辽宁省沈阳市育才学校2022-2023学年七年级上学期期中考试英语试卷 (含答案)

沈阳市育才2022-2023初一七年级上学期期中考试 第Ⅱ卷笔试部分(21-76小题;计90分) I.单项选择(共10小题;每小题0.5分,计5分) 21. There is _____"f"and_"u"in the word"four". A.an,a B.a,an C.an,an D.a,a 22.---How your friend Tommy ? ---He looks strong and tall. A.does;look B.is;like C.does;look like D.is;look like 23.---Are you in ? ---Yes,I am. A.Grade 7,Class 1 B. class 1, grade 7 C.Class 1,Grade 7 D.grade 7,classl 24.---I don't know the girl glasses. What about you? ---Oh, she is my cousin. She always glasses. A.wears;with B.with;wear C.wears;wears D.with;wears 25. This pair of glasses Tom’s. He wears every day. A.is;it B.are;it C. is; them D.are;them 26--- your name Millie? ---Yes, A.Is;it is B. Is; I am C.Are;I am D. Are; it is 27.---Do you often books the library? ---Yes. Twice a week, you know reading is my life. A.lend;to B.borrow;to C.lend;from D. borrow, from 28.---Excuse me,are you in the same class? ----- A. Yes, I am B. No, I'm not C.Yes,we're D. No, we aren't 29. Kitty enjoys music. A.listen B. listening C. listen to D. listening to 30.---You look so beautiful today. ----- A. You don't say like this. B. Thank you. C. Yes, you are right. D. No. You look beautiful. II.完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,计10分) Hello! My 1 is Han Mei. I 2 a good friend. Her name is Linda. She is English. Linda and 3 parents are in Beijing. She has a red backpack. 4 is on the sofa. She has two blue 5 They 6 on the desk in her room she has a yellow quilt(被子).It is on her 7 She likes tennis, volleyball and ping -pong. She has five volleyballs and twenty ping-pong balls. But she doesnapos;t like 8 She thinks it is for boys She plays 9 tennis with her sister in the morning and plays volleyball with her friends in the 10 . She plays ping-pong with her parents in the evening. 1.A. sport B. question C. name D. number 2.A.have. B. has C.need D. thank 3.A. his B.her C.he D. she 4.A. This B. That C. These D. It 5.A. dictionaries B. bag C.pencil D. ruler 6.A.is B. be C. are D. am 7.A. bed B. room C.family D. picture 8.A. tennis B. soccer C. volleyball D. ping-pong 9.A.the B.\ C.a D.an 10.A. morning B.day C. evening D. afternoon III.阅读部分共分两节:满分30分 41. When is the football game? A.On July 13. B. On Sunday. C. On Saturday morning. D. On Saturday evening 42.Where is the English party? A. At Lily' house. B. At West Road. C. At No. 205 King Street. D. At Barton School. 43. How many new flavors(口味) are there in the Ice Cream? A.2 B.9 C.11 D.7 44. If you want to have two old flavors of ice cream, you need to pay A.18 dollars B.9 dollars C.4 dollars D.2 dollars (B) A mother and her young son get into a bus in a small city and sit down. The bus conductor comes to them for their money. The mother says: "I want one ticket(票) to the zoo"and gives him one yuan. The conductor looks at the small boy for a few seconds and then says to him,"How old are you,young man?"The mother begins to speak,but the conductor stops her, The boy says: "Im four at home, and two in the buses." At last the mother has to take fifty fen out of her pocket and gives it to the conductor. 45. Why does the conductor look at the small boy for a few seconds? A. She likes him B. She thinks the boy need to buy a half-price ticket C. She knows the small boy. D. She saw the boy somewhere 46. Why does the conductor stop the mother and let the boy say? A. The boy's words are interesting B. The mother is a bad mother C. The small boy can tell the truth D. She loves the small boy 47.At last the mother A.buys another ticket B. buys a half-price ticket for the boy C. says sorry to the conductor D. gives one yuan to the conductor 48. What does the word" conductor" mean? A.司机 B.售票员 C.乘客 D.警察 (C) Every school has its rules(规定). Here are some school rules. Japanese(日本的)rules Most Japanese schools asks the students to wear uniforms, students can't wear their own clothes. In many Japanese schools, if the schools don't know, students can't go to the cinemas,leave home in the evening or play computer games. Different shoes in the USA In some schools, students must wear indoor shoes at school every day. So the students can't fall down, and they are safe on the floors. They can keep the s

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