does Paul's sister look like? A.She's of medium height. B.She's of medium build. C.She wears a pair of glasses. (3)What does Paul's mother look like? A.She has straight black hair. B.She has short curly hair. C.She has brown hair. (4)They want to go to the Great Wall_____. A.by bus. B.by bike. C.by car. (5)The weather in Beijing is _____. A.rainy. B.sunny. C.snowy. VI.听短文,选择最佳答案。5分 15.(5分)(1)How many people are there in Mary's family? A.2. B.3. C.4. (2)What does Mary like? A.Rice. B.Meat. C.Noodles. (3)Where does Mary's father come from? A.Dalian. B.Shandong. C.Chongqing. (4)What does Mary's father like? A.Noodles and dumplings. B.Dumplings and rice. C.Fish and noodles. (5)Which of the following does Mary's mother like? A.Meat. B.Noodles. C.Vegetables. 基础知识 共25分Ⅷ.根据句意,填入适当的单词完成下列句子。5分 16.(1分)After walking three kilometers,everyone felt kind of    . 17.(1分)Lisa always goes to school     ,so she is never late for school. 18.(1分)The library is    the hotel and the shop,so you can find it easily. 19.(1分)Lucy can speak three kinds of    —Chinese,English,French. 20.(1分)There is no need to    about him.He is old enough to look after himself. VIIL单项选择。15分 21.(1分)Mary is_____eight﹣year﹣old girl _____long black hair.(  ) A.a;has B.an;with C.an;has 22.(1分)______is it from your school to the hospital? It's about 2 miles.(  ) A.How long B.How far C.How many 23.(1分)—Would you like milk_____juice? —Juice,please.(  ) A.and B.with C.or 24.(1分)I am_____in collecting stamps.I think they are______.(  ) A.interesting:interested B.interested;interesting C.interested;interested 25.(1分)I don't like the color of the T﹣shirt.Would you show me_____one?(  ) A.other B.others C.another 26.(1分)Tom plays sports_____the afternoon.Jack plays sports_____ Wednesday afternoons.(  ) A.on;in B.on;on C.in;on 27.(1分)—Hi,John.Please come and help me_____ the tent. —OK,I'm coming.(  ) A.cut up B.put up C.wake up 28.(1分)She_____a beautiful song just now.But now she_____a kite.(  ) A.sang;is flying B.sang;flew C.is singing;flew 29.(1分)—Would you like more dumplings.Tony? —_____.I'm full饱了.(  ) A.No,I don't. B.Yes,I'd like to. C.No,thanks. 30.(1分)There_____some bread and apples on the table.(  ) A.is B.have C.are 31.(1分)Jack is really good at sports.But it's difficult for him_____tennis well.(  ) A.to play B.to playing C.play 32.(1分)Tom is having a great time ________ his grandparents in the countryside.(  ) A.visit B.visiting C.to visit 33.(1分)—_____can I get to the bank? —Go down this road and turn left.(  ) A.Where B.How C.What 34.(1分)—Is there a pay phone around here? —Yes,there's_____ on the corner.(  ) A.one B.it C.the pay phone 35.(1分)_____,they find the criminal is a man working in the hospital.(  ) A.At the end B.In the end C.By the end IX.句型转换。5分 36.(1分)Jim gets up at seven forty﹣five.(改为同义句) Jim gets up at a       eight. 37.(1分)Mike can swim in the river.(改为一般疑问句)    Mike    in the river? 38.(1分)You can't run in the dining hall.(改为祈使句)       in the dining hall. 39.(1分)They usually get home by bus.(改为同义句) They usually    the    to get home. 40.(1分)My two sisters have to get up at six o'clock.(对画线部分提问)       your two sisters have to get up? 交际运用共15分X.完成对话 从方框中选择正确选项方框中有一个选项与对话无关。5分 41.(5分) A.Sure,I'd love to. B.Sorry,I have no time. C.It can help us know the space a lot. D.I learned a lot about the space(太空). E.I took a lot of photos about beautiful stars. F.I went to science museum with my friends. Sam:Hi,Judy!Where did you go yesterday?I went to your home but you weren't in.

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