
综合英语(3) 一、Vocabulary Choose the best answer for each of the following items. 1. The violent typhoon that occurred last week made the boats . A. break out B. drive off C. move on D. fall apart 正确答案:D 2. AII the while she fought for her dogs' lives, her thoughts were sympathy the moose. A. in; for B. on, with C. at, for D. in; with 正确答案:D 3. After the big fire, only two people in the whole family. A. survived B. supported C. suspected □,supposed 正确答案:A 4. Yesterday, John took part in the 400-meter race. He was the last runner to the finish line. A. manage B. show C. cross D. across 正确答案:C 5. Her may have told her that she was too weak to escape by running. A. instruments B. attitudes C. instincts □.instructions 正确答案:C 6. Forks and chopsticks won because they made it easier to handle hot food. A. money B. game C. favor D. fate 正确答案:C 7. Kve included a few specific examples as of the difficulty of our work. A. illusions B. imaginations C. illust rations □.impatience 正确答案:C 8. People have eaten with their fingers for most of human . A. assistance B. existence C. persistence □.resistance 正确答案:B 9. We want especially to thank the friends who gave us encouragement. A. numerous B. nutritious C. ridiculous D. anxious 正确答案:A 10. A red carpet all its way to the doorway. A. expanded B. extended C. expressed D. explained 正确答案:B 11. Her grandparents lost everything during the in the thirties. A. reservation B. revelation C. resolution □.revolution 正确答案:D 12. From the votes, we can see they were ten to one. A. outgrown B. understood C. outnumbered □,withdrawn 正确答案:C 13.0ur course will help you get over your and develop self-confidence. A. curiosity B .fever C.nervousness □.excellence 正确答案:C 14. Dangerous animals were and then permitted to walk freely though the houses of the rich. A. tamed B. lamed C. famed D. named 正确答案:A 15. her great disappointment, she got no cooperation from the zebras. A. ln B. For C. To D. With 正确答案:C 16.lt had to be done, I wouldn't have done it. A. however B. otherwise C. unless D. or else 正确答案:B 17.She spoke of how the Everglades were a natural wonder that needed to be . A. programmed B. produced C. preserved □.practiced 正确答案:C 18.She developed a for the natural world, for birds, for mountains, for rivers. A. pasture B. passage C. patience D. passion 正确答案:D 19.Bom in Minnesota, she was in Massachusetts by her parents. A. praised B. risen C. brought D. raised 正确答案:D 2O.She is deaf, but if you speak a little louder, it should be OK for her. A. slightly B. severely C. smartly D. politely 正确答案:A 21.After Wellman pulls himself up the rope, Corbett backtracks to the spikes and climbs up again. A. respire B. recover C. resolve □.remove 正确答案:D 22.0n their way to the top, this process was , time and again, inch by inch, for 13 days. A. repeated B. conquered C. reflected D. admired 正确答案:A 23.They are the sort of friends who are so close they each other with their lives. A. depend B. forgive C. trust D. believe 正确答案:C 24.Sometimes, Corbett must take the lead, and , climb the rock hills twice. A. at present B. in effect C. with caution D. in reply 正确答案:B 25. Never a person with a disability. They can blow your mind. A. underlie B. underestimate C. undergo □,underline 正确答案:B 26. Wang Yani is a painter of talent whose pictures of animals and landscapes are full of life and complex emotion. A. magical B. majestic C. marginal D. massive 正确答案:A 27. Many prodigies enjoy the satisfaction of achievement, public praise, and material wealth. A. common B. extraordinary C. usual □.expensive 正确答案:B 28. For centuries, people have been amazed by children of unusual . A. temple B. talent C. target D.length 正确答案:B 29.Since she's not fluent in English, she's for an English class. A. turned up B. signed up C. picked up □.cleared up 正确答案:B 30. They are just you because you have no problems in school. A. jealous of B. invisible to C. superiorto D. impatient for 正确答案:A 31. As time passed, many more for the laser were developed. A. applications B. applicants C. applies □.applying 正确答案:A 32.Scientists study how the plants sunlight into energy. A. change B. convert C. shift □,transform 正确答案:B 33.0ne of the earliest uses was to make measurements of distance and speed. A. precise B. definite C. absolute D. exact 正确答案:A 34.Scientist discovered how to atoms decades before the invention of atomic bomb. A. split B. break C. destroy D. tear 正确答案:A 35. Laser is by a process called stimulated emission. A. produced B. created C. bom D. chosen 正确答案:B 36. Rosenfeld spoke of his habit as . A. addictive B. addicted C. additional □.adhesive 正确答案:A 37. southwestern Chile, which is quite wet, the southwestern part of the continent doesn't get enough rain. A. AIong worth B. ln addition to C. W

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