最佳的生物安全 (1)

Optimum Biosecurity 最佳的生最佳的生物安全物安全 Scott Dee 斯考特迪 Pipestone Applied Research(PAR)派普斯通生产研究 Topics 主题主题 Review of PRRSV risks 蓝耳病风险回顾蓝耳病风险回顾 Examples of Pipestone System biosecurity 派派普普斯通生斯通生物安全系统的例子物安全系统的例子 Personnel 人员 Supply entry 供给进场 Transport 交通运输 Slurry risk 泥(粪)浆风险 Air filtration 空气过滤 Feed&PEDV 饲料和猪流行性腹泻病毒饲料和猪流行性腹泻病毒 Conclusions 结论结论 Review:PRRSV risks 蓝蓝耳耳病风险的回顾病风险的回顾 Risk factors 风险因素风险因素 Example 例子例子 Protocol 流程流程 Genetics 品种 Infected pigs,semen 感染的猪,精液 Negative sources Quarantine&test 阳性来源隔离及检测 Meat 肉 Fresh pork,meat juice 鲜猪肉,肉汁 Prohibit entry 禁止进入 Personnel 人员 Hands,clothing,footwear 手,服装,鞋 Entry protocols 进场流程 Fomites 污染物 Supplies 供给 Specific point of entry 特定进入点 Transport 运输 Livestock trailers 运输拖车 Designated facility for sanitation 指定的卫生设施 Waste handling 废物处理 Slurry 泥浆 Vendor contract 供应商合同 Aerosols 气溶胶 Bioaerosols 生物气溶胶 Air filtration 空气过滤 On-farm protocols 猪场流程 Prevention of mechanical spread 防止机械蔓延 5“Critical Access”points 5个“关键进入”点 Personnel entry 人员进入 Shower in 淋浴 Supply entry 供给进入 Pig loading 装猪 Mortality removal 死猪移除 Slurry risk 泥浆风险 Critical Control Point#1:Entry way 关键控制点1:进入途径 Photo of CR entry wayRa Critical Control Point#2:Shower in 关键控制点2:进场淋浴 Critical Control Point#3:Supply entry point 关键控制点3:供给进入点 Critical Control Point#4:Pig load out 关键控制点4:猪的装载 Critical Control Point#5:Mortality removal area 关键控制点5:死猪移出区域 Personnel education:a constant process 人员培训:一个持续的过程 Truck Wash 卡车清洗 Two driveways 两车道 Entrance 入口 Exit 出口 Two wash bays 两个清洗区域 Cleaned after each use 每次使用后清洗 PVC 2011 PVC 2011 PVC 2011 Drying Bay 烘干区 Separate facility 分离的设施 Maximize time in a dry,climate controlled environment 在干燥的、控制气候的环境中有最多时间 Increase effectiveness of disinfectant during cold temperatures 在寒冷的气温时增加消毒效果 PVC 2011 PVC 2011 Slurry risk(Dee,in press)泥浆风险(迪,出版中)Facts:事实 Pigs shed PRRSV in feces for 7 days.猪在粪便中散蓝耳病毒7天 PRRSV survives in slurry 14 days at 40 and 5 days at 100 C.蓝耳病病毒4 时在泥浆中存活14天,10 时存活5天 PRRSV survives in pit solids 14 days.蓝耳病病毒在粪坑固体物中存活14天 Pumping equipment(agitator&hoses)and personnel attire(coveralls&footwear)are vehicles for mechanical transport of virus.泵送设备(搅拌器及水管)和人员的服装(连体服,鞋)是病毒机械运输载体 Infectious PRRSV can be aerosolized over short(3m)and long distances(30 m)during application.