
哈尔滨市中实学校 2022-2023 学年上学期六年级英语学科 期中测试卷 一、单项选择(本题共 20 分,每小题 1 分) 选择最佳答案 1. Which pair of the words with the underlined letters has the same sound? A. trip film B. fast gave C.tell evening 2. In the following words,which underlined letters have a different sound from the others? A. feature B. eat C.great 3. In the following words,which underlined letters have a different sound from the others? A. tonight B. idea C.dictionary 4. She often on Sunday morning and on Sunday afternoon. A. plays pipa,play football B. plays the pipa, plays football C. plays the pipa, play the football 5. -What are those? - money. A. Those are B. They are C. There are 6. -What’s that noise? -I forget to tell you. The neighbour(邻居)is a party. A. preparing B. preparing to C. preparing for 7. It's 9:00 o’clock now. Can we there on time? A. get to B. get C. to get 8. -Sam always helps me with my English. - kind Sam is! A. What a B. What an C. How 9. Go to bed early, you will get up late tomorrow. A. and B. or C. so 10. -Where your pen pal ? -He lives in Australia. A. does, live in B. does; live C. do; live in 11. -What do you think of the book? - I’m in reading it. It’s an story. A. interested; interesting B. interesting; interested C interesting; interesting 12. Would you please the English club? A. to join B. join in C. join 13. John is and December 14th is his birthday. A. thirteen; the thirteenth B. thirteenth; thirteen C. thirteen; thirteenth 14. Playing basketball is and it’s very good for our health. A. a good exercise B. good exercise C. well exercise 15. This is my new pen pal. He is New Zealand. A. comes from B. from C. come from 16.- are they talking about? -They are talking about their hobbies. A. Who B. Where C. What 17. The pizza is delicious. Please help , kids. A. yourself B. yourselves C. you 18. People celebrate (庆祝)many festivals. is in the same month as Children’s Day. A.Mother’s Day B. Father’s Day C. Christmas 19. Class time is very important to us students. We should in class. ① talk with our classmates loudly ② take note carefully ③ do our homework ④ listen to teachers carefully ⑤ answer the questions actively (积极地) A.①②④ B.②③⑤ C.②④⑤ Things Doing homework Watching TV Reading books Take a walk Time/day 60 minutes 30 minutes 25 minutes 35 minutes 20. Lily is a student of Grade 6. Every day, she has to do many things. According to the form below, it takes her minutes to do all the four things in a week. A.150 B. 1050 C.175 二、完形填空(本题共 10 分,每小题 1 分) Barry and Lisa are twin(双胞胎)brother and sister. 21 like different sports. Barry 22 soccer. He is 23 the school soccer club. He plays soccer on 24 and Fridays. He has nine 25 in his room. He_ 26 likes volleyball. He has two white volleyballs and two blue volleyballs. 27 Lisa doesn't like soccer or volleyball. She likes tennis. Tennis is 28 . She joins the school tennis club and plays tennis 29 . She has seven tennis balls and two tennis rackets ( 球 拍 ) in her room.She also likes baseballs. She has 30 baseballs: two green baseballs and three yellow baseballs. 根据短文内容选择最佳答案 ( )21.A.They ( )22.A.like ( )23.A.on ( )24.A.the Tuesdays ( )25.A.soccer ball ( )26.A.too ( )27.A.But ( )28.A.interest ( )29.A.someday ( )30.A.six B. Them B.likes B.of B.Tuesdays B. soccer balls B.as well B.And B.interesting B.everyday B.five C. Their C.liking C.in C.Tuesday C. soccer balles C.also C.Or C.interested C.every day C.three 三、阅读理解(本题共 20 分,每小题 1 分) (A) Dear Paul, I'm David, your new pen pal. I'm 12 and I live in Guangzhou, China.I have short black hair and brown eyes. My favourite singer is Wang Junkai, a young star in China. I can sing many of his songs, like Young and Imperfect Child. I'm in Class 4, Grade 6. There's a new boy in our class. His name is Brad. He is from your city. He is very tall and likes playing basketball. He can speak Chinese well. His mother works in a hospital here. We have a new English teacher,Ms Brown. She is from Canada and she has short curly (卷 曲的) hair. She is very nice. All of us like her. And she asks us to find a pen pal. What about you? How are things going at your school in New York? Are you happy there? Write to me soon! Yours, David 上一封 下一封 转发 回复 返回 根据语言材料内容选择最佳答案 ( )31. Brad is from . A. China B. Canada C. America ( )32. Maybe Brad's mum is . A. a doctor B. a teacher C. a farmer ( )33. with short curly hair is Canadian. A. Paul B. David C. Ms Brown ( )34. David’s teacher asks him to find a pen pal. A. maths B. English C. Chines ( )35. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Brad likes playing football. B. Paul is one of Brad's friends. C. David can sing the song Imperfect Child. (B) Bob comes out of the station(车站) and he doesn’t know where to go. This is the first time he comes to this town(镇). He comes to see his good friend,Peter. Peter is a work

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