
历年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识题库【能力提升】 第一部分 单选题(50题) 1、我国习惯上将年息、月息、日息都以“厘”作单位,但实际含义却不同,若年息8厘,月息 6厘,日息3厘,则分别是指( ) A.年利率为8%,月利率为6%,日利率为 B.年利率为8%,月利率为6%,日利率为3‰ C.年利率为8%。,月利率为6‰,日利率为3‰ D.年利率为8%,月利率为3‰,日利率为0. 33‰ 【答案】: D 2、流动性资产是指( )个月内变现的资产。 A.1 B.2 C.6 D.12 【答案】: D 3、注册会计师应当进行应付账款函证的情况不包括( )。 A.控制风险较高 B.应付账款明细账户金额较大 C.应付账款在全部负债中所占的比重较大 D.被审计单位处于财务困难阶段 【答案】: C 4、资料:Memo A.At Wayland Books B.At Greenhouse Publishing C.At Senyth Publishers D.At Brownback Guides 【答案】: B 5、Mum,would you please buy me an ipad A.would B.shall C.may D.must 【答案】: B 6、关税与贸易总协定乌拉圭回合多边贸易谈判达成的《服务贸易总协定》依照服务的提供方式将国际服务贸易划分为(  )形式。 A.3种 B.4种 C.5种 D.6种 【答案】: B 7、下列( )选项属于省人民代表大会的人事权。 A.选举上一级人民代表大会代表 B.罢免本级人民检察院检察长,无须报经上一级人民检察院检察长批准 C.选举本级人民法院院长,并须报经最高人民法院院长提请全国人大常委会批准 D.选举本级人民检察院检察长,但须报经最高人民检察院批准 【答案】: A 8、以下不属于金融衍生品的是(  )。 A.股票 B.远期 C.期货 D.期权 【答案】: A 9、英国工业革命开始于(  )。 A.1871年 B.1789年 C.1775年 D.1765年 【答案】: D 10、Only when humanity began to get its food in a more ( ) way was there time for other things, like sports games and entertainment activities. A.predictive B.provocative C.protective D.productive 【答案】: D 11、在观看体育比赛时。如果发生人员骚乱,被人推挤倒地后,应立即让自己保持(  )的状态.避免遭受到更严重的伤害。 A.侧卧 B.平躺 C.俯卧 D.抱团 【答案】: D 12、On the next birthday,Ann(  )married for twenty years. A.is B.has been C.will be D.will have been 【答案】: D 13、票据丧失的补救措施不包括( )。 A.停止支付 B.挂失止付 C.公示催告 D.提起诉讼 【答案】: A 14、Passage 3 A.means burning packaging for energy B.helps control the greenhouse effect C.is the solution to gas shortage D.leads to a waste of land 【答案】: B 15、信用卡透支利率是日利率的(  )。 A.万分之一 B.万分之三 C.万分之五 D.万分之十八 【答案】: C 16、对应付账款进行的分析程序不包括( )。 A.计算应付账款对存货的比率、应付账款对流动负债的比率,并与以前期间对比分析, 评价应付账款的整体合理性 B.获取或编制应付账款明细表,复核加计正确,并与报表数、总账数和明细账合计数核对 是否相符 C.分析长期挂账的应付账款,要求被审计单位做出解释,判断被审计单位是否缺乏偿债能力或利用应付账款隐瞒利润 D.利用存货、主营业务收人和主营业务成本的增减变动幅度,判断应付账款增减变动的合理性 【答案】: B 17、It can be well predicted that these effects might spread to societies and regions______。 A.by and large B.at large C.in all D.in common 【答案】: B 18、资料:Why is Salt Bad for You? A.salt consumption leads to a stroke B.sodium excreted in urine is a measure of salt intake C.an increase in blood pressure causes an increase in salt consumption D.the higher the sodium in urine, the greater the chance of hypertension 【答案】: D 19、In Western Australia,there are around 450 aircraft maintenance engineers,most of______work in the Perth metropolitan area. A.them B.whom C.which D.they 【答案】: B 20、Passage 1 A.It is based on questionable statistics B.It reflects the economic changes C.It evidences the improved-welfare D.It provides much food for thought 【答案】: A 21、A ____________of the subject's structure and its relationship to other subjects should be acquired before the literature is approached. A.grip B.grasp C.grab D.snatch 【答案】: B 22、 个体户崔某为使自己的劣质酱油能在某超市上柜,为超市部门主管汤某安排了一次全家境外游,并为汤某的儿子入学缴纳了3万元的赞助费。在反不正当竞争法中,这一行为属于(  )。 A.混淆行为 B.虚假宣传行为 C.独占排挤行为 D.商业贿赂行为 【答案】: D 23、采用直接标价法条件下,汇率的上升意味着( )。 A.外国货币价值不变 B.外国货币贬值 C.本国货币价值不变 D.外国货币升值 【答案】: D 24、根据我国法律规定,对于两个以上的申请人分别就同样的发明创造申请专利的,实行的原 则为( )。 A.使用在先 B.完成在先 C.申请在先 D.按照本人的技术职称高低 【答案】: C 25、资料:Faces, like fingerprints, are unique. Did you ever wonder how it possible for us to recognize people? Even a skilled writer probably could not describe all the features that make one face different from another. Yet a very young child or even an animal, such as a pingeon can learm to recognize faces. We all take this ability for granted. A.psychologist B.behaviorist C.writer D.sociologist 【答案】: A 26、材料二:2018年上半年,我国经常账户逆差1801亿元,资本和金融账户顺差4247亿元,其中,非储备性质的金融账户顺差7451亿元,储备资产增加3192亿元。 A.商品出口 B.资本流入 C.侨民汇款 D.对外捐赠 【答案】: D 27、资料:How did Tencent take WeChat so far ahead of its rivals? The answer lies partly in the peculiarities of the local market. Unlike most Westerners, many Chinese possessed multiple mobile devices, and they quickly took to an app that offered then an easy way to integrate them all into a single digital identity. In America messaging apps had a potent competitor in the form of basic mobile-phone plans, which bundied in SMS messaging. But text messages were costly in China, so consumers eagerly adopted free messaging app. And e-mail never took off on the mainland the way it has around the world, mainly because the internet came late; that left an opening for messaging apps. A.On the mainland, mobile devices cost a lot B.Text messages are less expensive than messaging app in America C.Chinese people like messaging apps more than text messages D.American messaging apps are not free 【答案】: C 28、Traditionally young Asians in Britain have ______ toward

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