
2022年最新银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识题库精选题库(原创题) 第一部分 单选题(50题) 1、如果中央银行在公开市场上大量购买政府债券,下面哪一种情况不可能发生?(  ) A.利息率下降 B.国民收入增加 C.储蓄减少 D.以上答案都不对 【答案】: D 2、软件是( )。 A.所有程序的统称 B.所有技术文档资料的统称 C.所有保存在软盘上的程序的统称 D.所有程序及相关文档资料的统称 【答案】: D 3、阅读理解 A.a humanist B.a pantheist C.a nuclear physicist D.a doctor of medicine 【答案】: A 4、___ the well-bred people knows how to confess a fault, or acknowledge himself in an error. A.None but B.None other than C.Nothing but D.No other than 【答案】: A 5、After the exploration the army got the building(  )and the(  )area was also cut off from the outside. A.surrounded;surrounded B.surrounding;surrounded C.surrounding;surrounding D.surrounded;surrounding 【答案】: D 6、She_as an animal trainer since2003. A.hasworked B.works C.willwork D.worked 【答案】: A 7、近年来,我国取得了举世瞩目的成就。下列被称作中国的:“新四大发明”的是:(  )。 A.蛟龙天眼墨子人工智能 B.天官支付宝网购共享单车 C.高铁网购移动支付共享单车 D.大飞机高铁悟空移动支付 【答案】: C 8、一般而言,银行最主要的资产业务是(  )。 A.存款 B.贷款 C.证券投资 D.固定资产 【答案】: B 9、下列语句排序最恰当的一项是(  )。 A.(3)(1)(4)(5)(6)(2) B.(4)(6)(2)(3)(1)(5) C.(3)(6)(1)(5)(2)(4) D.(4)(1)(3)(2)(5)(6) 【答案】: A 10、Mary quickly closed the door of her room(  )her father could reach it to keep him out. A.before B.when C.as D.while 【答案】: A 11、自然人甲、乙、丙共同出资设立了A公司。根据《公司法》,下列组织机构中必须设立的是(  )。 A.股东会 B.董事会 C.职工代表大会 D.监事会 【答案】: A 12、3+14+35+146+555+854+965+986+997=(  )。 A.3555 B.5000 C.4000 D.4555 【答案】: D 13、There is a note pinned to the door(  )when the shop will open again. A.saying B.says C.said D.having said 【答案】: A 14、In the heart of Patagonia area, glaciers rise in the midst of mountain capes and alpine meadows, close enough to hike right up to and ( ). A.touched B.touch C.touching D.being touched 【答案】: B 15、在资本主义生产过程中生产出的商品的价值中,(  )。 A.C+v+m是新创造的价值 B.C+v是旧价值转移来的,m是新创造的价值 C.C是旧价值转移来的,v+m.是新创造的价值 D.C+m是旧价值转移来的,v是新创造的价值 【答案】: C 16、中央银行提供的基础货币是通过其资产业务流通出去的,下列不属于中央银行提供基础货币途径的是(  )。 A.对商业银行办理再贴现或发放再贷款,变动对金融机构的债权 B.中央银行收购外汇、黄金,变动储备资产 C.调整存款利率,影响公众存款意愿 D.在公开市场买卖政府债券,变动对政府的债权 【答案】: C 17、Global warming is causing more than 300,000 deaths and about$125 billion in economic losses each year,according to a report by the Global Humanitarian Forum,an organization led by Annan,the former United Nations secretary general. A.It was challenged by some climate and risk experts B.It aroused a lot of interest in the scientific circles C.It was warmly received by environmentalists D.It caused a big stir in developing countries 【答案】: A 18、在凯恩斯的几个持币动机理论中,他认为下列哪项(  )对利率最为敏感。 A.投机动机 B.预防动机 C.交易动机 D.无私动机 【答案】: A 19、资料:The market is a concept. If you are growing tomatoes in your backyard for sale you are producing for the market. You might sell some to your neighbor and some to the local manager of the supermarket. But in either case, you are producing for the market. Your efforts are being directed by the market. If people stop buying tomatoes, you will stop producing them. A.Selling and Buying B.What Is the Market? C.Everything You Do Is Producing for the Market D.What the Market Can Do for You? 【答案】: B 20、在单一客户授信限额管理中,商业银行对客户进行信用评级后,首要工作是确定客户的(  )。 A.最低债务承受额 B.最高债务承受额 C.平均债务承受额 D.一般债务承受额 【答案】: B 21、最早建立存款保险制度的国家是( )。 A.英国 B.美国 C.法国 D.加拿大 【答案】: B 22、 下列提法中,表述正确的是(  )。 A.政府审计是独立性最强的一种审计 B.财务报表的合法性是报表使用者最为关心的 C.注册会计师审计意见旨在提高财务报表的可信赖程度 D.内部审计是注册会计师审计的基础 【答案】: C 23、未经正式公布的法律是( )。 A.有效的 B.无效的 C.部分有效的 D.以上答案都不对 【答案】: B 24、Two years ago,Rupert Murdoch’s daughter,Elisabeth,spoke of the“unsettling dearth of integrity across so many of our institutions”.Integrity had collapsed,she argued,because of a collective acceptance that the only"sorting mechanism"in society should be profit and the market.But"it's us,human beings,we the people who create the society we want,not profit". A.the consequences of the current sorting mechanism B.Companies’financial loss due to immoral practices C.governmental ineffectiveness on moral issues D.the wide misuse of integrity among institutions 【答案】: A 25、商业银行的贷款,按照贷款保全方式可分为( )。 A.长期贷款和短期贷款 B.信用贷款和担保贷款 C.企业贷款和个人贷款 D.正常贷款和关注贷款 【答案】: B 26、The special deal offered by our supplier will last only for a(  )time. A.limited B.minor C.partial D.lower 【答案】: A 27、The title page identifies the airplane model in airline ______ the manual was prepared. A.to B.for C.which D.for which 【答案】: D 28、中办、国办近日印发(  ),要求合理有序引导群众就地过年。 A.《关于做好人民群众就地过年服务保障工作的通知》 B.《关于做好人民群众回家过年服务保障工作的通知》 C.《关于做好人民群众幸福过年服务保障工作的通知》 D.《关于做好人民群众安全过年服务保障工作的通知》 【答案】: A 29、资料:According to our research, Best Buy in China was perceived as being too expensive, with many of their products priced higher than in local markets. Why buy a Sony D

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