在操作中,蓝耳病毒可通过雾化,在3米至30米的距离传播 Airborne transmission 空气传播空气传播 Strain dependent 与毒株不有关 Weather dependent 与气候有关 Pipestone was air filtration early adaptor 派普斯通是空气过滤的早期接受者 Long distance airborne transport,Otake and Dee 2010 长距离空气传播长距离空气传播 Risk factors associated with airborne PRRSV (Dee and others 2010)与空气中与空气中的蓝耳病相的蓝耳病相关的危险因素关的危险因素 Neighboring source population actively shedding virus via aerosols(p=0.0002)周边猪群通过气溶胶源散毒(P=0.0002)Directional winds moving from a shedding source to an at-risk population(p=0.0003)定向风从散毒来源传播到高风险猪群(P=0.0003)Winds of low velocity(1.4 to 1.9 m/s)with intermittent gusts(2.8 to 3.7 m/s)(p=0.002)低速(1.4至1.9米/秒)低风速(1.4-1.9 米/秒)但间歇性阵风(2.8至3.7米/秒)(P=0.002)Meteorological conditions associated with airborne PRRSV(Dee and others 2010)与空气中的蓝耳病相关的气象条件 Cool temperatures:-2.6 to 4.80 C(p=0.01)凉爽的温度:-2.6至4.8C(P=0.01)High relative humidity:77 to 82%(p=0.003)相对湿度高:7782(P=0.003)Rising pressure:979 to 984 hPa(p=0.003)升高的气压:979至984百帕(P=0.003)Low sunlight levels(p=0.04)低光照(P=0.04)Summary 总结 High risk 高风险 Low risk 低风险 Air filtration 50%herds filtered 空空气过滤气过滤,50的猪群的猪群过滤过滤 Results 结果-40-30-20-10010203040123456789101112131415161718192021222324Time pre and post air filtration(months)空气过滤前后的时间空气过滤前后的时间(月)月)Breeding herds Pre-filtrationPostfiltrationNew PRRSV infection Dee et al.,Viruses 2012 繁殖群 Feed&PEDV 饲饲料和猪流行性腹泻病毒料和猪流行性腹泻病毒 New disease=new risk factor 新疾病=新的风险因素 Not a risk for PRRSV 对蓝耳病没有风险 Proof of concept has been published 概念验证已发表 Dee et al,BHC Veterinary Research 2014 迪等人,BHC兽医研究 2014年 Intervention strategy has been published 干预策略已经发表 Dee et al,BHC Veterinary Research 2014 迪等人,BHC兽医研究 2014年 Liquid antimicrobial 液体抗菌剂 SalCURB Kemin Industries Kemin 工业 Ct=23.11 One-time application 一次一次性性应用应用 PEDV feed bioassay#1 PEDV饲料生物检测饲料生物检测#1 Summary of test groups 实验组小结实验组小结 Date DPI Ct(AM/PM)Clinical Ct(AM/PM)Clinical Ct Clinical Jan 17 0 neg neg neg neg neg neg Jan 18 1 neg neg neg neg neg neg Jan 19 2 neg neg 29.63/15.21 V/D neg neg Jan 20 3 neg neg 16.06 neg neg Jan 21 4 34.09/18.94 Diarrhea 15.48/23.19 Diarrhea neg neg Jan 22 5 28.89 Diarrhea 15.79 neg neg Jan 23 6 15.01/14.59 V/D*16.94 neg neg Jan 24 7 Study terminated 研究终止研究终止 GI tract PCR(+)Lesions胃胃肠道肠道 PCR(+)病变病变 GI tract PCR(+)Lesions胃胃肠道肠道 PCR(+)病变病变 GI tract PCR(-)No lesions胃肠道胃肠道 PCR(-)无病变无病变 Time 时间时间 Treatment 处理处理 Positive control 阳性对照阳性对照 Negative control阴性对照阴性对照 V/D=vomiting&diarrhea 呕吐和拉稀呕吐和拉稀 Date DPI PCR Clinical PCR Clinical PCR Clinical 3/20 0 neg neg neg neg neg neg 3/21 1 neg neg neg neg neg neg 3/22 2 neg neg 19.98 neg neg neg 3/23 3 neg neg 16.32/18.84 Diarrhea neg neg 3/24 4 neg neg 17.10 Diarrhea neg neg 3/25 5 neg neg 16.07/15.70/16.58 V&D neg neg 3/26 6 neg neg 22.13 V&D neg neg 3/27 7 neg neg 21.20 Diarrhea neg neg 3/28 8 neg neg 27.07 neg n

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